The members of the family would dedifferentiate into a Stone Age culture just tosurvive.
dedifferentiate in American English
intransitive verbWord forms: -ated, -ating
to undergo dedifferentiation
Word origin
[1915–20; back formation from dedifferentiation]This word is first recorded in the period 1915–20. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: GI, collage, conditioning, decoder, feedback
Examples of 'dedifferentiate' in a sentence
Once the preosteocytes/osteocytes leave lacunae, they can dedifferentiate, potentiallyproviding an additional source of functional osteoblasts.
Elena Torreggiani, Brya G. Matthews, Slavica Pejda, Igor Matic, Mark C. Horowitz,Danka Grcevic, Ivo Kalajzic 2013, 'Preosteocytes/Osteocytes Have the Potential to Dedifferentiate Becoming a Source ofOsteoblasts', PLoS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0075204. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Recent work indicates that phenotype-switching may include the ability of cancer cells to dedifferentiate to a stem cell-like state.
Yuval Peretz, Hong Wu, Shayan Patel, Alfonso Bellacosa, Richard A. Katz 2015, 'Inhibitor of DNA Binding 4 (ID4) Is Highly Expressed in Human Melanoma Tissues andMay Function to Restrict Normal Differentiation of Melanoma Cells', PLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0116839. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
In pathological conditions, however, they lose their epithelial integrity, become dysfunctional, even dedifferentiate, and ultimately die.
Xue Yang, Jin-Yong Chung, Usha Rai, Noriko Esumi 2018, 'Cadherins in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) revisited: P-cadherin is the highlydominant cadherin expressed in human and mouse RPE in vivo.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
However, the double mutant cells cannot maintain their neuronal identity, dedifferentiate, and thus become uncommitted eye specific cells.
Brandon N Nicolay, Battuya Bayarmagnai, Nam Sung Moon, Elizaveta V Benevolenskaya,Maxim V Frolov 2010, 'Combined inactivation of pRB and hippo pathways induces dedifferentiation in the Drosophilaretina.', PLoS Genetics Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
However, non-dividing specialized cells can also dedifferentiate and re-initiate cell division if exposed to appropriate conditions.
Eduardo Alves Gamosa de Oliveira, Nelilma Correia Romeiro, Elane da Silva Ribeiro,Claudete Santa-Catarina, Antônia Elenir Amâncio Oliveira, Vanildo Silveira, GonçaloApolinário de Souza Filho, Thiago Motta Venancio, Marco Antônio Lopes Cruz 2012, 'Structural and functional characterization of the protein kinase Mps1 in Arabidopsisthaliana.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (