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View usage for: (θɔːtləs) adjectiveIf you describe someone as thoughtless, you are critical of them because they forget or ignore other people's wants, needs, or feelings. [disapproval] ...a small minority of thoughtless and inconsiderate people. It was thoughtless of her to mention it. [+ of] It was just a thoughtless remark. Synonyms: unthinking, stupid, silly, careless More Synonyms of thoughtless thoughtlessly adverb [ADVERB with verb] They thoughtlessly planned a picnic without him. Nobody is perfect, and everyone acts thoughtlessly on occasion. thoughtlessness uncountable noun What women mistake as thoughtlessness is often just diffidence. More Synonyms of thoughtless thoughtless in British English (ˈθɔːtlɪs) adjective1. inconsiderate a thoughtless remark 2. having or showing lack of thought a thoughtless essay 3. unable to think; not having the power of thought Derived forms thoughtlessly (ˈthoughtlessly) adverb thoughtlessness (ˈthoughtlessness) noun thoughtless in American English (ˈθɔtlɪs) adjective1. not stopping to think; careless 2. not given thought; ill-considered; rash 3. not considerate of others; inconsiderate 4. Rare stupid; senseless Derived forms thoughtlessly (ˈthoughtlessly) adverb thoughtlessness (ˈthoughtlessness) noun Examples of 'thoughtless' in a sentencethoughtless We apologise for any thoughtless and offensive behaviour by these two pupils.Do you consider what unnecessary pain you have given him by your thoughtless behaviour?I am more tolerant of vulnerable people and have much less energy for the thoughtless and selfish.If you don't want to force your boss to confront his thoughtless behaviour, another solution would be to change jobs. In other languagesthoughtless British English: thoughtless / ˈθɔːtlɪs/ ADJECTIVE If you describe someone as thoughtless, you are critical of them because they forget or ignore other people's wants, needs, or feelings. ...a small number of thoughtless people. - American English: thoughtless
- Arabic: طَائِش
- Brazilian Portuguese: desatento
- Chinese: 欠考虑的
- Croatian: lakomislen
- Czech: bezohledný
- Danish: tankeløs
- Dutch: gedachteloos
- European Spanish: irreflexivo
- Finnish: ajattelematon
- French: irréfléchi
- German: rücksichtslos
- Greek: απερίσκεπτος
- Italian: avventato
- Japanese: 思慮を欠く
- Korean: 경솔한
- Norwegian: tankeløs
- Polish: bezmyślny
- European Portuguese: desatento
- Romanian: nepăsător
- Russian: безрассудный
- Latin American Spanish: irreflexivo
- Swedish: tanklös
- Thai: อย่างไม่มีความคิด
- Turkish: düşüncesiz
- Ukrainian: нерозсудливий
- Vietnamese: vô tâm
Chinese translation of 'thoughtless' adj - (= inconsiderate) [behaviour, words, person]
不体(體)贴(貼)的 (bù tǐtiē de)
Definition not considerate of the feelings of other people a minority of thoughtless and inconsiderate people Synonyms uncaring impolite undiplomatic Opposites thoughtful , considerate , tactful , unselfish , diplomatic , attentive It was thoughtless of her to mention it. Synonyms regardless tactless slipshod unmindful unobservant ditsy or ditzy (slang) Opposites wise , intelligent , prudent , considered , smart , well-advised , tactful , well-thought-out Additional synonymsDefinition inattentive or forgetful The laptop was exactly where its absent-minded owner had left it. Synonyms forgetful, absorbed, abstracted, vague, absent, distracted, unaware, musing, preoccupied, careless, bemused, oblivious, dreamy, faraway, engrossed, unthinking, neglectful, heedless, inattentive, unmindful, unheeding, apt to forget, in a brown study, ditzy or ditsy (slang) Definition done or acting with insufficient attention Office workers are notoriously careless about their passwords. Synonyms negligent, hasty, unconcerned, cursory, perfunctory, thoughtless, indiscreet, unthinking, forgetful, absent-minded, inconsiderate, heedless, remiss (formal), incautious, unmindful, regardlessDefinition very silly, unwise, or absurd It would be foolish to raise hopes unnecessarily. Synonyms unwise, silly, absurd, rash, unreasonable, senseless, short-sighted, ill-advised, foolhardy, nonsensical, inane, indiscreet, ill-judged, ill-considered, imprudent, unintelligent, asinine, injudicious, incautiousAdditional synonymsDefinition taking no notice She scattered the letters about in her heedless haste. Synonyms careless, reckless, negligent, rash, precipitate, oblivious, foolhardy, thoughtless, unthinking, imprudent, neglectful, inattentive, incautious, unmindful, unobservant He made some ill-considered remarks about the cost. Synonyms unwise, rash, imprudent, careless, precipitate, hasty, heedless, injudicious, improvident, overhasty Definition not carefully thought out an imprudent investment he made many years ago Synonyms unwise, foolish, rash, irresponsible, reckless, careless, ill-advised, foolhardy, indiscreet, unthinking, ill-judged, ill-considered, inconsiderate, heedless, injudicious, incautious, improvident, impolitic, overhasty, temerarious Definition done unintentionally The government has said it was an inadvertent error. Synonyms unintentional, accidental, unintended, chance, careless, negligent, unwitting, unplanned, thoughtless, unthinking, heedless, unpremeditated, unheeding Definition not paying attention