A ticket is a small, official piece of paper or card which shows that you have paid to enter a place such as a theatre or a sports ground, or shows that you have paid for a journey.
I queued for two hours to get a ticket to see the football game.
I love opera and last year I got tickets for Covent Garden. [+ for]
Entrance is free, but by ticket only.
He became a ticket collector at Waterloo Station.
Synonyms: voucher, pass, coupon, card More Synonyms of ticket
2. countable noun
A ticket is an official piece of paper which orders you to pay a fine or to appear in court because you have committed a driving or parking offence.
I want to know at what point I break the speed limit and get a ticket.
3. countable noun [usually noun NOUN]
A ticket for a game of chance such as a raffle or a lottery is a piece of paper with a number on it. If the number on your ticket matches the number chosen, you win a prize.
She bought a lottery ticket and won more than $33 million.
4. singular noun
The particular ticket on which a person fights an election is the party they represent or the policies they support.
He first ran for president on a far-left ticket.
She would want to fight the election on a ticket of parliamentary democracy.
It's a ticket that was designed to appeal to suburban and small town voters.
5. countable noun [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
A ticket is the list of candidates who are representing a particular political party or group in an election.
He plans to remain on the Republican ticket for the November election.
See just the ticket
7. See also big-ticket, dream ticket, meal ticket, parking ticket, season ticket, ticketing
More Synonyms of ticket
ticket in British English
a piece of paper, cardboard, etc, showing that the holder is entitled to certain rights, such as travel on a train or bus, entry to a place of public entertainment, etc
b. (modifier)
concerned with or relating to the issue, sale, or checking of tickets
a ticket office
ticket collector
a piece of card, cloth, etc, attached to an article showing information such as its price, size, or washing instructions
a summons served for a parking offence or violation of traffic regulations
4. informal
the certificate of competence issued to a ship's captain or an aircraft pilot
5. mainly US and New Zealand
the group of candidates nominated by one party in an election; slate
6. mainly US
the declared policy of a political party at an election
7. British informal
a certificate of discharge from the armed forces
8. informal
the right or appropriate thing
that's the ticket
9. have tickets on oneself
verbWord forms: -ets, -eting or -eted(transitive)
to issue or attach a ticket or tickets to
11. informal
to earmark for a particular purpose
Derived forms
ticketing (ˈticketing)
Word origin
C17: from Old French etiquet, from estiquier to stick on, from Middle Dutch steken to stick2
ticket in American English
1. Obsolete
any note, memorandum, voucher, etc.
a printed card or piece of paper that gives a person a specified right, as to attend a theater, ride on a train, claim a purchase, etc.
a license or certificate, as of a ship's captain or an airplane pilot
a label or tag, as on a piece of merchandise, giving the size, color, price, quantity, etc.
5. US
the list of candidates nominated by a political party in an election; slate
6. US, Informal
a summons to court for a traffic violation
verb transitive
to label or tag with a ticket
to provide a ticket or tickets for
9. US, Informal
to issue or attach a ticket (sense 6) to
that's the ticket!
Word origin
aphetic < obs. Fr etiquet (now étiquette)
ticket in Retail
Word forms: (regular plural) tickets
(Retail: Store fixtures and layout)
A ticket is a label attached to merchandise showing the price and other details.
Someone had removed the ticket with the product's specifications.
Ticket printing can be designed to speed up consumer awareness, create loyalty with a brand,and boost a product's appeal factor.
A ticket is a label attached to merchandise showing the price and other details.
More idioms containing
a dream ticket
a one-way ticket to something
a meal ticket
Examples of 'ticket' in a sentence
Just the ticket with a hearty game casserole.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
He and other fans question how tickets get on tout sites so fast.
The Sun (2017)
Tickets listed at silly prices rarely sell.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The platinum tickets are not resale tickets but are official tickets that have not been sold previously.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
You meet where prizes are on offer and luck shines on a lottery ticket.
The Sun (2017)
This will include cases in which it is cheaper to buy two singles rather than a return ticket.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
It's the hottest ticket in town.
The Sun (2016)
Tickets go on sale at 9am today.
The Sun (2016)
A young man who was too poor to buy a train or bus ticket was determined to make it home for the Chinese new year.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Yet the German might as well have bought a ticket for the game - he was a virtual spectator in the first half.
The Sun (2016)
This is one of the hottest tickets in town for a star right now.
The Sun (2011)
There are also cash surprises linked to an unchecked lottery ticket.
