

单词 secular
secularsec‧u‧lar /ˈsekjələ $ -ər/ ●○○ adjective Word Origin
1300-1400 Old French seculer, from Latin saecularis ‘coming once in an age’, from saeculum ‘breed, generation’
  • secular music
  • The government is secular.
  • And, he might have added, a special kind of secular salvation.
  • Harris did all the preliminary research and visited the secular buildings, Pevsner confined himself to churches and medieval domestic buildings.
  • Knowledge is no longer sacred but secular.
  • The priesthood of central computing has already given way to a secular world of laypeople playing with multiplying microprocessors.
  • The solution might well be an ecumenical link, or a secular organisation where we could bring a spiritual dimension.
  • Twenty-six women from the church and secular press, radio and television agencies participated.
  • Without doubt, the latter development represents a secular change in the strategic environment of profound importance.
  • Yet the irreligious Jinnah wanted two religious states, while the religious Gandhi would countenance only a united secular state.
THESAURUSrelating to religion
relating to religion: · the country's religious leaders· the importance of religious freedom
relating to matters of the human spirit, rather than the physical world: · The Dalai Lamai is the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet.· We tend to ignore people's spiritual needs, and focus too much on material things.· spiritual values
[usually before noun] connected with God and religion, and therefore treated in a special way – used especially in the following phrases: · the Holy Bible· the holy city of Mecca· a Hindu holy man· They believe they are fighting a holy war.· The priest puts some holy water on the child's head.
connected with God and religion, and therefore treated in a special way – used especially in the following phrases: · This place is sacred to both Jews and Muslims.· In India, cows are considered sacred.· the Hindu sacred texts· sacred music· a sacred ritual
relating to the study of religion or to religious beliefs: · a theological debate· theological training
not relating to religion or controlled by a religious authority: · secular education· secular matters· In the UK we live in a much more secular society.
abbess, nounabbey, nounabbot, nounabsolution, nounAdvent, nounalleluia, interjectionaltar boy, nounAnglican, nounAnglo-Catholic, nounapocalyptic, adjectiveapostle, nounapostolic, adjectivearchbishop, nounarchbishopric, nounarchdeacon, nounarchdiocese, nounArk of the Covenant, nounAsh Wednesday, nounAuthorized Version, banns, nounbaptism, nounBaptist, nounbaptize, verbbasilica, nounbeadle, nounbeatify, verbBenedictine, nounbenediction, nounbenefice, nounbiblical, adjectivebiretta, nounbishop, nounbishopric, nounblaspheme, verbblasphemy, nounbrother, nounbull, nounCalvinism, nounCalvinist, adjectivecanon, nouncanonical, adjectivecanonize, verbcanon law, nouncantor, nouncardinal, nouncardinal sin, nouncarol, nouncatechism, nouncathedral, nounCatholic, adjectivechantry, nounchapel, nounchaplain, nounchaplaincy, nounchapter, nounchapterhouse, nouncherub, nounChrist, nounchristen, verbChristendom, nounchristening, nounChristian, nounChristian, adjectivechurch, nounchurchgoer, nounchurchman, nounChurch of England, nounchurchwarden, nounchurchwoman, nounchurchyard, nounclergyman, nounclergywoman, nouncleric, nounclerical, adjectiveclerk, nouncloister, nouncollect, nouncommandment, nouncommunicant, nouncompline, nounconfess, verbconfession, nounconfessional, nounconfessor, nounconfirmation, nouncongregation, nounCongregationalism, nounconsecrate, verbcope, nouncreationist, nouncreche, nouncrib, nouncrosier, nouncrozier, nouncrucifix, nouncrucifixion, nouncrusade, nouncrusade, verbcrypt, nouncuracy, nouncurate, noundeacon, noundeaconess, noundean, noundeanery, noundiocese, noundisciple, noundisestablish, verbdispensation, noundog collar, nounDominican, nounEaster, nounecclesiastic, nounecclesiastical, adjectiveecumenical, adjectiveEden, nounelder, nounencyclical, nounEpiphany, nounepiscopal, adjectiveEpistle, nounevangelical, adjectiveevangelist, nounevangelize, verbevensong, nounexcommunicate, verbexegesis, nounfellowship, nounflagellant, nounflagellate, verbflock, nounfont, nounFr, friar, nounfrock, nounfundamentalist, noungargoyle, noungenuflect, verbgodfather, nounGod-fearing, adjectivegodless, adjectivegodly, adjectivegodmother, noungodparent, noungodson, nounGood Friday, noungrace, noungracious, adjectiveHail Mary, nounharvest festival, nounHigh Church, nounHigh Mass, nounHoly Communion, nounHoly Father, nounHoly Spirit, nounHoly Week, nounHoly Writ, nounhomily, nounhymn book, nounimprimatur, nounincarnation, nouninduct, verbindulgence, nouninquisitor, nouninterdenominational, adjectiveinterdict, nounJehovah, Jesuit, nounJesus, judgment day, nounlay, adjectivelay reader, nounlectern, nounlesson, nounlitany, nounLow Church, nounlychgate, nounMadonna, nounmanna, nounmanse, nounmatins, nounmeeting-house, nounmessianic, adjectiveMethodist, nounminister, nounministerial, adjectiveministry, nounminster, nounmiracle, nounmissal, nounmissionary, nounmitre, nounmoderator, nounMonsignor, nounMorning Prayer, nounmortal sin, nounMother of God, nounMother Superior, nounname day, nounNativity, nounNativity play, nounnave, nounNegro spiritual, nounNoah's ark, nounNonconformist, adjectivenuncio, nounoffertory, nounoratory, nounordination, nounoriginal