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English translation of '上'


  1. (指方位) upper part
    ⇒ 上游 (shàngyóu) upper stream
    ⇒ 上层 (shàngcéng) upper layer
  2. (指等级、质量)
    ⇒ 上级 (shàngjí) higher authorities pl
    ⇒ 上品 (shàngpǐn) high-quality products
  3. (指时间、次序)
    ⇒ 上星期 (shàng xīngqī) last week
    ⇒ 上个月 (shàng gè yuè) last month
    ⇒ 上半年 (shàng bànnián) the first half of the year

  1. (= 向上) go up
    ⇒ 上楼 (shànglóu) go upstairs
  2. (= 按点前往) go
    ⇒ 上学 (shàngxué) go to school
    ⇒ 上班 (shàngbān) go to work
  3. (= ) go to
    ⇒ 他上天津开会去了。 (Tā shàng Tiānjīn kāihuì qù le.) He went to Tianjin to attend a meeting.
  4. (= 出场) make an entrance
    ⇒ 上场时,队长先上。 (Shàngchǎng shí, duìzhǎng xiān shàng.) When a team makes its entrance, the captain leads the way.
  5. (= 添补) fill
    ⇒ 上货 (shànghuò) stock up
  6. [饭、菜] serve
    ⇒ 上菜 (shàngcài) serve food
  7. (= 安装) fix
    ⇒ 上螺丝 (shàng luósī) fix a screw
  8. (= ) apply
    ⇒ 上涂料 (shàng túliào) apply paint
  9. (= 登载) appear
    ⇒ 上杂志 (shàng zázhì) appear in a magazine
  10. (= 拧紧) tighten
    ⇒ 我的表已上弦了。 (Wǒde biǎo yǐ shàngxián le.) I've wound up my watch.
  11. (= 达到) reach
    ⇒ 上岁数 (shàng suìshu) reach a great age
    ⇒ 上百艘船停靠在岸边。 (Shàng bǎi sōu chuán tíngkào zài ànbiān.) Over a hundred boats were moored on the bank.
    1. [车、船、飞机] board
    2. [楼、山] go up
  12. (表示从低到高)
    ⇒ 我跑上楼梯。 (Wǒ pǎoshàng lóutī.) I ran up the stairs.
    ⇒ 演员走上舞台。 (Yǎnyuán zǒushàng wǔtái.) The performer walked onto the stage.
  13. (表示达到目的)
    ⇒ 考上大学 (kǎoshàng dàxué) pass the university entrance exams
    ⇒ 当上老师 (dāngshàng lǎoshī) become a teacher
  14. (表示开始)
    ⇒ 喜欢上古典音乐 (xǐhuan shàng gǔdiǎn yīnyuè) come to like classical music
    ⇒ 他干上了导游。 (Tā gàn shàng le dǎoyóu.) He's started work as a tour guide.

  1. (在物体表面) on
    ⇒ 椅子上 (yǐzi shang) on the chair
  2. (表示范围) in
    ⇒ 报纸上 (bàozhǐ shang) in the newspaper
  3. (表示某方面) in
    ⇒ 事实上 (shìshíshang) in fact

Nearby words of

  • 善终
  • 擅自
  • 禅宗

Related terms of

  • 上乘
  • 上书
  • 上交
  • 上任
  • 上升




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