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( muː di )
Word forms: comparative moodier , superlative moodiest 1. adjective If you describe someone as moody , you mean that their feelings and behaviour change frequently, and in particular that they often become depressed or angry without any warning.
David's mother was unstable and moody.
Ray is a complicated, moody man behind the joking front.
Synonyms: sulky, cross, wounded , angry More Synonyms of moody
moodily ( muː dɪli ) adverb [ usually ADVERB with verb] He sat and stared moodily out the window.
moodiness uncountable noun His moodiness may have been caused by his poor health.
2. adjective [ usually ADJECTIVE noun] If you describe a picture, film, or piece of music as moody , you mean that it suggests particular emotions, especially sad ones.
...moody black and white photographs.
...a blend of melancholy guitars and moody lyrics.
Synonyms: sad, gloomy, melancholy, sombre More Synonyms of moody
More Synonyms of moody
( ˈmuːdɪ )
adjective Word forms: moodier or moodiest 1. sullen, sulky, or gloomy
2. temperamental or changeable
Derived forms
moodily ( ˈmoodily) adverb
moodiness ( ˈmoodiness) noun
( ˈmuːdɪ )
noun Dwight Lyman. 1837–99, US evangelist and hymnodist, noted for his revivalist campaigns in Britain and the US with I. D. Sankey
Moody in American English ( ˈmudi )
1. ˈDwight Lyman ( ˈlaɪmən) 1837-99; U.S. Christian evangelist
2. William Vaughn 1869-1910; U.S. poet & playwright
moody in American English ( ˈmudi )
adjective Word forms: ˈmoodier or ˈmoodiest 1. subject to or characterized by gloomy, sullen moods or changes of mood
2. resulting from or indicating such a mood
Derived forms
moodily ( ˈmoodily) adverb
moodiness ( ˈmoodiness) noun
Word origin
modi < OE
modig Examples of 'moody' in a sentence moody
He is always moody and gets angry easily. Think dark and moody when hitting the high street and layer up with rollneck jumpers. It veers from moody French film music to something much darker when he tackles his true subject, prejudice. He is moody and generally angry at the world. Her parents had rowed bitterly and friends said she was often upset and moody because she was unhappy at home. At primary school she was bright and engaged but since moving to our local comprehensive she has become lazy and moody. It was just sad and moody. Do you choose a pale shade of grey or plump for a darker, more moody tone? That he's moody and unpredictable just makes him more interesting. Sitting at desk - mean and moody. Dark and moody - but in a good way. He's become moody and very snappy. He is aggressive and moody, often verbally nasty to me. Now the texting between them has finally stopped but he's moody and angry with me. The night before, her moody, unpredictable husband had held a knife to her throat. After all, he has been making a similar kind of moody and elliptical music for years, with precious little acclaim. I would smile, put on a front - and then act irritable or moody or depressed. British English :
moody /
ˈmuːdɪ /
ADJECTIVE A moody person often becomes depressed or angry without any warning.
His mother was very moody.
American English : moody Arabic : مُتَقَلِبُ الْـمِزَاجِ Brazilian Portuguese : mal-humorado Chinese : 喜怒无常的 Croatian : zlovoljan Czech : náladový Danish : nedtrykt Dutch : humeurig European Spanish : malhumorado estarFinnish : pahantuulinen French : lunatique German : launisch Greek : κακόκεφος Italian : volubile Japanese : むっつりした Korean : 침울한 Norwegian : lunefull Polish : ponury European Portuguese : mal-humorado Romanian : capricios Russian : унылый Latin American Spanish : malhumorado Swedish : nyckfull Thai : หงุดหงิด Turkish : huysuz Ukrainian : похмурий Vietnamese : thất thường Chinese translation of 'moody' adj (= unpredictable ) [person] 喜怒无(無)常的 (xǐ nù wú cháng de) (= atmospheric ) [film, music] 忧(憂)郁(鬱)的 (yōuyù de)
temperamental or changeable
Teenagers can become unstable and moody.
sullen, sulky, or gloomy
He is a moody man behind that jokey front.
pissed off (taboo , slang)
chippy (informal)
in a huff
tooshie (Australian , slang)
, gay
, optimistic
, cheerful
, amiable
sullen, sulky, or gloomy
Don't go all moody on me!
