There are scores of charming hotels located right on the seafront.
Scores of children were charging around.
Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.
We've received scores of letters.
lots in British English
(lɒts) informal
plural noun
1. (often foll by of)
great numbers or quantities
lots of people
to eat lots
a great deal
the journey is lots quicker by train
Examples of 'scores' in a sentence
The years have come and gone in their scores of turnings, and night after night I still take pen in hand and write.
The following morning when I got to the office, Zerk was at his desk looking at Sunday's box scores in the Globe.
Tapply, William G THE DUTCH BLUE ERROR (2002)
His practice was to spend Wednesday nights at home alone going over the scores for upcoming performances.
Goldsborough, Robert MURDER IN E MINOR (2002)
All related terms of 'scores'
In a sport or game, if a player scores a goal or a point, they gain a goal or point.
box score
a detailed summary , printed typically in a rectangular format , of a contest , esp. a baseball or basketball game, showing the statistical performance of each contestant
raw score
the points awarded in a test before these are adjusted or converted
score off
to gain an advantage at someone else's expense
score out
to delete or cancel by marking through with a line or lines; cross out
full score
the entire score of a musical composition , showing each part separately
apgar score
system for determining the condition of an infant at birth
credit score
A borrower's credit score is a number calculated by a credit bureau to express how likely they are to be able to pay back their loans .
short score
a condensed version of the score for a musical composition , usually written for piano
vocal score
a musical score that shows voice parts in full and orchestral parts in the form of a piano transcription
aggregate score
a score calculated by adding the results of several matches
Bradford score
a measure of the amount of time during which an employee is absent from work, based on assigning a number of points according to the frequency and length of absences
scratch score
an estimated number of strokes for a hole or course that a scratch player should make
standard score
the test score of a participant expressed as the deviation of the score from the mean score of the sample in units of standard deviation
piano reduction
a musical score having the parts condensed or simplified in two staves , to render the music playable on the piano by one person
standard scratch score
the number of strokes a scratch player would need to go round a particular course , based on the length of each hole to the green and allowing 36 putts for the round