a region of the Czech Republic around the Morava River, bounded by the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, the Sudeten Mountains, and the W Carpathians: became a separate Austrian crownland in 1848; part of Czechoslovakia 1918–92; valuable mineral resources
Czech name: Morava. German name: Mähren
Moravia in British English2
(Italian moˈraːvja)
Alberto (alˈbɛrto), pen name of Alberto Pincherle. 1907–90, Italian novelist and short-story writer: his works include The Time of Indifference (1929), The Woman of Rome (1949), The Lie (1966), and Erotic Tales (1985)
Moravia in American English1
(moʊˈreɪviə; Italian mɔˈʀɑvjɑ)
Alˈberto (ɑlˈbɛʀtɔ) (born Alberto Pincherle) 1907-90; It. writer
Moravia in American English2
(mɔˈreɪviə; məˈreɪviə)
historical region in E Czech Republic (formerly in Czechoslovakia)