A cymbal is a flat circular brass object that is used as a musical instrument. You hit it with a stick or hit two cymbals together, making a loud noise.
cymbal in British English
a percussion instrument of indefinite pitch consisting of a thin circular piece of brass, which vibrates when clashed together with another cymbal or struck with a stick
Derived forms
cymbaler (ˈcymbaler) or cymbaleer (ˌcymbalˈeer) or cymbalist (ˈcymbalist)
cymbal-like (ˈcymbal-ˌlike)
Word origin
Old English cymbala, from Medieval Latin, from Latin cymbalum, from Greek kumbalon, from kumbē something hollow
cymbal in American English
a circular, slightly concave brass plate used as a percussion instrument producing a variety of metallic sounds: it is struck with a drumstick, brush, etc. or used in pairs which are struck together to produce a crashing, ringing sound
Derived forms
cymbalist (ˈcymbalist)
Word origin
ME < OFr cymble & OE cymbal, both < L cymbalum < Gr kymbalon < kymbē, hollow of a vessel < IE *kumb- < base *keu-, bend, arch > coomb, hump