MOR is a type of pop music which is pleasant and not extreme or unusual. MOR is an abbreviation of 'middle-of-the-road'.
...MOR singer Daniel O'Donnell.
mor in British English
a layer of acidic humus formed in cool moist areas where decomposition is slow
Compare mull4
Word origin
MOR in British English
abbreviation for
middle-of-the-road: used esp in radio programming
Mor. in British English
abbreviation for
Morocco in British English
a kingdom in NW Africa, on the Mediterranean and the Atlantic: conquered by the Arabs in about 683, who introduced Islam; at its height under Berber dynasties (11th–13th centuries); became a French protectorate in 1912 and gained independence in 1956. It is mostly mountainous, with the Atlas Mountains in the centre and the Rif range along the Mediterranean coast, with the Sahara in the south and southeast; an important exporter of phosphates. Official languages: Arabic and Berber; French is also widely spoken. Official religion: (Sunni) Muslim. Currency: dirham. Capital: Rabat. Pop: 35 739 580 (2017 est). Area: 458 730 sq km (177 117 sq miles)
French name: Maroc
MOR in American English
used variously in radio broadcasting to designate styles of popular music that arenot extreme
Mor in American English
mor in American English
a layer of humus, usually matted or compact, that accumulates on the surface of moist, cool soil
Word origin
Dan, humus < or akin to ON morth, a quantity, mass < IE base *mer-, to rub, grind: see mordant