in the doldrums
down in the dumps (informal)
down in the mouth (informal)
, gay
, optimistic
, cheerful
, amiable
melancholy guitars and moody lyrics
Additional synonyms Definition
feeling or expressing annoyance or rage
an angry rant
furious ,
cross ,
heated ,
mad (informal) ,
raging ,
provoked ,
outraged ,
annoyed ,
passionate ,
irritated ,
raving ,
hacked (off) (US , slang) ,
choked ,
pissed (taboo , slang) ,
infuriated ,
hot ,
incensed ,
enraged ,
ranting ,
exasperated ,
irritable ,
resentful ,
nettled ,
snappy ,
indignant ,
pissed off (taboo , slang) ,
irate ,
tumultuous ,
displeased ,
uptight (informal) ,
riled ,
up in arms ,
incandescent ,
ill-tempered ,
irascible ,
antagonized ,
waspish ,
piqued ,
hot under the collar (informal) ,
on the warpath ,
hopping mad (informal) ,
foaming at the mouth ,
choleric ,
splenetic ,
wrathful ,
at daggers drawn ,
in high dudgeon ,
as black as thunder ,
ireful ,
fit to be tied (slang) ,
tooshie (Australian , slang) ,
off the air (Australian , slang) ,
quarrelsome or bad-tempered
You're just a cantankerous so-and-so.
bad-tempered ,
contrary ,
perverse ,
irritable ,
crusty ,
grumpy ,
disagreeable ,
cranky (US , Canadian , Irish , informal) ,
irascible ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
quarrelsome ,
waspish ,
grouchy (informal) ,
arsey (British , Australian , New Zealand , slang) ,
peevish ,
crabby ,
choleric ,
crotchety (informal) ,
ill-humoured ,
liverish ,
captious ,
difficult Definition
having a tendency to sudden unpredictable changes of attitude or behaviour
capricious mood swings
unpredictable ,
variable ,
unstable ,
inconsistent ,
erratic ,
quirky ,
fickle ,
impulsive ,
mercurial ,
freakish ,
fitful ,
inconstant ,
Additional synonyms Synonyms
bad-tempered ,
trying ,
difficult ,
cross ,
tough ,
harsh ,
sour ,
cynical ,
tart ,
perverse ,
prickly ,
irritable ,
acrimonious ,
surly ,
petulant ,
churlish ,
acrid ,
morose ,
ill-tempered ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
fretful ,
splenetic ,
captious Definition
I'm extremely crabby when I'm hungry.
bad-tempered ,
acid ,
irritable ,
cross ,
awkward ,
sour ,
prickly ,
snappy ,
surly ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
grouchy (informal) ,
unsociable ,
misanthropic ,
crotchety (informal) ,
mardy (dialect) ,
snappish ,
ill-humoured ,
Everyone was getting bored and cross.
angry ,
impatient ,
irritable ,
annoyed ,
put out ,
hacked (off) (informal) ,
pissed (taboo , slang) ,
crusty ,
snappy ,
grumpy ,
vexed ,
pissed off (taboo , slang) ,
sullen ,
surly ,
fractious ,
petulant ,
disagreeable ,
short ,
churlish ,
peeved (informal) ,
ill-tempered ,
irascible ,
cantankerous ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
tooshie (Australian , slang) ,
testy ,
fretful ,
waspish ,
in a bad mood ,
grouchy (informal) ,
querulous ,
shirty (slang , British) ,
peevish ,
splenetic ,
crotchety (informal) ,
snappish ,
ill-humoured ,
liverish ,
captious ,
pettish ,
out of humour ,
hoha (New Zealand)
a crotchety old man
bad-tempered ,
difficult ,
cross ,
contrary ,
awkward ,
irritable ,
crusty ,
grumpy ,
surly ,
fractious ,
disagreeable ,
cantankerous ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
peevish ,
curmudgeonly ,
obstreperous ,
crabby ,
liverish Definition
rude or irritable
a crusty old colonel with a gruff manner
irritable ,
short ,
cross ,
prickly ,
touchy ,
curt ,
surly ,
gruff ,
brusque ,
cantankerous ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
chippy (informal) ,
short-tempered ,
peevish ,
crabby ,
choleric ,
splenetic ,
ill-humoured ,
captious ,
snappish or snappy
gloomy and depressing
The main part of the hospital is pretty dismal.
gloomy ,
depressing ,
dull ,
dreary ,
lugubrious ,
cheerless Definition
dreary or mournful
He stared over his glasses with a doleful look.
