

单词 peddle
peddleped‧dle /ˈpedl/ verb [transitive] Word Origin
1500-1600 peddler
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theypeddle
he, she, itpeddles
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theypeddled
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave peddled
he, she, ithas peddled
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad peddled
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill peddle
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have peddled
Continuous Form
PresentIam peddling
he, she, itis peddling
you, we, theyare peddling
PastI, he, she, itwas peddling
you, we, theywere peddling
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been peddling
he, she, ithas been peddling
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been peddling
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be peddling
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been peddling
  • Belloni started her bakery business by peddling her homemade bread to local stores.
  • Councilman Cobb is peddling his idea for a new freeway.
  • Melendez's gang made up to $10 million a month peddling heroin.
  • She now peddles cheap jewelry on TV.
  • Street vendors peddled flowers and candles.
  • Stricter punishments will be given to those convicted of peddling drugs to children.
  • The gang earned as much as $10 million a month peddling heroin and cocaine.
  • In 1990, peddling himself to the voters as a successful businessman, he was elected governor.
  • Mattan and the yellow jersey were right in the middle of the pack as it peddled hard in the blistering heat.
  • Not to be missed is Water at Work, in which peddling a bicycle produces the energy necessary to create a tornado.
  • Others are peddling an assortment of get-rich-quick schemes.
  • She apparently also used her contacts there to peddle a catalog for a merchandise corporation.
  • They are the favorite targets of the boys who steal a few hours from shining shoes, peddling candy and gathering firewood.
  • Thornhill has been peddling his rape thesis for years without much attention.
to give something to someone in exchange for money: · He sold his motorcycle.· The shop sells old furniture.· Do you sell books on gardening?
to send goods to another country to be sold: · Which countries export oil to the United States?
to buy and sell a particular type of goods as part of your business: · He deals in antiques.
to make something available to be bought: · When the painting was first put up for sale, no one thought that it would be worth so much money.· The farm was put up for sale.
British English to sell your house or your business so that you can move to a different place or do something different: · They’re thinking of selling up and moving to Canada.
to sell things at a special event to the person who offers the most money: · The contents of his home will be auctioned.
British English informal to sell something, especially something that is of low quality: · A man at the market was flogging £10 watches.
to sell cheap things in the street. Also used about selling illegal drugs and pornography: · Street vendors peddled American and British cigarettes.· People who peddle drugs to children should be severely punished.
to buy and sell large quantities of illegal goods or people: · They trafficked in illegal weapons.· The gang were involved in people-trafficking.· drug-trafficking
Longman Language Activatorto sell illegal goods
to sell illegal drugs to people: · The gang earned as much as $10 million a month peddling heroin and cocaine.peddle something to somebody: · Stricter punishments will be given to those convicted of peddling drugs to children.
to buy and sell illegal goods such as drugs or weapons: · The police suspect him of dealing in stolen goods.· Police believe Fry was dealing in narcotics.· The article accuses Davis of dealing in arms.
informal to sell illegal drugs, especially to people who are trying them for the first time, to make them want more: · Anyone caught pushing heroin or cocaine is given a long prison sentence.
selling large quantities of illegal drugs or taking them into another country in order to sell them: · In Thailand the penalty for drug trafficking is death.· Customs officials claim to have uncovered a major drug-trafficking ring.trafficking in: · The two girls were arrested for trafficking in hard drugs.
the system by which people illegally buy and sell goods or foreign money, especially for high prices, often because these things are difficult to obtain legally: · Authorities are worried about the growing black market in the city.on the black market: · You can get a much better rate for your dollar on the black market than in a bank.black market in: · The immigration service is concerned about a thriving black market in phoney ID cards and working permits.
to sell something
to give something to someone in exchange for money: · Tom's thinking of selling his motorcycle and buying a new one.· If you can, wait to sell until prices are high.· Postcards and souvenirs were being sold outside the cathedral.sell somebody something: · The company sold Braugh $100,000 worth of computers at discounted rates.sell something to somebody: · It is illegal to sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 18.· The painting was sold to an art gallery in Philadelphia.sell something for £250/$50 etc: · The antique buttons are very valuable, and we sell them for £100 and upwards.
to sell something, usually a group of things, at a reduced price in order to get rid of it quickly, because you need the money soon, or because it will not last a long time: sell something off: · The bakery usually sells its cakes off at half price just before closing time.sell off something: · After the funeral the house contents were sold off quickly to pay all his debts.· The school district may be forced to close schools and sell off land in order to make much-needed repairs.
if a country or a company exports its products, it sends them to another country in order to sell them: · Japanese televisions and hi-fi systems are exported all over the world.· Ancient artefacts cannot be exported.export something to France/the UK/Japan etc: · In 1986 they exported 210,000 cases of wine to the UK.