The Sun (2007)
This is just the ticket with fresh oysters and crab.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
See match listings and learn how to get your tickets on our website.
The Sun (2011)
The ticket holder is currently deciding whether or not to go public and share their news.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Apply for your official tickets at tickets.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
You can still buy tickets for the game.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The number of tickets allowed each family to invite a family from outside the church.
Christianity Today (2000)
Only one application for a maximum of two tickets per person.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
There is no cash or other alternative to the cinema tickets offered.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The software enters thousands of names and credit card details the instant tickets go on sale.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Tickets must be presented at venue to gain entry.
The Sun (2013)
Those who bought tickets on credit cards and sold them to touts were in clover.
The Sun (2008)
Two free tickets after the first three spends on your card.
The Sun (2013)
So it is time to get your hair ready for the hottest ticket in town.
The Sun (2016)
The moon visits your prize chart to add luck to lottery tickets.
The Sun (2014)
Just the ticket with a fish supper.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Help to choose who gets on ticket.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Ticket prices way above the pockets of locals and still to challenge sports such as cricket for popularity.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
But his family were left stranded after the airline said he could not fly despite having a return ticket.
The Sun (2013)
This will save the average season ticket holder 425 over five years.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
What not to say'I could have got four standard tickets for this price.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
In other languages
British English: ticket /ˈtɪkɪt/ NOUN
A ticket is an official piece of paper or card which shows that you have paid for a journey or have paid to enter a place of entertainment.
...two tickets for the game.
American English: ticket
Arabic: تَذْكِرَة
Brazilian Portuguese: bilhete
Chinese: 票
Croatian: karta
Czech: lístek
Danish: billet
Dutch: kaartje
European Spanish: billete entrada
Finnish: lippu pääsylippu
French: billet ticket
German: Karte Eintritt
Greek: εισιτήριο
Italian: biglietto
Japanese: チケット
Korean: 표
Norwegian: billett
Polish: bilet
European Portuguese: bilhete
Romanian: bilet
Russian: билет
Latin American Spanish: tiquete
Swedish: biljett
Thai: ตั๋ว
Turkish: bilet
Ukrainian: квиток
Vietnamese: vé
All related terms of 'ticket'
An e-ticket is a ticket in electronic form rather than one printed on paper. E-ticket is an abbreviation for 'electronic ticket'.
air ticket
a ticket to travel on a commercial plane
If you describe something as a big-ticket item , you mean that it costs a lot of money.
day ticket
a ticket that is valid for one day
meal ticket
If you say that something or someone is a meal ticket , you mean that they provide a person with money or a lifestyle which they would not otherwise have.
open ticket
a return ticket which does not specify a date for travel
pawn ticket
a receipt for goods pawned
ticket day
(on the London Stock Exchange ) the day on which selling brokers receive from buying brokers the names of investors who have made purchases during the previous account
ticket desk
→ another name for ticket counter
ticket tout
to solicit (business, customers , etc) or hawk ( merchandise ), esp in a brazen way
dream ticket
If journalists talk about a dream ticket , they are referring to two candidates for political positions , for example President and Vice-President, or Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, who they think will be extremely successful .
plane ticket
a ticket entitling the holder to travel on an aircraft
price ticket
a ticket or label on an article for sale showing its price
raffle ticket
a ticket sold in a raffle , representing a chance to win a prize
return ticket
a ticket entitling a passenger to travel to his or her destination and back again
season ticket
A season ticket is a ticket that you can use repeatedly during a certain period , without having to pay each time. You can buy season tickets for things such as buses , trains , regular sporting events, or theatre performances .
single ticket
a ticket entitling a passenger to travel only to his or her destination , without returning
split ticket
a ballot cast for candidates of more than one party
ticket agency
an agency selling tickets for the theatre , cinema , public transport , etc
ticket agent
a person who sells tickets for the theatre , cinema , public transport, etc
ticket booth
the booth where tickets for the theatre , cinema , public transport, etc, are sold
ticket holder
a person who has a valid ticket for an event or for a journey on public transport
ticket office
the office where tickets for the theatre , cinema , public transport, etc, are sold
unity ticket
a how-to-vote card in a union election associating Labor and Communist candidates
balanced ticket
a slate of candidates chosen to appeal to a wide range of voters , esp. by including members of large regional , ethnic , or religious groups
entrance ticket
a ticket allowing the bearer to go into a place, such as a museum , monument , etc
library ticket
a ticket admitting a person access to a library , esp a reference library
parking ticket
A parking ticket is a piece of paper with instructions to pay a fine , and is put on your car when you have parked it somewhere illegally.