mournful ,
sad ,
gloomy ,
depressing ,
low ,
painful ,
distressing ,
dismal ,
melancholy ,
dreary ,
sombre ,
pitiful ,
forlorn ,
woeful ,
lugubrious ,
sorrowful ,
wretched ,
funereal ,
cheerless ,
woebegone ,
down in the mouth ,
dolorous Definition
sullen and unfriendly
a dour, taciturn man
gloomy ,
forbidding ,
grim ,
sour ,
dismal ,
dreary ,
sullen ,
unfriendly ,
morose Definition
sad and dejected
a glum, downcast expression
dejected ,
sad ,
depressed ,
unhappy ,
disappointed ,
discouraged ,
miserable ,
dismayed ,
choked ,
daunted ,
dismal ,
despondent ,
dispirited ,
disheartened ,
disconsolate ,
crestfallen ,
down in the dumps (informal) ,
cheerless ,
sick as a parrot (informal)
irregular or unpredictable
the erratic nature of our recent weather
unpredictable ,
variable ,
unstable ,
irregular ,
shifting ,
eccentric ,
abnormal ,
inconsistent ,
uneven ,
unreliable ,
wayward ,
capricious ,
desultory ,
changeable ,
aberrant ,
fitful ,
Additional synonyms Definition
changeable in purpose, affections, etc.
They are fickle, faithless and lewd.
capricious ,
variable ,
volatile ,
unpredictable ,
unstable ,
unfaithful ,
temperamental ,
mercurial ,
unsteady ,
faithless ,
changeable ,
quicksilver ,
vacillating ,
fitful ,
flighty ,
blowing hot and cold ,
mutable ,
irresolute ,
inconstant Definition
occurring in irregular spells
He drifted off into a fitful sleep.
irregular ,
broken ,
disturbed ,
erratic ,
variable ,
flickering ,
unstable ,
uneven ,
fluctuating ,
sporadic ,
intermittent ,
impulsive ,
haphazard ,
desultory ,
spasmodic ,
inconstant Definition
frivolous and not very reliable or serious
In my youth I was a frivolous fool, vain and flighty.
frivolous ,
wild ,
volatile ,
unstable ,
irresponsible ,
dizzy (informal) ,
fickle ,
unbalanced ,
impulsive ,
mercurial ,
giddy ,
capricious ,
unsteady ,
thoughtless ,
changeable ,
impetuous ,
skittish ,
light-headed ,
harebrained ,
scatterbrained ,
ditzy or ditsy (slang)
gloomy and quiet, usually because of a disappointment
What are you both looking so glum about?
gloomy ,
miserable ,
dismal ,
down ,
low ,
melancholy ,
dejected ,
downcast ,
morose ,
doleful ,
downhearted ,
down in the dumps (informal) ,
down in the mouth ,
in low spirits ,
chapfallen ,
sour ,
moody ,
crabbed ,
pessimistic ,
grumpy ,
sullen ,
surly ,
churlish ,
sulky ,
crestfallen ,
saturnine ,
huffy ,
ill-humoured He always seemed so angry or huffy.
sulky ,
irritable ,
moody ,
short ,
cross ,
angry ,
offended ,
choked ,
crabbed ,
disgruntled ,
resentful ,
edgy ,
crusty ,
snappy ,
grumpy ,
sullen ,
touchy ,
curt ,
surly ,
moping ,
petulant ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
chippy (informal) ,
waspish ,
querulous ,
shirty (slang , British) ,
peevish ,
crotchety (informal) ,
pettish ,
tooshie (Australian , slang)
having a bad temper
You sound like an ill-tempered child.
cross ,
irritable ,
grumpy ,
irascible ,
sharp ,
annoyed ,
impatient ,
touchy ,
bad-tempered ,
curt ,
spiteful ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
chippy (informal) ,
choleric ,
ill-humoured ,
liverish Definition
easily angered
He had an irascible temper.
bad-tempered ,
cross ,
irritable ,
crabbed ,
touchy ,
cantankerous ,
peppery ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
chippy (informal) ,
short-tempered ,
hot-tempered ,
quick-tempered ,
choleric ,
narky (British , slang)
easily annoyed or angered
He had been waiting for an hour and was starting to feel irritable.
bad-tempered ,
cross ,
snappy ,
hot ,
tense ,
crabbed ,
fiery ,
snarling ,
prickly ,
exasperated ,
edgy ,
touchy ,
petulant ,
ill-tempered ,
irascible ,
cantankerous ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
chippy (informal) ,
fretful ,
peevish ,
crabby ,
dyspeptic ,
choleric ,
crotchety (informal) ,
oversensitive ,
snappish ,
ill-humoured ,
narky (British , slang) ,
out of humour
mournful or gloomy
He plays it so slowly that it becomes lugubrious.