British to sell your house, your business, or other things you own in order to move to a different place or to do something different: · Why don't we sell up and move to Canada? Property is really cheap there!· My parents sold up the farm and went to live in Glasgow.
if someone who works in a shop or a bar serves a customer, they help them to buy or choose the goods that they want: · There was a line of people in front of me who were all waiting to be served.· Estrada was serving a customer when the fire started.· It is illegal to serve alcoholic drinks to anyone under 18.
to buy and sell a particular kind of goods as part of your business: · The gallery deals mostly in paintings but they do sometimes sell photographs.· Tax agents are visiting more than 5,000 businesses that deal in expensive items such as cars, boats, and jewels.
when something is sold: · The rebels are using money from the sale of drugs to buy weapons.· The law prohibits the sale and consumption of alcohol on unlicensed premises.
British informal to sell something, especially something that is of low quality or that has something wrong with it: · There was a man at the market who was flogging watches for £10 each.flog somebody something: · Don't let him flog you his car -- he's had endless trouble with it.
to sell goods, usually things that are cheap, especially by going from place to place rather than selling them in a shop: · Street vendors peddled flowers and candles.· Belloni started her bakery business by peddling her homemade bread to local stores.
the activity of selling goods or shares in companies: · Trading started briskly on the New York Stock Exchange this morning.stop/cease trading: · The company ran out of money and was forced to cease trading.
after-sales service, agro-industry, nounarcade, nounB2B exchange, nounB2C, adjectivebakery, nounbar code, nounbargain, nounbarrier to trade, nounbarrow, nounbazaar, nounbid, nounbid, verbbidding, nounbid-rigging, nounboard of directors, nounBOL, bonded factory, bookshop, nounbookstall, nounbookstore, nounbook token, nounboom, nounboom, verbboot sale, nounboutique, nounboxed, adjectivebreakdown clause, B/S, business agent, business interruption insurance, business liability insurance, buyback, nounbuyer, nounbuying power, C&F, callback, nouncarrying charge, cash and carry, nouncash basis, nouncash desk, nouncash discount, nouncash generation, cash price, cash register, nouncasualty insurance, CFI, CFR, chain store, nounchamber of trade, nouncheckout, nounCIF, CIP, clearance sale, nounclosed-door policy, nounComdex, nouncommercial agent, common ownership, comparative advantage, competitive advantage, competitive strategy, completion date, concessionaire, nounconsign, verbconsignee, nounconsignment, nounconsignor, nounconsolidator, nounconsumer, nounconsumer confidence, nounconsumerism, nounconsumer society, nouncontinuous improvement, conversion rate, corn exchange, nouncorporate investment, cost, nouncost price, nouncreative brief, credit, nouncredit account, nouncredit control, credit note, nouncreditor turnover rate, nouncredit terms, credit voucher, nouncustom, nouncustomer, nouncustomer capital, cutover, nouncut-price, adjectivedealership, noundebit account, declaration insurance, deliverable, noundelivery date, delivery receipt, deputy chairman, dime store, noundirect investment, disability insurance, discount, noundiscounting, noundispenser, noundistribute, verbdistributive, adjectivedocket, noundocumentary credit, domestic investment, draft terms, draper, noundrive-in, noundrive-in store, -driven, suffixdrop-shipping, nounDutch auction, nounearnings, nounEFQM Excellence Model, electronic point of sale, embargo, verbemporium, nounescalator clause, escape clause, executive chairman, expiration date, export, nounexport, verbexport credit, exporter, nounexport insurance, extended credit, external competitiveness, EXW, factory shop, fair dealing, financial investment, first-tier supplier, flat, adjectiveflea market, nounfleet terms, florist, nounfor-profit, adjectivefree market, nounfree port, nounfreight, nounfreight, verbfront end, nounfutures market, noungift certificate, noungift token, noungift-wrap, verbgiveaway, nounglut, noungoodwill, noungrandfather clause, greengrocer, noungross margin, noungross national product, noungross profit, nounguaranteed price, halo effect, handle, verbhandling charge, nounhigh street, nounhome product, hookup, nounHP, nounindent, nounindirect sale, industrial estate, nouninstallment