

单词 short cut
short cutˌshort ˈcut, short-cut / $ ˈ../ ●○○ noun [countable] Examples
  • Only the air was tainted by the fumes from the slow-moving cars that used the street as a short cut.
  • She took them by a short cut to the Weinbaum Canal.
  • They had orders to take the short cut and risk the mines.
THESAURUShow to go to a place
the road, path, direction etc that you must take in order to get to a place: · Are you sure this is the right way to the sea?· Will you come with me? I don’t know the way.
a way from one place to another that people use regularly or that is shown on a map: · There are two routes we could take but this is the quickest one.· the overland trade route between Europe and China
instructions on how to get to a place: · Let’s stop and ask someone for directions.· If you follow these directions you’ll have no problem finding the house.
a way of getting somewhere that is shorter than the usual way: · Let’s take a short cut across the field.· Taxi-drivers know all the short cuts.
especially spoken used especially when you ask someone to tell you which is the right way: · Can you tell me how to get to Grand Central Station?· It was getting dark and I wasn’t sure how to get home.
Longman Language Activatorthe way to go from one place to another
the road, path etc that you must follow in order to get to a place: · The road was blocked, so we came back a different way.be the way: · Are you sure this is the way?way to/into/home etc: · Is this the way to Grand Central Station?· I think this is the quickest way into town.· Do you think you can find the way home by yourself?the right/wrong way: · I don't recognize this part of town - we must have come the wrong way.know the way (=know how to get somewhere): · Will you come with me? I don't know the way.
if you ask or tell someone how to get somewhere, you ask or tell them the way to a place: how to get to: · Can you tell me how to get to the Piazza Venezia?how to get there/back/home: · Come with me. I know how to get there.
the way from one place to another, especially a way that is used regularly and can be shown on a map: · If you don't enjoy driving on the main highways, try some of the rural routes.· It looked as though the most direct route was through the forest.· I try to vary my route to and from work a little.take a route (=follow a route): · There are two routes we can take - this one along the coast or this one through the mountains.
a way of getting somewhere that is shorter than the usual way: · Taxi-drivers know all the short cuts.take a short cut (=use a short cut): · Let's take a short cut across the field.
instructions on how to get to a place: · I checked the directions and turned left as I was told to.directions to: · The letter contained a wedding invitation and directions to the church.follow directions: · If you follow these directions you'll have no problem finding the house.
 Carlos decided to take a short-cut home.
1a quicker and more direct way of getting somewhere than the usual one:  Carlos decided to take a short-cut home. We were late for the game, but found a short cut through the fields.2a quicker way of doing somethingshort cut to There aren’t really any short cuts to learning English.




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