

单词 sleeper
sleepersleep‧er /ˈsliːpə $ -ər/ noun [countable] Examples
  • He's a restless sleeper, kicking and thrashing about throughout the night.
  • He had booked on tomorrow night's sleeper, and would head up to Oban on Friday.
  • Many sleepers are disturbed by light that pervades their eyelids when they have their eyes closed.
  • Often what is perceived as insomnia by an older sleeper is only a change in sleep length and sleep quality.
  • People who say they are disturbed by noise at night may just happen to be light sleepers.
  • She's good at that too, an accomplished sleeper, with childish face.
  • The air exerts pressure on the airway, holding it open and allowing the sleeper to breathe normally.
Longman Language Activatorto sleep well and not wake up during the night
to sleep without waking up, until the time when you are ready to wake up: · "Did the storm keep you awake?'' "No, I slept very well.''· I don't want you to worry. Sleep well.· The day had been long and difficult, but Gita slept soundly until morning.
to sleep well for a whole night and get a good rest so that you do not feel tired in the morning: · After getting a good night's sleep, Pedro awoke refreshed and full of energy.· Unfortunately, fatigue cannot be cured just by having a good night's sleep.· I think we both need a good night's sleep. I'm too tired to talk about it now.
informal to sleep very well: · You'll feel better after you've had a good sleep.· We both had a good sleep on the plane, so the jetlag wasn't too bad for either of us.
to sleep very well and not wake up during the night, even if there is noise: · Cara slept like a log right through the storm.· It was deathly quiet, and I slept like a log all night.
to stay asleep while something noisy is happening around you: · His prison cellmate had slept through the tragedy.· Can you imagine paying all that money to see an opera, and then sleeping through the whole thing?· I sometimes think Dave could sleep through a world war.
to always sleep very deeply and not wake up easily, even if there is a lot of noise: · The traffic won't bother me -- I'm a heavy sleeper.· Normally, she was a good sleeper, but that night she lay awake, tossing and turning.
informal to be sleeping so deeply that it is very difficult to wake you: · I'm sorry I didn't hear the phone -- I must have been dead to the world this morning.
someone who is easily woken by noise
· Mr and Mrs Carlton are both light sleepers, so be very quiet when you come in at night.· If you are a light sleeper, ask for a room that doesn't face the street.
baggage car, nounbaggage room, nounboat train, nounboxcar, nounBR, nounbuffer, nouncaboose, nouncarriage, nouncattle truck, nounchoo-choo, nouncoach, nouncommunication cord, nounconductor, nouncouchette, nouncowcatcher, nouncutting, nounday return, noundepartures board, noundepot, nounderail, verbdining car, nounelectrify, verbemergency cord, nounengine, nounexpress, nounflatcar, nounfreight, nounfreight train, noungauge, noungrade, noungrade crossing, noungradient, nounguard, nounguard's van, nounhandcar, nouninbound, adjectivelight railway, nounline, nounlineman, nounlocal, nounlocomotive, nounloop, nounmail train, nounmain line, nounmetro, nounmonorail, nounnarrow gauge, nounplatform, nounPullman, nounrail, nounrailroad, nounrailway, nounrailway line, nounrailway station, nounrapid transit system, nounrestaurant car, nounrolling stock, nounshunt, verbshunt, nounsiding, nounsignal, nounsignal box, nounsignalman, nounsleeper, nounsleeping car, nounspur, nounstation master, nounsteam, nounstock car, nounsubway, nountender, nounterminus, nounthrust, nountrack, nountrain, nountrain spotter, nountruck, nounturntable, nounvan, nounvestibule, nounwagon, nounway station, noun
(=someone who wakes easily)
(=someone who does not wake easily)
· He was a light sleeper, for long periods an insomniac.· Sunlight coming through a nearby window or the sound of an early morning garbage truck can disturb a light sleeper.· She was always a light sleeper, uncannily sensitive even in sleep to the ring of the telephone.· People who say they are disturbed by noise at night may just happen to be light sleepers.· I hoped he was a light sleeper.
· Huge pyres of old railway sleepers and fence posts are being built to burn the bodies.· Dioxins were released from the wooden railway sleepers used to burn carcasses.· All those railway sleepers we'd unloaded now formed a substantial complex of enclosures and conjoining gates.· You couldn't just nail railway sleepers to one another because they were too big.· The able-bodied had to saw up old railway sleepers and then chop up the pieces for sale as firewood.· For a stouter edging you could use sections of railway sleeper.· The Vincent Arms is an old building with pseudo black beams made from railway sleepers.· It was used for industries from match making to house construction, from pit props to railway sleepers.
  • Mrs Fairfax is a heavy sleeper, like most old people, and didn't hear anything.
  • Or else she had become a heavy sleeper over the years.
  • Some people who sleep next to snorers are able to tune out the sound, if they are heavy sleepers.
  • He was a light sleeper, for long periods an insomniac.
  • I hoped he was a light sleeper.
  • She was always a light sleeper, uncannily sensitive even in sleep to the ring of the telephone.
  • Sunlight coming through a nearby window or the sound of an early morning garbage truck can disturb a light sleeper.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounsleepsleepersleepinesssleeplessnessadjectiveasleepsleeplesssleepyadverbsleepilysleeplesslyverbsleep
1sleeper (3) someone who sleeps in a particular waylight sleeper (=someone who wakes easily)heavy sleeper (=someone who does not wake easily)2someone who is asleep3British English a heavy piece of wood or concrete that supports a railway track SYN tie American English4 a)a night train with carriages that have beds for passengers to sleep in b)a sleeping car c)American English a bed on a train for a passenger to sleep in5especially American English a film, book etc which is successful, even though people did not expect it to be6American English a piece of clothing for a baby that covers its whole body including its feet7a spy who is sent to a particular place and who lives an ordinary life there until a later time, when they begin their spying activities




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