picking ticket
A picking ticket is a list used for gathering items to be shipped from a store or warehouse .
platform ticket
a ticket for admission to railway platforms but not for travel
runabout ticket
a rail ticket that allows unlimited travel within a specified area for a limited period of time (for example one day, a weekend , three days, etc)
speeding ticket
a ticket issued for driving above the speed limit
straight ticket
a ballot for all the candidates of one and only one political party
ticket barrier
a barrier through which you are allowed to pass only if you show a valid train ticket or insert a valid train ticket into a machine
ticket counter
the place where you buy a ticket for public transport, the theatre , cinema , etc
ticket machine
a vending machine that issues tickets for a journey on public transport , for using a car park , etc
a dream ticket
two well-known people, for example politicians or actors, who are expected to work well together and to have a great deal of success
a meal ticket
a way of getting money on a regular basis and securing a good lifestyle
cloakroom ticket
a ticket given to someone who checks a coat or other personal item into a cloakroom and which is used to redeem that item at a later period
commutation ticket
a ticket entitling the holder to travel over the same route , as on a railroad , a specified number of times at a reduced rate
one-way ticket
a ticket entitling a passenger to travel only to his or her destination , without returning
ticket allocation
An allocation is an amount of something, especially money, that is given to a particular person or used for a particular purpose.
ticket collector
a person who checks that passengers on a train, etc, have a valid ticket , and marks it so that it cannot be used again
ticket inspector
a person who checks that passengers on a train, etc, have a valid ticket , and marks it so that it cannot be used again
big-ticket items
An item is one of a collection or list of objects.
day return ticket
a reduced fare for a journey (by train, etc) travelling both ways in one day
just the ticket
If you say that something is just the ticket , you mean that it is exactly what is needed .
round-trip ticket
a ticket entitling a passenger to travel to his or her destination and back again
that's the ticket!
that's the correct or proper thing! that's right!
ticket of leave
(formerly in Britain) a permit allowing a convict ( ticket-of-leave man ) to leave prison , after serving only part of his sentence , with certain restrictions placed on him
Chinese translation of 'ticket'
(c) (for public transport, theatre, raffle) 票 (piào) (张(張), zhāng)
( solitary ) 单(單)个(個)的 dāngè de ⇒ We heard a single shot. → 我们听到一声枪响。 Wǒmen tīngdào yī shēng qiāng xiǎng.
( official ) 检(檢)查员(員) jiǎncháyuán [ 位 wèi ]
1 (noun)
a printed piece of paper or cardboard showing that the holder is entitled to certain rights, such as travel on a train or bus or entry to a place of public entertainment
They were queueing to get tickets for the football match.
The winners will each receive a voucher for a pair of cinema tickets.
Can I see your boarding pass, please?
a coupon giving £5 off your weekly shoppping bill
a certificate of adoption
£10 book tokens
2 (noun)
a label or tag attached to an article showing information such as its price and size
a price ticket
He peered at the label on the bottle.
Staff wore name tags and called inmates by their first names.
a small red tab sewn on to the side of the pocket
docket (British)
The clerk asked me to sign the docket.
3 (noun)
an official notification of a parking or traffic offence
a parking ticket
Unions are requested to give seven days' notice of industrial action.
We require written notification from the person who signed the booking form.
Additional synonyms
in the sense of certificate
an official document stating the details of something such as birth, death, or completion of an academic course
a certificate of adoption
in the sense of coupon
a detachable slip that can be used as a commercial order form
a coupon giving £5 off your weekly shoppping bill
detachable portion
in the sense of docket
a label on a package or other delivery, stating contents, delivery instructions, etc.
The clerk asked me to sign the docket.
Synonyms of 'ticket'
Explore 'ticket' in the dictionary
Additional synonyms
in the sense of notification
a formal announcement
We require written notification from the person who signed the booking form.
heads up (US, Canadian)
in the sense of pass
a permit or licence
Can I see your boarding pass, please?
identity card,
in the sense of tab
any similar flap, such as a piece of paper attached to a file for identification
a small red tab sewn on to the side of the pocket
in the sense of tag
a piece of paper, leather, etc., for attaching to something as a mark or label
Staff wore name tags and called inmates by their first names.
docket (British)
in the sense of token
a gift voucher that can be used as payment for goods of a specified value