Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense decentralizes, present participle decentralizing, past tense, past participle decentralizedregional note: in BRIT, also use decentralise
To decentralize government or a large organization means to move some departments away from the main administrative area, or to give more power to local departments.
They have decentralised the company and made it less bureaucratic. [VERB noun]
...the need to decentralize and devolve power to regional governments. [VERB]
The German constitution is an excellent model of decentralised government. [VERB-ed]
...increased decentralisation and greater powers for regional authorities.
decentralize in British English
or decentralise (diːˈsɛntrəˌlaɪz)
to reorganize (a government, industry, etc) into smaller more autonomous units
to disperse (a concentration, as of industry or population)
Derived forms
decentralist (deˈcentralist)
noun, adjective
decentralization (deˌcentraliˈzation) or decentralisation (deˌcentraliˈsation)
decentralize in American English
verb transitiveWord forms: deˈcentralˌized or deˈcentralˌizing
to break up a concentration of (governmental authority, industry, population, etc.) in a main center and distribute more widely
Derived forms
decentralization (deˌcentraliˈzation)
In other languages
British English: decentralize VERB
To decentralize government or a large organization means to move some departments away from the main administrative area, or to give more power to local departments.
They have decentralized the company and made it less bureaucratic.