a substance that can partially or completely destroy animal cells
cytolysin in American English
a substance or antibody that produces cytolysis
cytolysin in American English
(saiˈtɑləsɪn, ˌsaitlˈaisɪn)
any substance that produces cytolysis
Word origin
[1900–05; cytolys(is) + -in1]This word is first recorded in the period 1900–05. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: desensitize, geopolitics, hydroplane, internship, throwaway-in is a suffix, occurring in adjectives of Greek and Latin origin, meaning “pertainingto,” and (in nouns thence derived) also imitated in English (coffin; cousin, etc.). Other words that use the affix -in include: characin, gitalin, tretinoin, typhoidin, ubiquitin
Examples of 'cytolysin' in a sentence
Many isolates carried virulence traits including gelatinase, aggregation substance, cytolysin, and enterococcal surface protein.
Anuradha Ghosh, Scot E Dowd, Ludek Zurek 2011, 'Dogs leaving the ICU carry a very large multi-drug resistant enterococcal populationwith capacity for biofilm formation and horizontal gene transfer.', PLoS ONEhttp://europepmc.org/articles/PMC3139645?pdf=render. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
The cholesterol-dependent cytolysin pneumolysin represents a key factor, determining the neuropathogenic potential of the pneumococci.
Carolin Wippel, Jana Maurer, Christina Förtsch, Sabrina Hupp, Alexandra Bohl, JiangtaoMa, Timothy J Mitchell, Stephanie Bunkowski, Wolfgang Brück, Roland Nau, AsparouhI Iliev 2013, 'Bacterial cytolysin during meningitis disrupts the regulation of glutamate in thebrain, leading to synaptic damage.', PLoS Pathogenshttp://europepmc.org/articles/PMC3681734?pdf=render. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
Most of isolated strains carried gene determinants for cytolysin.
Aljoša Trmčić, Tanja Obermajer, Petra Mohar Lorbeg, Andreja Čanžek Majhenič, BojanaBogovič Matijašić, Irena Rogelj 2010, 'Characterization of bacteriocinogenic strains of lactic acid bacteria from traditionalSlovenian cheese ‘Tolminc'', Mljekarstvohttp://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=93737. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
The cholesterol-dependent cytolysin pneumolysin and the bacterial capsule are key pathogenic factors, known to exacerbate the course of pneumococcal meningitis.
Sabrina Hupp, Denis Grandgirard, Timothy J. Mitchell, Stephen L. Leib, Lucy J. Hathaway,Asparouh I. Iliev 2019, 'Pneumolysin and the bacterial capsule of Streptococcus pneumoniae cooperatively inhibittaxis and motility of microglia', Journal of Neuroinflammationhttp://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12974-019-1491-7. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)