

单词 skeletal
skeletalskel‧e‧tal /ˈskelətəl/ adjective Examples
  • Daly's skeletal remains were found almost a month later.
  • Even a skeletal list of the fundamentally important matters which we thus take for granted would be very long.
  • Excavators have found skeletal and cremated remains in some megalithic structures, but by no means all.
  • He ran a skeletal hand over the bristles of his hair.
  • His studies would lead to the identification of several dozen other forms of dwarfism, or skeletal dysplasia.
  • Robert Dornan of California run skeletal campaigns, and their staff could not be reached for this story.
  • The central exhibit is a bright pink, skeletal temple in which the Prince's central advice to architects is enshrined.
  • They run wild into the woods, filthy, skeletal and naked.
  • They were skeletal and covered in mange.
having little fat on your body: · a tall, thin man
thin in an attractive way: · her slim figure· a slim woman in her fifties· Magazines are always full of advice about how to stay slim.
written thin in an attractive and graceful way – used especially about parts of the body, and used especially about women: · her long, slender legs· She is slender, with very fair hair.
thin and looking healthy and fit: · his lean body· He was lean and looked like a runner.
very thin in a way that is not attractive: · a skinny teenager· Your arms are so skinny!
written thin and delicate: · a small, slight girl with big eyes
very thin, small, and weak-looking: · a scrawny kid in blue jeans
below the usual weight for someone of your height, and therefore too thin: · He had no appetite and remained underweight.
written very thin and pale, especially because of illness or continued worry: · He looked gaunt and had not shaved for days.
written extremely thin and weak, because you are ill or not getting enough to eat: · The tents were filled with emaciated refugees.
written used about someone who is so thin that you can see the shape of their bones: · The soldiers were shocked by the skeletal figures of the camp’s prisoners.
used about someone who is extremely thin because they have a mental illness that makes them stop eating: · Her daughter is anorexic.· anorexic teenagers
aerobic, adjectiveafterbirth, nounalgae, nounalimentary canal, nounamber, nounameba, nounamino acid, nounamoeba, nounanaconda, nounanaerobic, adjectiveandrogynous, adjectiveantibody, nounantigen, nounantitoxin, nounappendage, nounarm, nounarmour, nounasexual, adjectiveassimilation, nounatrophy, verbaviary, nounbacteria, nounbacteriology, nounbarnacle, nounbile, nounbinocular vision, nounbio-, prefixbiochemistry, nounbiodegradable, adjectivebiodiversity, nounbiohazard, nounbiological, adjectivebiological clock, nounbiology, nounbiomass, nounbiome, nounbiosphere, nounblind, nounbrain, nounbreathe, verbbreed, verbbreed, nounbreeding, nounbristle, nounbulb, nouncapsule, nouncarbohydrate, nouncarbon dioxide, nouncarnivore, nouncell, nouncellular, adjectivecellulose, nouncentral nervous system, nouncervical, adjectivecholesterol, nounchromosome, nouncirculation, nouncirculatory, adjectiveclass, nounclone, nouncold-blooded, adjectiveconceive, verbconch, nounconnective tissue, nouncopulate, verbcoral reef, nouncornea, nouncoronary, adjectivecorpuscle, nouncortex, nouncortisone, nouncowrie, nouncrab, nouncrawfish, nouncrayfish, nouncreature, nouncross, verbcrossbreed, nounculture, nouncytoplasm, noundecay, verbdecay, noundecompose, verbdefecate, verbdenizen, noundextrose, noundiaphragm, noundigest, verbdigestion, noundigestive, adjectiveDNA, noundorsal, adjectivedry rot, nounduct, noundwarf, noundwarf, adjectiveecological, adjectiveecology, nounecosystem, nounegg, nounejaculate, verbembryo, nounembryonic, adjectiveenzyme, nounepidermis, nounevolution, nounevolutionary, adjectiveexcrement, nounexcrescence, nounexcrete, verbexcretion, nounexhale, verbexoskeleton, nounextinction, nounfaeces, nounfamily, nounfang, nounfat, nounfatty acid, nounfauna, nounfeces, nounfeed, verbfemale, adjectivefemale, nounferment, verbferment, nounfertile, adjectivefertility, nounfertilize, verbfission, nounflank, nounflatulence, nounflesh, nounfleshy, adjectiveflightless, adjectiveflora, nounfoetal, adjectivefoetus, nounfoliage, nounfossil, nounfreak, nounfreshwater, adjectivefructose, noungamete, nounganglion, noungene, noungene pool, noungenera, genetic, adjectivegenetic code, noungenetic engineering, noungenetic fingerprinting, noungenetics, noungenome, noungenus, noungestation, noungland, nounglandular, adjectiveglucose, noungluten, noungonad, noungrass snake, noungrow, verbgrowth, nounhabitat, nounhaemoglobin, nounhearing, nounheart, nounhemisphere, nounherbivore, nounhereditary, adjectiveheredity, nounhermaphrodite, nounhibernate, verbhistamine, nounhoming, adjectivehormone, nounhost, nounimpregnate, verbimpulse, nounincubate, verbindigenous, adjectiveinfected, adjectiveinfertile, adjectiveinfest, verbingest, verbinhale, verbinseminate, verbinsensate, adjectiveinsulin, nounintegument, nounintercourse, nouninterferon, nounintestine, nouninvertebrate, nouninvoluntary, adjectiveiris, nounjaw, nounjelly, nounkidney, nounkrill, nounlactate, verblactation, nounlactic