

单词 scrapbook
scrapbookscrap‧book /ˈskræpbʊk/ noun [countable] Examples
  • He keeps scrapbooks full of them at his home in Bradwell, Milton Keynes.
  • He pasted it into his socialist scrapbook.
  • I knew it was a mistake to help my silly wee sister paste pictures into her scrapbook in the sitting room.
  • Instead of serving as a vehicle for communicating with employees, these publications have more often resembled family scrapbooks or hometown newspapers.
  • One last ad for the summer un-vacation scrapbook.
  • The novel unfolds in the present and, through the scrapbook and the memories of assorted characters, in the past.
  • This notebook is part journal, part idea book, part scrapbook, and part to-do list.
  • You might stumble across a phrase or image that seems possible, but as a whole this faux scrapbook reeks.
word sets
airbed, nounair conditioning, nounair freshener, nounappliance, nounbachelor flat, nounback-to-back, nounbackyard, nounballcock, nounbar, nounbarn, nounbarrow, nounbaseboard, nounbasket, nounbay window, nounbeater, nounbedclothes, nounbedding, nounbed linen, nounbedspread, nounbidet, nounblade, nounbleach, nounboard, verbboarding, nounbobbin, nounbog, nounbog roll, nounbolt, nounbolt, verbboom box, nounboudoir, nounbow window, nounbric-a-brac, nounbutler, nouncarpet, nouncarpet, verbcarpeting, nouncasket, nouncement, nouncentral heating, nouncentrepiece, nounchamber, nounchamber pot, nounchange purse, nounchimney breast, nounchimney-piece, nounChristmas stocking, nounChristmas tree, nouncloth, nouncoal, nouncoal scuttle, nouncolour scheme, nouncomforter, nounconvection oven, nounconvector, nouncooker, nouncooler, nouncounterpane, nouncreosote, nouncubbyhole, nouncurtain, nouncurtain hook, nouncushion, noundaily, noundefrost, verbden, noundesk tidy, noundes res, noundetergent, noundimmer, noundomestic, adjectivedomestic, noundomesticated, adjectivedomesticity, noundomestic science, noundomestic service, noundoor, noundormer, noundraughty, adjectivedrive, noundriveway, noundrop cloth, nounduplex, noundust, nounduvet, noundwelling, noundwelling house, nounearthen, adjectiveeggshell, nounempties, nounfire alarm, nounfirelighter, nounflock, nounflooring, nounfluff, nounflush, verbflypaper, nounflyswatter, nounfold, verbfootman, noungarage sale, noungarbage, noungasman, noungas meter, noungate, noungatehouse, noungatepost, noungateway, noungauze, noungingham, nounglass, nounglaze, verbglazing, noungrating, noungroan, verbguardrail, noungutter, nounguttering, nounhall, nounhallway, nounhandkerchief, nounhandyman, nounhang, verbhanging, nounhardware, nounheat, nounheatproof, adjectiveheat-resistant, adjectiveheirloom, nounhelper, nounhot-water bottle, nounhouseboy, nounhousekeeper, nounhousemaid, nounhousewares, nounhumidifier, nounhurricane lamp, nounimmersion, nounimmersion heater, nouninlaid, adjectiveinlay, nouninsulation, nouninterior decorator, nounionizer, nounironwork, nounjumble, nounjumble sale, nounkeepsake, nounkeyhole, nounknocker, nounlag, verblagging, nounlanding, nounlaundry basket, nounlinen, nounloo, nounmaid, nounmaidservant, nounmailbox, nounmajordomo, nounmanor, nounmantelpiece, nounmasking tape, nounmirror, nounmosquito net, nounmote, nounmothball, nounmoulding, nounmouth, nounmove, nounmoving van, nounmullion, nounnewspaper, nounniche, nounnonflammable, adjectivenook, nounobjet d'art, nounodd-job man, nounoilcloth, nounoil-fired, adjectiveornament, nounouthouse, nounoverflow, nounpad, nounpail, nounpaint, nounpaint, verbpaintbrush, nounpainting, nounpalatial, adjectivepaling, nounpalisade, nounpanel, nounpanelled, adjectivepantile, nounpaper, nounpaper, verbpartition, nounparty wall, nounpasskey, nounpaste, nounpatina, nounpebbledash, nounpegboard, nounpencil, nounpencil sharpener, nounpendulum, nounpension, nounpercale, nounpicture rail, nounpiggy-bank, nounpillowcase, nounpin, nounpincushion, nounplace card, nounplace mat, nounplastic wrap, nounplug, nounplughole, nounplumbing, nounplunger, nounpoker, nounpomander, nounpotpourri, nounpress, nounprivy, nounproperty, nounpunkah, nounQ-tip, nounqueen-size, adjectivequilted, adjectiverail, nounrailing, nounrake, verbrambling, adjectiveramp, nounredecorate, verbrelay, verbremote, nounremote control, nounretainer, nounribbon development, nounroller blind, nounrug, nounrumpus room, nounsafety match, nounsanitation worker, nounsconce, nounScotch tape, nounscrapbook, nounscrap paper, nounscreen, nounscreen door, nounscrew, nounscrew top, nounscullery, nounscuttle, nounSellotape, nounsheet, nounshelving, nounshower, nounshutter, nounshuttered, adjectivesink, nounskirting board, nounsliding door, nounsoft furnishings, nounspiral staircase, nounspittoon, nounsponge bag, nounsteam iron, nounstitch, verbstitching, nounstopcock, nounstorage heater, nounstove, nounstripper, nounsump, nounswag, nounswing door, nountablecloth, nountable linen, nountable mat, nountableware, nountaper, nountapestry, nountarpaulin, nountelevision, nountelly, nounterrycloth, nounthinner, nounthrowaway, adjectivethumbtack, nountinsel, nountoilet, nountowel, nountowel rail, nountransistor radio, nountrash can, nountrash compactor, nountread, nountrunk, nountub, nountumble dryer, noununfurnished, adjectivevalance, nounvarnish, nounvase, nounVenetian blind, nounwalk-in, adjectivewall, noun-ware, suffixwastepaper basket, nounwater closet, nounway out, nounWC, nounweathercock, nounweather vane, nounwhite spirit, nounwick, nounwind chimes, nounwindow, nounwindow box, nounwindowpane, nounwindowsill, nounwipe, nounwoodpile, nounwoodshed, nounwrapper, nounwrapping, nounwrapping paper, nounyard, nounyard sale, noun
a book with empty pages where you can stick pictures, newspaper articles, or other things you want to keep




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