the solution of proteins and metabolites inside a biological cell, in which the organelles are suspended
cytosol in American English
(ˈsaitəˌsɔl, -ˌsɑl)
the water-soluble components of cell cytoplasm, constituting the fluid portion that remains after removal of the organelles and other intracellular structures
Derived forms
cytosolic (ˌsaitəˈsɑlɪk)
Word origin
[1965–70; cyto- + sol(ution), on the model of hydrosol, etc.]This word is first recorded in the period 1965–70. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: Coriolis effect, hired gun, no-fault, red-eye, wraparoundcyto- is a combining form meaning “cell,” used in the formation of compound words. Otherwords that use the affix cyto- include: cytogenetics, cytopathogenic, cytoskeleton, cytotropic, endocytobiology
Examples of 'cytosol' in a sentence
When free calcium in the cytosol increases beyond normal levels, many events can occur.