gloomy ,
serious ,
sad ,
dismal ,
melancholy ,
dreary ,
sombre ,
woeful ,
mournful ,
morose ,
sorrowful ,
funereal ,
doleful ,
woebegone ,
characterized by, causing, or expressing sadness
It was at this time of day that I felt most melancholy.
sad ,
down ,
depressed ,
unhappy ,
low ,
blue ,
miserable ,
moody ,
gloomy ,
dismal ,
sombre ,
woeful ,
glum ,
mournful ,
dejected ,
despondent ,
dispirited ,
melancholic ,
downcast ,
lugubrious ,
pensive ,
sorrowful ,
disconsolate ,
joyless ,
doleful ,
downhearted ,
heavy-hearted ,
down in the dumps (informal) ,
woebegone ,
down in the mouth ,
Additional synonyms Definition
lively and unpredictable
his mercurial temperament
capricious ,
volatile ,
unpredictable ,
erratic ,
variable ,
unstable ,
fickle ,
temperamental ,
impulsive ,
irrepressible ,
changeable ,
quicksilver ,
flighty ,
inconstant Definition
unhappy or depressed
She went to bed, miserable and depressed.
sad ,
down ,
low ,
depressed ,
distressed ,
gloomy ,
dismal ,
afflicted ,
melancholy ,
heartbroken ,
desolate ,
forlorn ,
mournful ,
dejected ,
broken-hearted ,
despondent ,
downcast ,
sorrowful ,
wretched ,
disconsolate ,
crestfallen ,
doleful ,
down in the dumps (informal) ,
woebegone ,
down in the mouth (informal)
ill-tempered, sullen, and unwilling to talk very much
She was morose, pale and reticent.
sullen ,
miserable ,
moody ,
gloomy ,
down ,
low ,
cross ,
blue ,
depressed ,
sour ,
crabbed ,
pessimistic ,
perverse ,
melancholy ,
dour ,
crusty ,
glum ,
surly ,
mournful ,
gruff ,
churlish ,
sulky ,
taciturn ,
ill-tempered ,
in a bad mood ,
grouchy (informal) ,
down in the dumps (informal) ,
crabby ,
saturnine ,
ill-humoured ,
ill-natured She is terribly offended and hurt by personal remarks.
upset ,
pained ,
hurt ,
bothered ,
disturbed ,
distressed ,
outraged ,
stung ,
put out (informal) ,
grieved ,
disgruntled ,
agitated ,
ruffled ,
resentful ,
affronted ,
miffed (informal) ,
displeased ,
in a huff ,
piqued ,
huffy ,
tooshie (Australian , slang)
not in normal good health or temper
You are feeling out of sorts and unable to see the wood for the trees.
depressed ,
miserable ,
in low spirits ,
down ,
low ,
blue ,
sad ,
unhappy ,
gloomy ,
melancholy ,
mournful ,
dejected ,
despondent ,
dispirited ,
downcast ,
long-faced ,
sorrowful ,
disconsolate ,
crestfallen ,
down in the dumps (informal) ,
down in the mouth (informal) ,
deeply thoughtful, often with a tinge of sadness
She looked suddenly sombre and pensive.
thoughtful ,
serious ,
sad ,
blue (informal) ,
grave ,
sober ,
musing ,
preoccupied ,
melancholy ,
solemn ,
reflective ,
dreamy ,
wistful ,
mournful ,
contemplative ,
meditative ,
sorrowful ,
ruminative ,
in a brown study (informal) ,
unreasonably irritable or peevish
He whined like a petulant child.
sulky ,
cross ,
moody ,
sour ,
crabbed ,
impatient ,
pouting ,
perverse ,
irritable ,
crusty ,
sullen ,
bad-tempered ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
fretful ,
waspish ,
querulous ,
peevish ,
ungracious ,
cavilling ,
huffy ,
fault-finding ,
snappish ,
ill-humoured ,
captious Definition
Why is she so pissed at you?
angry ,
cross ,
furious ,
mad (informal) ,
annoyed ,
pissed off (taboo , slang) ,
displeased ,
irked ,
tooshie (Australian , slang)
having a gloomy temperament or appearance
He is a saturnine man who speaks with precision and pedantic care.
gloomy ,
grave ,
sombre ,
dour ,
morose ,
glum ,
taciturn ,
phlegmatic ,
uncommunicative Definition
easily angered
I'm a bit short-tempered sometimes.
