

单词 sleeping car
sleeping carˈsleeping car noun [countable] Examples
  • He kept getting up and going to the window to look down on his sleeping car.
  • It jumped in to fill a gap when InterCity ended seated accommodation on most sleeping car trains.
  • Luxury for first class travellers: a sleeping car attendant delivers hot water bottles on the London-to-Inverness Express, January 1935.
word sets
baggage car, nounbaggage room, nounboat train, nounboxcar, nounBR, nounbuffer, nouncaboose, nouncarriage, nouncattle truck, nounchoo-choo, nouncoach, nouncommunication cord, nounconductor, nouncouchette, nouncowcatcher, nouncutting, nounday return, noundepartures board, noundepot, nounderail, verbdining car, nounelectrify, verbemergency cord, nounengine, nounexpress, nounflatcar, nounfreight, nounfreight train, noungauge, noungrade, noungrade crossing, noungradient, nounguard, nounguard's van, nounhandcar, nouninbound, adjectivelight railway, nounline, nounlineman, nounlocal, nounlocomotive, nounloop, nounmail train, nounmain line, nounmetro, nounmonorail, nounnarrow gauge, nounplatform, nounPullman, nounrail, nounrailroad, nounrailway, nounrailway line, nounrailway station, nounrapid transit system, nounrestaurant car, nounrolling stock, nounshunt, verbshunt, nounsiding, nounsignal, nounsignal box, nounsignalman, nounsleeper, nounsleeping car, nounspur, nounstation master, nounsteam, nounstock car, nounsubway, nountender, nounterminus, nounthrust, nountrack, nountrain, nountrain spotter, nountruck, nounturntable, nounvan, nounvestibule, nounwagon, nounway station, noun
a railway carriage with beds for passengers to sleep in SYN  sleeper




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