plan, nouninstalment, nounInternet Service Provider, inventory, nouninvestment goods, invoice, nouninvoice, verbjob order, kanban system, layaway, nounleasing, nounliability insurance, license, verbline, nounlist price, nounlong-term credit, loss leader, nounlot, nounlumberyard, nounmail order, nounmarkdown, nounmarket, nounmarket-driven, adjectivemarket economy, nounmarket forces, nounmarketing, nounmarket leader, nounmarket-led, adjectivemarket price, nounmarket research, nounmarket value, nounmark-up, nounmedium-term credit, mercantile, adjectivemerchandise, nounmerchandiser, nounmerchant, nounMNC, MNE, move, verbmultiple, nounmultiple store, nounoff, adverboffer, nounoff-the-shelf, adjectiveo.n.o., open, adjectiveopen, verbopening hours, nounorder, nounorder, verbOTC, out, adverboutbid, verboutpost, nounoutsell, verboverbid, verboverbook, verboversubscribed, adjectiveovertrade, verbown brand, adjectiveown label, adjectivepackage, verbpackage deal, nounpackager, nounpackaging, nounpacket, nounparade, nounpart exchange, nounpass-along, nounpass-through, nounpeddle, verbpedlar, nounperformance guarantee, perfumery, nounpetty cash, nounpitch, nounplaza, nounpoint of sale, nounprice, nounprice, verbprice fixing, nounprice-fixing, nounprice list, nounprice tag, nounprice war, nounprivate company, private investment, problem child, nounproducer, nounproduction control, profit, nounprofit margin, nounpro forma invoice, nounpro-forma invoice, property and liability insurance, proprietary, adjectivepunter, nounpurchase, verbpurchase, nounpurveyor, nounpyramid selling, nounquotation, nounrake-off, nounready-to-wear, adjectivereal estate, nounreceipt, nounrefund, verbregular, nounrelaunch, nounremnant, nounrent, verbrent, nounrental, nounreorder, verbresell, verbreserve, nounretail, nounretail, verbretail, adverbretailer, nounretailing, nounretail park, nounrevolving credit, sale, nounsales channel, sales slip, nounsecond-tier supplier, secured credit, self-service, adjectivesell-by date, nounseller, nounseller's market, nounselling, nounselling price, nounserve, verbservice, nounservice agreement, service bureau, nounsettlement date, sex shop, nounshelf life, nounship, verbshopfitting, nounshopping centre, nounshopping mall, nounshopping precinct, nounshop-soiled, adjectiveshopworn, adjectiveshort-term credit, showcase, nounshowroom, nounshrink-wrapped, adjectivesister company, soft sell, nounsolicit, verbsouk, nounspecial, nounSRP, stand, nounstand-alone, adjectivestaple, nounstartup, nounstationer, nounstock, nounstockist, nounstockroom, nounstocktaking, nounstoppage in transit, nounstore brand, nounstorefront, nounstreet price, strip mall, nounstructural analysis, supermarket, nounsuperstore, nounsurcharge, nounsurcharge, verbtake-up, nountakings, nountelesales, nountender, verbthrift shop, nounthroughput, nounticket, nounticket, verbtill, nountout, verbtrade discount, nountrade fair, nountrade-in, nountrademark, nountradename, nountrade name, nountrade price, nountrader, nountrade route, nountrade secret, nountradesman, nountrading estate, nountrading post, nountraffic, nountrafficker, nountrigger point, uneconomic, adjectiveunit price, noununsecured credit, upfront fee, wares, nounwarranty, nounwholesale, nounwholesale, adjectivewholesaler, nounwinding up, noun
 They were accused of peddling drugs.
 a door-to-door salesman peddling his wares (=selling his goods)
· He insists that accusations of influence-peddling and bribe-taking have dented neither his popularity nor his effectiveness.· In Washington, where there are over eight thousand paid lobbyists, the newest growth industry has become influence peddling.· The number of cases involving bribery, graft and influence peddling revealed in recent months is stunning.
· That hatemongers still peddle their shopworn wares, disrupting lives, pitting neighbor against neighbor.
1to sell goods to people, especially goods that people disapprove of because they are illegal, harmful, or of not very high qualitypush, deal:  They were accused of peddling drugs. people who peddle cigarettes to young children2to try to sell things to people, especially by going from place to place:  Farmers come to Seoul to peddle rice. a door-to-door salesman peddling his wares (=selling his goods) see thesaurus at sell3to try to persuade people to accept an opinion or idea which is wrong or false:  politicians peddling instant solutions to long-standing problems




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