DC is used to refer to an electric current that always flows in the same direction. DC is an abbreviation for 'direct current'.
DC in British English
abbreviation for
1. music
da capo
dear or darling child: often used facetiously in social media
Detective Constable
direct current
Compare AC
district commissioner
7. Also: D.C.
District of Columbia
D.C. in British English
abbreviation for(in the US and Canada)
Doctor of Chiropractic
DC in American English
da capo
direct current
: also dc
District of Columbia
: also D.C.
Doctor of Chiropractic
In other languages
British English: DC NOUN
DC is used to refer to an electric current that always flows in the same direction. DC is an abbreviation for 'direct current'.
American English: DC
Brazilian Portuguese: CCabreviatura de "corrente contínua"
Chinese: 直流电
European Spanish: CC
French: courant continu
German: GS
Italian: corrente continua
Japanese: >直流電気の
Korean: >직류전기의
European Portuguese: CCabreviatura de "corrente contínua"
Latin American Spanish: CC
All related terms of 'DC'
District of Columbia
a federal district of the eastern US, coextensive with the federal capital, Washington . Pop: 564 326 (2003 est). Area: 178 sq km (69 sq miles)
(of a person) bisexual
Washington, DC
a state of the northwestern US, on the Pacific : consists of the Coast Range and the Olympic Mountains in the west and the Columbia Plateau in the east. Capital: Olympia . Pop: 6 131 445 (2003 est). Area: 172 416 sq km (66 570 sq miles)
DC potentiometer
A DC potentiometer is a potentiometer in which the supply is a battery and the balance is under direct current conditions.
a state of the northwestern US, on the Pacific : consists of the Coast Range and the Olympic Mountains in the west and the Columbia Plateau in the east. Capital: Olympia . Pop: 6 131 445 (2003 est). Area: 172 416 sq km (66 570 sq miles)