MRI is a method by which medical staff can get a picture of soft parts inside a patient's body, using a powerful magnetic field. MRI is an abbreviation for 'magnetic resonance imaging'.
MRI in British English
abbreviation for
magnetic resonance imaging
magnetic resonance imaging in British English
a noninvasive medical diagnostic technique in which the absorption and transmission of high-frequency radio waves are analysed as they irradiate the hydrogen atoms in water molecules and other tissue components placed in a strong magnetic field. This computerized analysis provides a powerful aid to the diagnosis and treatment planning of many diseases, including cancer
Abbreviation: MRI
MRI in American English
a noninvasive diagnostic procedure that produces the image of a cross-section of an object
see also nuclear magnetic resonance
Word origin
m(agnetic) r(esonance) i(maging)
Examples of 'MRI' in a sentence
We went to the hospital today for the results of the MRI.
Bénédicte Newland and Pascale Smets AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR (2005)
`Legitimate firm in Hamburg, import-export business specializing in medical imaging equipment such as CAT and MRI machines.
Terman, Douglas CORMORANT
The only thing we're still waiting on is the MRI report, but the MRI 's broken down.