

单词 pharmacy
pharmacyphar‧ma‧cy /ˈfɑːməsi $ ˈfɑːr-/ ●●● S3 noun (plural pharmacies) Word Origin
1300-1400 Late Latin pharmacia ‘giving drugs’, from Greek, from pharmakeuein ‘to give drugs’, from pharmakon ‘magic liquid, poison, drug’
  • At first he marketed his yogurt through pharmacies.
  • Patients whose ability to take medicines is a critical issue could be encouraged to use the same community pharmacy on each occasion.
  • Responding to weekend press comment the company said yesterday that it had received offers for its Superdrug pharmacy chain.
  • Tablets were provided by Merck, Sharp, and Dohme and were kept with the randomisation schedule in the hospital pharmacy.
  • They are available at pharmacies for a suggested price of $ 19. 95.
Longman Language Activatordifferent types of shop
also grocery store American a large shop that sells a wide range of things, especially food, cleaning materials, and other things that people buy regularly: · Can you get pine nuts in the grocery store?· There are plans to open a new supermarket next year.
especially American a shop in your local area that sells food, alcohol, magazines etc and is often open 24 hours a day: · Believe me, if his father wasn't so rich, that guy would be working in a convenience store.
British /corner store American a small local shop, usually on the corner of a street, that sells food, newspapers, cigarettes etc: · The corner shop's started selling sandwiches now, and I'd rather go there than the supermarket.· His parents ran a little corner store in the Castro in San Francisco.
also baker's British a shop that sells bread and cakes, especially one that also makes the bread and cakes: · She runs a French bakery in North London.
British /butcher shop American a shop that sells meat: · Many small independent butchers are closing down.
also deli informal a shop, or part of a larger shop, that sells high quality food such as cheeses and cold meats, often from different countries: · There's an Italian deli here and their homemade ravioli is delicious.deli counter (=the part in a large shop where high-quality cheese, cold meat etc is sold): · I had to wait for fifteen minutes at the deli counter this morning.
British also offie informal, also liquor store American a shop that sells beer, wine, and other alcoholic drinks that you drink at home
also chemist's British /drugstore American a shop that sells medicines, beauty and baby products etc
especially American a shop or part of a shop where medicines are made and sold
also hardware shop British a shop that sells equipment and tools that you can use in your home or garden
British a shop that sells newspapers and magazines, cigarettes, chocolates etc: · Ruth waited for him outside the newsagent's.
a small structure on a street, that sells newspapers and magazines: · He bought a paper at a newstand near the entrance to the park.
a very small shop on a street, that has an open window where you can buy newspapers, cigarettes, chocolate etc: · There must be a kiosk selling phone cards around here somewhere.
especially British /stand American a table, especially in a market, where goods are placed: · Justin used to mind the stall while his father was in the cafe, drinking.· I bought a few trinkets at the souvenir stand.market stall: · The trouble is, you can't really try the clothes on at a market stall.
anabolic steroid, nounanaesthetic, nounantacid, nounantibiotic, nounantidepressant, nounantidote, nounantihistamine, nounanti-inflammatory, adjectiveantitoxin, nounaspirin, nounbalm, nounbalsam, nounbandage, nounbandage, verbBand-Aid, nounbarbiturate, nounbatch, nounBCG, nounbelladonna, nounbeta-blocker, nounbismuth, nounbooster, nouncaffeine, nouncapsule, nouncastor oil, nounchemotherapy, nounclinical, adjectivecodeine, nouncondom, nouncortisone, nouncough mixture, noundepressant, noundisinfect, verbdisinfectant, noundispensary, noundispense, verbdispensing chemist, noundiuretic, noundosage, noundose, noundose, verbdraught, noundrip, noundrug, noundrug, verbdruggist, noundrugstore, nounear drops, nounemetic, nounemollient, adjectiveEpsom salts, nouneucalyptus, nounexpectorant, nounfluoridate, verbfluoride, nounfolic acid, noungripe water, nounhallucinogen, nounhemlock, nounherbal, adjectiveherbal medicine, nounhypnotic, nounimmunize, verbinfusion, nouninhalant, nouninhaler, nouninject, verbinjection, nouninoculate, verbintravenous, adjectiveiodine, nounlaxative, nounlotion, nounlozenge, nounmagnesia, nounmedicament, nounmedicated, adjectivemedication, nounmedicinal, adjectivemedicine, nounmelatonin, nounmethadone, nounmilk of magnesia, nounmorning-after pill, nounmorphia, nounmorphine, nounnarcotic, nounnarcotic, adjectiveneedle, nounniacin, nounnicotine patch, nounobstetrician, nounointment, nounopiate, nounopium, nounoral contraceptive, nounoverdose, nounover-the-counter, adjectivepack, nounpainkiller, nounparacetamol, nounpastille, nounpatch, nounpatent medicine, nounpenicillin, nounpharmaceutical, adjectivepharmaceuticals, nounpharmacist, nounpharmacology, nounpharmacopoeia, nounpharmacy, nounplacebo, nounprescribe, verbprescription, nounpurgative, nounquinine, nounRDA, nounreaction, nounremedy, nounrubbing alcohol, nounsalve, nounsedation, nounsedative, nounsenna, nounserum, nounside effect, nounsleeping pill, nounspecific, nounsteroid, nounstimulant, nounstrychnine, nounsuppository, nounsurgical spirit, nounsyringe, nountablet, nountake, verbThalidomide, nountherapist, nountincture, nountonic, nountranquillizer, nountruth drug, nounvaccinate, verbvaccine, nounValium, nounVaseline, nounwitch-hazel, noun
· Responding to weekend press comment the company said yesterday that it had received offers for its Superdrug pharmacy chain.
1[countable] a shop or a part of a shop where medicines are prepared and sold SYN chemist British English:  an all-night pharmacy2[countable] the place where medicines are prepared in a hospital3[uncountable] the study or practice of preparing drugs and medicines




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