Morning sickness is a feeling of wanting to be sick or being sick that some women have, often in the morning, when they are pregnant.
morning sickness in British English
nausea occurring shortly after rising: an early symptom of pregnancy
morning sickness in American English
a condition of nausea and vomiting, sometimes accompanied by dizziness, headache, etc., that affects many women during the first months of pregnancy: it occurs most often in the morning
Examples of 'morning sickness' in a sentence
morning sickness
`My period is long overdue and for the past few days, I've been having morning sickness.
Andrews, Virginia WEB OF DREAMS (1990)
Soon she was afflicted with morning sickness which she tried to hide from her parents but it was no use.
Secombe, Fred GOODBYE CURATE (1990)
Dr. Lahey had been suffering from morning sickness, but there was no evidence of it now.
Wilcox, James SORT OF RICH (1990)
In other languages
morning sickness
British English: morning sickness /ˈmɔːnɪŋ ˈsɪknəs/ NOUN
Morning sickness is a feeling of sickness that some women have, often in the morning, when they are pregnant.
American English: morning sickness
Arabic: غَثْيَانُ الْصَّبَاحِ
Brazilian Portuguese: enjôo matinal durante a gravidez
Chinese: 孕妇晨吐
Croatian: jutarnja mučnina
Czech: ranní nevolnost
Danish: morgenkvalme
Dutch: ochtendmisselijkheid
European Spanish: náuseas del embarazo
Finnish: raskauspahoinvointi
French: nausée matinale
German: Schwangerschaftsübelkeit
Greek: πρωινή ναυτία
Italian: nausea mattutina
Japanese: つわりの時期の朝の吐き気
Korean: 입덧
Norwegian: morgenkvalme
Polish: nudności poranne
European Portuguese: enjoo matinal durante a gravidez