acid, nounleech, nounleg, nounlesser, adjectivelichen, nounlife, nounlife cycle, nounlife form, nounligament, nounlimb, nounlimpet, nounlipid, nounliver, nounliving fossil, nounlocomotion, nounlymph, nounlymph node, nounmale, adjectivemale, nounmammal, nounmandible, nounmate, nounmate, verbmembrane, nounmetabolism, nounmetabolize, verbmetamorphosis, nounmicrobe, nounmicrobiology, nounmicroorganism, nounmicroscopic, adjectivemigrate, verbmigratory, adjectivemiscarriage, nounmolar, nounmorphology, nounmotor, adjectivemould, nounmouth, nounmucous membrane, nounmucus, nounmulticellular, adjectivemuscle, nounmuscular, adjectivemutant, nounmutate, verbmutation, nounnatural history, nounnatural selection, nounnature, nounneck, nounnectar, nounnerve, nounnervous, adjectivenervous system, nounneural, adjectiveneuro-, prefixneurology, nounnode, nounnose, nounnostril, nounnucleic acid, nounnucleus, nounnutrient, nounnutriment, nounoesophagus, nounoestrogen, nounolfactory, adjectiveoptic, adjectiveorgan, nounorganic, adjectiveorganic chemistry, nounorganism, nounorifice, nounossify, verbosteo-, prefixoutgrowth, nounova, ovary, nounoverwinter, verboviduct, nounoviparous, adjectiveovulate, verbovum, nounparasite, nounpathogen, nounpedigree, nounpelvic, adjectivepelvis, nounpenile, adjectivepenis, nounpepsin, nounperiod, nounperspiration, nounperspire, verbphotosynthesis, nounphylum, nounpigment, nounpigmentation, nounplankton, nounplasma, nounpollinate, verbpostnatal, adjectivepregnancy, nounpregnant, adjectivepremature, adjectiveprenatal, adjectiveproduct, nounproliferation, nounpropagate, verbprotein, nounprotoplasm, nounprotozoan, nounpuberty, nounpulmonary, adjectivepulp, nounpulsation, nounputrefy, verbputrid, adjectivered blood cell, nounregurgitate, verbrenal, adjectivereproduce, verbreproduction, nounreproductive, adjectiverespiration, nounrespiratory, adjectiverespire, verbretina, nounroot, nounrot, verbrot, nounruff, nounsac, nounsaliva, nounsalivary gland, nounsalivate, verbsaltwater, adjectivescale, nounscallop, nounscaly, adjectivesebaceous, adjectivesecrete, verbsecretion, nounsemen, nounsense organ, nounsensory, adjectiveserum, nounsex, nounsex, verbsexless, adjectivesexual intercourse, nounsheath, nounshell, nounsibling, nounskeletal, adjectiveskeleton, nounskin, nounskull, nounspasm, nounspasmodic, adjectivespecies, nounspecimen, nounsperm, nounspiderweb, nounspinal cord, nounspine, nounspineless, adjectivestarch, nounstem cell, nounstimulate, verbstimulus, nounstrain, nounsubject, nounsubspecies, nounsucker, nounsucrose, nounsweat, verbsweat, nounsweat gland, nounsymbiosis, nounsystemic, adjectivetail, nountaxonomy, nounteeth, testosterone, nountest-tube baby, nountissue, nountrachea, nountube, noununicellular, adjectiveurethra, nounuric, adjectiveurinate, verburine, nounvariety, nounvector, nounvein, nounvenom, nounvenomous, adjectiveventricle, nounvertebra, nounvertebrate, nounvivisection, nounwarm-blooded, adjectivewean, verbwildlife, nounwindpipe, nounyolk, noun
 Police discovered the skeletal remains of a corpse buried near the river.
· The inflammatory process was seen to extend into adjacent skeletal muscle and was consistent with a diagnosis of Riedel's thyroiditis.· Consideration is given first to the anatomic arrangement of the nervous and skeletal muscle systems involved in this activity.· Finally, we determined the activities of the respiratory chain enzymes in skeletal muscle.· Another possibility is that caffeine affects skeletal muscles indirectly.· Here the processes of breakdown are qualitatively similar to those in vertebrate skeletal muscle.· Gap junctions are distributed in a wide variety of tissues, with the possible exceptions of adult skeletal muscles and most neurones.· Their properties are in some ways intermediate between those of the skeletal muscles and the smooth muscles found in other phyla.· Histologically they differ from skeletal muscle in having smaller fibres, linked by desmosomes and sometimes containing only one fibril.
· Occasionally the silica-rich skeletal remains of single-celled marine organisms, diatoms, and of sponges occur in pottery.· In shallow marine sediments from anywhere on the present Earth one might expect to find the skeletal remains and teeth of sharks.· Her skeletal remains were found then.· The handprints on the walls match the size of hands from skeletal remains of Paleolithic women.· The remains, however, appear to be little more than hair and fragments of flesh covering ghastly skeletal remains.
· It had no more than a skeletal structure and embraced liberals as well as socialists.· However, most of these were skeletal structures with very few members.· Between the fourth and eighth week all the main organs are formed together with the limbs and beginnings of skeletal structure.
1like a skeleton or relating to a skeleton:  Police discovered the skeletal remains of a corpse buried near the river.2someone who is skeletal is so thin that you can see their bones through their skin SYN  emaciated:  prisoners whose clothes hung loosely on their skeletal bodies see thesaurus at thin




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