sin, nounOur Father, nounOur Lady, Our Lord, padre, nounPalm Sunday, nounpapacy, nounpapal, adjectivepapist, nounparable, nounparish, nounparish church, nounparish clerk, nounparishioner, nounparochial, adjectiveparochial school, nounparson, nounparsonage, nounpassion play, nounpastor, nounpatriarch, nounpatron saint, nounpenance, nounpenitent, nounPentecost, nounPentecostal, adjectiveperdition, nounPlymouth Brethren, nounpontiff, nounpontifical, adjectivepontificate, nounPope, nounprayer book, nounpredestination, nounprelate, nounPresbyterian, nounpresbytery, nounpriest, nounPrimate, nounprior, nounprioress, nounpriory, nounPromised Land, the, Protestant, nounpsalm, nounpsalmist, nounpsalter, nounpulpit, nounQuaker, nounRC, rector, nounrectory, nounredeem, verbredemption, nounrequiem, nounRev, Revd, Reverend, nounReverend Mother, nounrevival, nounrevival meeting, nounRoman Catholic, adjectiverood screen, nounrosary, nounsacrament, nounsacristan, nounsacristy, nounsaint, nounsainted, adjectivesainthood, nounsaint's day, nounsalvation, nounsanctuary, nounSatan, nounsave, verbschism, nounscriptural, adjectivesecular, adjectivesee, nounseminary, nounseraph, nounsermon, nounsexton, nounShrove Tuesday, nounsister, nounsisterhood, nounSJ, special licence, nounsteeple, nounstigmata, nounstoup, nounSunday school, nounsurplice, nounsynod, nountabernacle, nountestify, verbtransubstantiation, nounTrappist, noununfrock, verbUnitarian, nounvenial, adjectivevespers, nounvestment, nounvestry, nounvicar, nounvicarage, nounvotive, adjectivevow, nounVulgate, the, nounWhitsun, nounwimple, nounXmas, noun
· Such ideas might be translated into a more secular context nearer home.· We live in a much more secular society now and the vicar is no longer the local personality.· Consequently, there is a trend towards a wider and rather more secular choice of repertoire.
· The secular authorities needed priests who could attract the loyalty of their parishioners.· The elder's secular authority is very significantly reinforced by his monopolistic control of the relations between men and the ancestors.
· Harris did all the preliminary research and visited the secular buildings, Pevsner confined himself to churches and medieval domestic buildings.
· The problem of wife abuse is not one of feminism, secular humanism or a lack of headship in the home.· By this I mean the secular humanism that has allowed the flowering of civil society in the West.
· And as we shall see in the next chapter, his secular music was at least equally various.· Originally, chamber music meant secular music, or that of the court as distinct from that of the Church.
· The challenge to its authority increased its reliance upon the secular power, upon fines, torture, and execution.· Taken together, these changes represented a decisive shift in favour of the secular power.· The earthly commonwealth being a reflection of the divine, secular power was therefore subordinate to spiritual.· The idea of secular power in itself meant little before the propagandists of the eleventh-century papal reform mounted their assault on it.· He had only to wait until this conference of sacred and secular powers was over.
· Both Luther and Calvin accepted that secular rulers had no jurisdiction over spiritual matters.· It did not imitate the variability of the secular rulers who thought only of temporal gain.· But this quasi-sacerdotal character was no longer an important aid to the power of secular rulers.· It was also in the interest of secular rulers that Catholic orthodoxy was maintained.· The response of the secular rulers depended on a wide variety of factors, but mostly it was conditioned by political considerations.
· This is largely absent in today's secular society.· The delights of a secular society seem so appealing; technology appears to deliver the goods.· We live in a much more secular society now and the vicar is no longer the local personality.· Q: Are you telling me that Darcy's Utopia will be a secular society?· A: Yes, Darcy's Utopia will be a secular society.· In a secular society these practices have been weakened for many, leaving us bewildered about how to handle our grief.· His sop to secular society is full of contradictions.
· He is adamant that any open manifestation of religious or cultural identity at school goes against the principles of secular state education.· Yet the irreligious Jinnah wanted two religious states, while the religious Gandhi would countenance only a united secular state.· They have always seen themselves as the guardians of the modern secular state founded by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in the 1920s.· Mobilizing the media and millions of teachers to explain Article 18 would have meant explaining the philosophical basis of the secular state.
· There it is difficult to separate the secular world from the sacred.· The secular world was falling apart.· In other words, Hardaker wants to adopt the best of those personnel systems employed by the secular world.· The priesthood of central computing has already given way to a secular world of laypeople playing with multiplying microprocessors.
1not connected with or controlled by a church or other religious authority:  secular education our modern secular society see thesaurus at religious2a secular priest lives among ordinary people, rather than with other priests in a monastery




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