quick-tempered ,
impatient ,
touchy ,
irascible ,
fiery ,
peppery ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
chippy (informal) ,
hot-tempered ,
Additional synonyms Definition
serious, sad, or gloomy
The pair were in sombre mood.
gloomy ,
sad ,
sober ,
grave ,
dismal ,
melancholy ,
mournful ,
lugubrious ,
joyless ,
funereal ,
doleful ,
sepulchral Definition
irritable or bad-tempered
retired military men with splenetic opinions
irritable ,
cross ,
bad-tempered ,
acid ,
sour ,
crabbed ,
sullen ,
touchy ,
petulant ,
spiteful ,
bitchy (informal) ,
churlish ,
morose ,
irascible ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
chippy (informal) ,
fretful ,
rancorous ,
peevish ,
crabby ,
choleric ,
unwilling to talk or be sociable
The offenders lapsed into a sullen silence.
morose ,
cross ,
moody ,
sour ,
gloomy ,
brooding ,
dour ,
surly ,
glowering ,
sulky ,
unsociable ,
out of humour
(of a person) tending to be moody and have sudden outbursts of anger
The patient was given to temperamental outbursts and paranoia.
moody ,
emotional ,
touchy ,
sensitive ,
explosive ,
passionate ,
volatile ,
fiery ,
impatient ,
erratic ,
irritable ,
mercurial ,
excitable ,
capricious ,
petulant ,
hot-headed ,
chippy (informal) ,
hypersensitive ,
highly strung ,
easily upset ,
unstable Definition
irritable or touchy
Ben gets testy when he is hungry.
irritable ,
cross ,
grumpy ,
crabbed ,
impatient ,
snappy ,
sullen ,
touchy ,
bad-tempered ,
petulant ,
irascible ,
cantankerous ,
peppery ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
quarrelsome ,
chippy (informal) ,
fretful ,
short-tempered ,
waspish ,
peevish ,
quick-tempered ,
splenetic ,
snappish ,
liverish ,
captious Definition
cross, irritable, or touchy
You always get tetchy when you're hungry.
irritable ,
cross ,
grumpy ,
crabbed ,
impatient ,
snappy ,
sullen ,
touchy ,
bad-tempered ,
petulant ,
irascible ,
cantankerous ,
peppery ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
quarrelsome ,
chippy (informal) ,
fretful ,
short-tempered ,
waspish ,
peevish ,
quick-tempered ,
splenetic ,
snappish ,
liverish ,
captious Definition
easily upset or irritated
He is very touchy about his past.
oversensitive ,
irritable ,
bad-tempered ,
cross ,
crabbed ,
grumpy ,
surly ,
petulant ,
irascible ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
chippy (informal) ,
thin-skinned ,
grouchy (informal) ,
querulous ,
peevish ,
quick-tempered ,
splenetic ,
easily offended ,
captious ,
pettish ,
toey (New Zealand , slang)
not easy to predict or foresee
Britain's notoriously unpredictable weather
extraordinary ,
erratic ,
changeable ,
variable ,
chance ,
random ,
doubtful ,
unstable ,
unreliable ,
fickle ,
hit-and-miss (informal) ,
iffy (informal) ,
hit-or-miss (informal) ,
inconstant ,
unforeseeable ,
fluky (informal) ,
likely to change suddenly and create difficulties or danger
The situation is unstable and potentially dangerous.
changeable ,
volatile ,
unpredictable ,
variable ,
fluctuating ,
unsteady ,
fitful ,
inconstant His unsteady relationship with his flatmates incited him to move out.
erratic ,
unpredictable ,
volatile ,
unsettled ,
wavering ,
unreliable ,
temperamental ,
changeable ,
vacillating ,
flighty ,
Additional synonyms Definition
(of circumstances) liable to sudden change
There have been riots before and the situation is volatile.
changeable ,
shifting ,
variable ,
unsettled ,
unstable ,
explosive ,
unreliable ,
unsteady ,
inconstant Definition
bad-tempered or spiteful
Her tone was somewhat waspish and abrupt.
bad-tempered ,
cross ,
irritable ,
grumpy ,
touchy ,
petulant ,
waxy (informal , British) ,
ill-tempered ,
irascible ,
cantankerous ,
peppery ,
crabbed ,
tetchy ,
ratty (British , New Zealand , informal) ,
testy ,
chippy (informal) ,
fretful ,
peevish ,
crabby ,
splenetic ,
crotchety (informal) ,
snappish ,
liverish ,
captious ,