Saint. Also called: doubting Thomas. one of the twelve apostles, who refused to believe in Christ's resurrection until he had seen his wounds (John 20:24–29). Feast day: July 3 or Dec 21 or Oct 6
2. (French tɔmɑ)
Ambroise (ɑ̃brwaz). 1811–96, French composer of light operas, including Mignon (1866)
Dylan (Marlais) (ˈdɪlən). 1914–53, Welsh poet and essayist. His works include the prose Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog (1940), the verse collection Deaths and Entrances (1946), and his play for voices Under Milk Wood (1954)
(Philip) Edward, pen name Edward Eastaway. 1878–1917, British poet and critic: killed in World War I
R(onald) S(tuart). 1913–2000, Welsh poet and clergyman. His collections include Song at the Year's Turning (1955), Not that He Brought Flowers (1968), and Laboratories of the Spirit (1975)
Thomas in American English1
a masculine name: dim. Tom, Tommy; fem. Thomasina
2. Bible
(called Didymus, the Twin) one of the twelve Apostles, who doubted at first the resurrection of Jesus: John 20:24-29: his day is Dec. 21
also Saint Thomas
Word origin
ME < LL(Ec) < Gr(Ec) Thōmas < Heb teom, Aram teoma, lit., a twin
Thomas in American English2
Clarence1948- ; associate justice, U.S. Supreme Court (1991- )
Dylan (Marlais) (ˈdɪlən) 1914-53; Welsh poet
(Philip) Edward1878-1917; Eng. poet
George Henry1816-70; Union general in the Civil War
Norman (Mattoon)1884-1968; U.S. Socialist leader
Seth1785-1859; U.S. clock manufacturer
Word lists with
All related terms of 'Thomas'
John Thomas
the male organ of copulation in higher vertebrates , also used for urine excretion in many mammals
St. Thomas
second largest island of the Virgin Islands of the U.S.: 31 sq mi (80 sq km); pop. 51,000
Saint Thomas
an island in the E Caribbean , in the Virgin Islands of the US. Capital: Charlotte Amalie. Pop: 51 181 (2000). Area: 83 sq km (28 sq miles)
Thomas Becket
Saint Thomas à . 1118–70, English prelate ; chancellor (1155–62) to Henry II; archbishop of Canterbury (1162–70): murdered following his opposition to Henry's attempts to control the clergy . Feast day: Dec 29 or July 7
doubting Thomas
If you describe someone as a doubting Thomas , you mean they refuse to believe something until they see definite proof or evidence of it.
Thomas Aquinas
Thomas à Becket
Thomas à Kempis
Thomas à. ?1380–1471, German Augustinian monk , generally regarded as the author of the devotional work The Imitation of Christ
Thomas of Erceldoune
called Thomas the Rhymer. ?1220–?97, Scottish seer and poet; reputed author of a poem on the Tristan legend
Thomas of Woodstock
1355–97, youngest son of Edward III, who led opposition to his nephew Richard II (1386–89); arrested in 1397, he died in prison
You use more to indicate that there is a greater amount of something than before or than average , or than something else. You can use 'a little', 'a lot ', 'a bit ', ' far ', and 'much' in front of more .