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View usage for: (θroʊti) adjectiveA throaty voice or laugh is low and rather rough. Synonyms: hoarse, husky, gruff, low More Synonyms of throaty throaty in British English (ˈθrəʊtɪ) adjectiveWord forms: throatier or throatiest1. indicating a sore throat; hoarse a throaty cough 2. of, relating to, or produced in or by the throat 3. deep, husky, or guttural Derived forms throatily (ˈthroatily) adverb throatiness (ˈthroatiness) noun throaty in American English (ˈθroʊti) adjectiveWord forms: ˈthroatier or ˈthroatiest1. produced in the throat, as some sounds or tones 2. characterized by such sounds; husky, hoarse, etc. a throaty voice Derived forms throatily (ˈthroatily) adverb throatiness (ˈthroatiness) noun Examples of 'throaty' in a sentencethroaty She disappeared off down the dirt track with a throaty roar.From inside the car came a rather throaty little laugh.He let out a throaty laugh.This is followed by a low, throaty laugh.It sounds throaty at low speed, and delivers incredible performance.One fabulously throaty chuckle from a five-year-old sitting near the front suggested it could.He emits a throaty smoker's laugh.A special exhaust system only adds to the decibels and deep throaty roar of the engine.I listened to the hard guttural consonants and the throaty laughs.The throaty roar of a Maserati supercar sweeping along mountain roads at full tilt fills the cavernous exhibition hall.He gives another throaty laugh.Dynasty, massive hair, throaty voice.But her deep, throaty tones aside, this is nonsense.The only thing you can hear is either a rather throaty engine note that's easy on the ear or a first-class music system.While collecting my ticket, I heard the familiar throaty roar of hundreds of voices.Though still influenced by soul and jazz, her voice had turned throaty and rough, filled with an intensity that comes from deep within.With a throaty roar, he fires out a jet of red liquid on to a nearby pillar, already stained dark red with chewing tobacco.I could imagine her throaty laugh: 'I get blown up and all you can think about are the pictures?A warm and generous personality but also a natural leader, he had a distinctive, throaty voice and a hearty laugh. Definition deep, husky, or guttural A broad smile and a throaty chuckle were his on-screen trademarks. Additional synonymsDefinition low in pitch His voice was deep and mellow. Synonyms low, booming, bass, full, mellow, resonant, DEp, sonorous, mellifluous, dulcet, low-pitched, full-toned Definition (of a voice) low and throaty I was expecting to hear the chief executive's gruff voice. Synonyms hoarse, rough, harsh, rasping, husky, low, croaking, throaty, gutturalDefinition harsh-sounding He spoke in a low guttural voice. Synonyms throaty, low, deep, thick, rough, rasping, husky, hoarse, gruff, gravelly- thrive
- thriving
- throat
- throaty
- throb
- throes
- thrombosis
Additional synonymsDefinition (of a voice) slightly hoarse His voice was husky with grief. Synonyms hoarse, rough, harsh, raucous, rasping, croaking, gruff, throaty, guttural, croaky Definition of or having a relatively low pitch My voice got low and growly. Synonyms deep, rich, bass, resonant, sonorous, low-pitched His voice was thick with bitterness. Synonyms husky, rough, hoarse, distorted, muffled, croaking, inarticulate, throaty, indistinct, gravelly, guttural, raspy, croaky |