

单词 peddler
peddlerped‧dler /ˈpedlə $ -ər/ noun [countable] Word Origin
1300-1400 pedder ‘peddler’ (13-19 centuries), from ped ‘basket’ (13-19 centuries)
  • Smithson had been a rose peddler in Portland.
  • Classical philosophers refer to them with contempt, as peddlers of absolution for a modest fee.
  • I am Omar Duvall, this morning a peddler through these emerald mountains.
  • Neither are there any ghetto blasters or peddlers or time-share pests.
  • Or is he a smut peddler who is using it to enhance the sale of his magazines?
  • Save him for the Old Bailey and whichever penal dustbin they locked dope peddlers in.
  • The peddler in disguise showed Snow White her beautiful, colorful laces.
  • The shrewdest of the shrewd race of Connecticut Yankee peddlers, he understood the people in their multiple desires.
  • Their list peddlers are hawking the names of 21,000 attendees, the lists with exhibitors excluded.
Longman Language Activatorsomeone who tricks other people
someone who tries to get money from people by tricking them: · A pair of con men have been tricking older people in the community out of their life savings.· Don't be fooled by con artists who promise enormous returns on your investment with no risk.· Petty scam artists victimize tourists on the streets.
informal a dishonest person who steals things or tricks people: · I wouldn't do business with him - he's a crook.· People have accused me of being a crook, but I didn't take any money that wasn't mine.
someone who pretends to have special skills and abilities and tricks people into believing them: · Some psychic charlatan convinced her she was going to die in six months.· Charlatans advertise a variety of fat-reducing treatments in the back of magazines.
informal a dishonest person who pretends to be a doctor who can cure diseases: · Larry paid some quack over a thousand dollars to cure his insomnia.· That quack doesn't know anything about treating heart disease.
American informal a dishonest person, especially a lawyer: · Their lawyer is a shyster who would do anything to win a case.· Once the shysters get involved, you can be sure we'll end up in court.
American someone who deceives people by persuading them to accept false information, solutions etc that are not effective: · Critics have called the Senator a smooth-talking snake-oil peddler.· Latenight TV is full of snake-oil salesmen offering get-rich-quick schemes.
acid, nounaddict, nounaddicted, adjectiveaddiction, nounaddictive, adjectiveamphetamine, nounbong, nouncannabis, nounclean, adjectivecocaine, nouncoke, nouncold turkey, nouncontrolled substance, nouncrack, nouncut, verbdeal, verbdealer, noundesigner drug, noundetox, noundetoxification, noundope, noundope, verbdopehead, noundowner, noundrug, noundrug addict, noundrug baron, noundrug czar, noundrug dealer, noundruggie, noundrug rehabilitation, noundrug runner, nounecstasy, nounfix, nounganja, noungear, nounglue-sniffing, noungrass, nounhallucinogen, nounhallucinogenic, adjectivehard, adjectivehard drugs, nounhash, nounhashish, nounhemp, nounheroin, nounhigh, adjectivehigh, nounhippie, nounhit, nounjoint, nounjunkie, nounline, nounLSD, nounmagic mushroom, nounmainline, verbmarijuana, nounmescaline, nounmethadone, nounmule, nounnarc, nounnarcotic, adjectiveneedle, nounOD, verbopiate, nounopium, nounoverdose, nounpeddler, nounpep pill, nounpot, nounpsychedelic, adjectivepush, verbpusher, nounrecovery program, nounreefer, nounrehab, nounroach, nounscore, verbshooting gallery, nounsmack, nounsmoke, nounsniff, verbsnort, verbsnort, nounsnow, nounsoft drug, nounsolvent abuse, nounspeed, nounstash, nounsteroid, nounstoned, adjectivestrung-out, adjectivesubstance abuse, nountab, nountake, verbtrafficking, nountrip, nountrip, verbuse, verbwasted, adjectiveweed, nounwithdrawal, nounwithdrawal symptoms, noun
  • For all his odd and scary views, Buchanan has played the fear card like a snake oil salesman hawking eternal life.
  • Perhaps, when the shouting from snake oil salesmen subsides, our leaders will find a way to forge a bipartisan solution.
1the American spelling of pedlar2old-fashioned someone who sells illegal drugspusher, dealer




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