释义 |
English translation of '一些' 量 - (= 部分)
some ⇒ 这项工作让他也分担一些吧。 (Zhè xiàng gōngzuò ràng tā yě fēndān yīxiē ba.) Let him take responsibility for some of this work.
- (= 几个)
a few ⇒ 别的都卖了,只剩这一些了。 (Biéde dōu mài le, zhǐ shèng zhè yīxiē le.) All the others have been sold — there are only these few left.
⇒ 他曾游历过一些名山大川。 (Tā céng yóulìguo yīxiē míngshān dàchuān.) He has visited several famous scenic spots.
- (= 略微)
a little ⇒ 她感觉好一些了。 (Tā gǎnjué hǎo yīxiē le.) She feels a little better.