An instant later they were ready to flee as four frightened Cub Scouts.
Arthur, Robert THREE IN ONE
They were disguised as Cub Scouts, of course, which is why they never were suspected.
Arthur, Robert THREE IN ONE
All related terms of 'Scouts'
A scout is someone who is sent to an area of countryside to find out the position of an enemy army .
Boy Scouts
the worldwide movement founded by Lord Baden-Powell in 1908, now called the Scout Association in the UK and the Boys Scouts of America in the USA, which pursues a programme of activities for boys with the aim of developing character and responsibility
the Scouts
a worldwide movement for boys or (in some countries) girls , founded as the Boy Scouts in England in 1908 by Lord Baden-Powell with the aim of developing character and responsibility
Air Scout
a scout belonging to a scout troop that specializes in flying, gliding , etc
boy scout
In the past , the Scouts was called the Boy Scouts .
Cub Scout
a member of a junior branch (for those aged 8–11 years) of the Scout Association
scout out
If you scout something out , you succeed in finding it after you have been through an area searching for it.
Sea Scout
a Scout belonging to any of a number of Scout troops whose main activities are canoeing , sailing , etc, and who wear sailors ' caps as part of their uniform
Girl Scout
In the United States , the Girl Scouts is an organization similar to → Guides .
Eagle Scout
a ( Boy ) Scout who has attained the highest level of qualifications possible within the movement
King's Scout
(in Britain and the Commonwealth when the sovereign is female) a Scout who has passed the highest tests of endurance , proficiency, and skill
Queen's Scout
(in Britain and the Commonwealth when the sovereign is female) a Scout who has passed the highest tests of endurance , proficiency, and skill
a person who roves ; wanderer
scout around
If you scout around or scout round for something, you go to different places looking for it.
talent scout
A talent scout is someone whose job is to find people who have talent, for example as actors , footballers, or musicians , so that they can be offered work.
talent spotter
a person whose occupation is the search for talented artists , sportspeople, performers, etc, for engagements as professionals
Venture Scout
a young man or woman, aged 16–20, who is a member of the senior branch of the Scouts
A guide is a book that gives you information or instructions to help you do or understand something.
a member of the division of the Girl Scouts for girls twelve to fourteen years of age
An explorer is someone who travels to places about which very little is known, in order to discover what is there.
Brownies are small flat biscuits or cakes. They are usually chocolate flavoured and have nuts in them.