to reduce the importance of manufacturing industry in the economy of (a nation or area)
2. (intransitive)
(of a nation or area) to undergo reduction in the importance of manufacturing industry in the economy
deindustrialize in American English
Word forms: verb-ized, -izing
transitive verb
to cause to lose industrial capability or strength; make less industrial in character or emphasis
to deprive (a conquered nation) of the means or potential for industrial growth
intransitive verb
to lose industrial capability or character; become deindustrialized
Also: de-industrialize, esp Brit deindustrialise
Derived forms
Word origin
[1880–85; de- + industrialize]This word is first recorded in the period 1880–85. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: highball, irredentist, pari-mutuel, quotation mark, regionalismde- is a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin (decide); also used to indicate privation, removal, and separation (dehumidify), negation (demerit; derange), descent (degrade; deduce), reversal (detract), or intensity (decompound)