curry favor
curry favor
in American English
to try to win favor by flattery, fawning, etc.
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Examples of 'curry favor' in a sentence
curry favor
They curried favor, it was said.
The Times Literary Supplement
to slope down
to slope to the right/left
to slot into sth
to slot sb in
to slot sth into sth
to slouch in/out
to slouch (over sth)
to slow to a walk
to slump (into/onto sth)
to slur one's speech
to smack of sth
to smack one's lips
to smarten o.s. up
to smart from sth or over sth
to smash sth into/against sth
to smash sth (in)to pieces or bits
to smash through sth
to smell a rat
to smell nice/delicious/spicy etc
to smell of
to smell/taste sweet
to smile (at sb)
to smile broadly
to smooth the path or way (for sth)
to smother sth/sb with sth
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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:54:07