These children were more likely to be inattentive at school. Synonyms preoccupied, distracted, careless, negligent, dreamy, regardless, vague, thoughtless, absent-minded, slapdash, neglectful, heedless, slipshod, remiss (formal), unmindful, unobservant, unheeding, distrait, ditzy or ditsy (slang) Definition incautious or tactless in revealing secrets He is notoriously indiscreet about his private life. Synonyms tactless, foolish, rash, reckless, unwise, hasty, ill-advised, unthinking, ill-judged, ill-considered, imprudent, heedless, injudicious, incautious, undiplomatic, impoliticDefinition showing poor judgment Injudicious remarks by bankers were blamed for the devaluation. Synonyms unwise, foolish, rash, hasty, ill-advised, indiscreet, unthinking, ill-judged, imprudent, inconsiderate, ill-timed, incautious, impolitic, inexpedientDefinition unaware of or ignoring other people's feelings Her friend was insensitive and careless. Synonyms unfeeling, indifferent, unconcerned, uncaring, tough, hardened, callous, crass, unresponsive, thick-skinned, obtuse, tactless, imperceptive, unsusceptible Definition heedless It was a mindless accident. Synonyms unthinking, gratuitous, thoughtless, careless, oblivious, brutish, inane, witless, heedless, unmindful, dumb-ass (slang) Definition not paying enough care or attention Children who are neglected tend to become neglectful parents. Synonyms careless, indifferent, lax, negligent, uncaring, thoughtless, heedless, inattentive, remiss (formal), unmindful, disregardful Additional synonymsThe jury ruled that the Council had acted in a negligent manner. Synonyms careless, regardless, slack, thoughtless, inadvertent, unthinking, forgetful, slapdash, neglectful, heedless, slipshod, inattentive, remiss (formal), unmindful, disregardful Definition acting or done without proper thought or consideration Don't do anything rash until the feelings subside. Synonyms reckless, hasty, impulsive, imprudent, premature, adventurous, careless, precipitate, brash, audacious, headlong, madcap, ill-advised, foolhardy, unwary, thoughtless, unguarded, headstrong, impetuous, indiscreet, unthinking, helter-skelter, ill-considered, hot-headed, heedless, injudicious, incautious, venturesome, harebrained, harum-scarumDefinition having no regard for danger or consequences He is charged with causing death by reckless driving. Synonyms careless, wild, rash, irresponsible, precipitate, hasty, mindless, negligent, headlong, madcap, ill-advised, regardless, foolhardy, daredevil, thoughtless, indiscreet, imprudent, heedless, devil-may-care, inattentive, incautious, harebrained, harum-scarum, overventuresome Definition careless in attention to duty or responsibility I would be remiss if I did not do something about it. Synonyms careless, negligent, neglectful, culpable, slow, regardless, slack, indifferent, sloppy (informal), derelict, lax, delinquent (formal), thoughtless, tardy, forgetful, slapdash, heedless, slipshod, lackadaisical, inattentive, dilatory, slothful, unmindfulDefinition insulting or impolite He's rude to her friends. Synonyms impolite, insulting, cheeky, abrupt, short, blunt, abusive, curt, churlish, disrespectful, brusque, offhand, impertinent, insolent, inconsiderate, peremptory, impudent, discourteous, uncivil, unmannerly, ill-manneredDefinition (of behaviour or attitude) motivated by self-interest the selfish interests of a few people Synonyms self-centred, self-interested, greedy, mercenary, self-seeking, ungenerous, egoistic or egoistical, egotistic or egotistical, looking out for number one (informal) Definition behaving in a foolish or childish way Don't go doing anything silly, now, will you? Synonyms foolish, stupid, unwise, inappropriate, rash, irresponsible, reckless, foolhardy, idiotic, thoughtless, imprudent, inadvisableDefinition careless or hasty a slapdash piece of work Synonyms careless, sloppy (informal), hasty, disorderly, hurried, last-minute, messy, clumsy, negligent, untidy, haphazard, perfunctory, thoughtless, thrown-together, slovenly, slipshodDefinition trivial, silly, or childish I wouldn't call it art. It's just stupid and tasteless.You won't go and do anything stupid, will you? Synonyms silly, foolish, daft (informal), rash, trivial, ludicrous, meaningless, irresponsible, pointless, futile, senseless, mindless, laughable, short-sighted, ill-advised, idiotic, fatuous, nonsensical, half-baked (informal), inane, crackpot (informal), unthinking, puerile, crass, unintelligent, asinine, imbecilic, crackbrainedHe had alienated many people with his tactless remarks. Synonyms insensitive, thoughtless, inconsiderate, sharp, rough, harsh, rude, blundering, careless, clumsy, inept, unkind, gauche, indiscreet, boorish, unfeeling, imprudent, impolite, unsubtle, discourteous, injudicious, indelicate, undiplomatic, uncivil, maladroit, impoliticAdditional synonymsDefinition unsympathetic or cruel He apologised for being unkind. Synonyms cruel, mean (informal), nasty, spiteful, harsh, malicious, insensitive, unfriendly, inhuman, unsympathetic, uncaring, thoughtless, unfeeling, inconsiderate, uncharitable, unchristian, hardhearted Synonyms careless, slack, indifferent, oblivious, lax, negligent, forgetful, neglectful, heedless, inattentive, remiss (formal), unheeding |