The ultrastructural analyses showed that 93% of healthy mucosae were covered by an intact glycocalyx.
Katrin Ramaker, Steffen Bade, Niels Röckendorf, Barbara Meckelein, Ekkehard Vollmer,Holger Schultz, Günter-Willi Fröschle, Andreas Frey 2016, 'Absence of the Epithelial Glycocalyx As Potential Tumor Marker for the Early Detectionof Colorectal Cancer', PLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0168801. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
When oral manifestations are present, the palatal and alveolar mucosae are primarily affected.
K. G. D. Manoja, B. S. M. S. Siriwardena, P. R. Jayasooriya, D. J. L. Siriwardane,W. M. Tilakaratne 2011, 'A Rare Clinical Presentation of Intraoral Darier's Disease', Case Reports in Pathology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Multiple petechiae were observed in several mucosae and in the skin.
Bruno L. Anjos, Luiz F. Irigoyen, Rafael A. Fighera, Aline D. Gomes, Glaucia D. Kommers,Claudio S.L. Barros 2008, 'Intoxicação aguda por samambaia (Pteridium aquilinum) em bovinos na Região Centraldo Rio Grande do Sul Acute poisoning by bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) in cattlein central Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil', Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Anaerobic bacteria are part of the commensal bacterial flora of skin and mucosae.
Maria Antonietta Distasi, Donatella Rizzi, Nicola Sciannandrone, Mirella Caldarone,Simonetta Gioscia, Annamaria Leonetti, Tito Del Gaudio 2015, 'Bacteremia due to anaerobic bacteria: epidemiology in a northern Bari Hospital, Italy',Microbiologia Medica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In homozygotes, skin and oral mucosae were dysplastic and ulcerated.
Paul R Odgren, Craig H Pratt, Carole A Mackay, April Mason-Savas, Michelle Curtain,Lindsay Shopland, Tsutomu Ichicki, John P Sundberg, Leah Rae Donahue 2010, 'Disheveled hair and ear (Dhe), a spontaneous mouse Lmna mutation modeling human laminopathies.',PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Cellular composition of lamina propria mucosae was represented by fibroblasts, fibrocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells.
S. D. Varzhapetyan, E. А. Grigorieva 2016, 'Pathomorphological changes of the Schneiderian membrane in the mixed form of iatrogenicmaxillary sinusitis of stomatogenic origin', Patologìâ Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Examination revealed xanthomatous infiltration of cornea, oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal mucosae.
A M Attia, O A Bakry, E E Mohamed 2014, 'Xanthoma disseminatum: A progressive case with multisystem involvement', Journal of Postgraduate Medicine;year=2014;volume=60;issue=1;spage=69;epage=71;aulast=Attia. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
24 patients are selected and 30 teeth in vestibular mucosae, without keratinized gingiva.
G. Caccianiga, A. Stanizzi, P. Zorzella, C. Crestale, D. Denotti, N. Squarzoni 2012, 'Laser Biostimulation and Self Ligating Appliances in Orthodontics: Periodontal Remodeling',European Journal of Inflammation Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Clinically, the animal had mildly pale mucosae and severe abdominal pain.
R. Serakides, F.J.F. Sant'Ana, R.A. Carneiro, G.E. Lavalle 2000, 'Leiomiossarcoma pulmonar e renal em cão: relato de caso Pulmonary and renal leiomyosarcomain dog: a case report', Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (