

单词 Saturn
SaturnSat‧urn /ˈsætən $ -ərn/ noun Examples
  • And although you are nearing the end of this time of trial, Saturn is going out in style.
  • In this respect particular attention has been paid to the giant gas planets like Jupiter and Saturn.
  • On March 20 and October 9, Saturn and Pluto cross swords for the first time in two decades.
  • So, too, in theory, could Titan, one of the moons of Saturn.
  • The first hour of Saturday was ruled by Saturn, and similarly the eighth, fifteenth, and twenty-second hours.
word sets
asteroid, nounastro-, prefixastronaut, nounastronomical, adjectiveastronomy, nounastrophysics, nounAU, aurora borealis, nounBig Bang, the, nounblack hole, nouncelestial, adjectivecomet, nounconstellation, nouncorona, nouncosmic, adjectivecosmic ray, nouncosmology, nouncosmonaut, noundead, adjectiveearth, nouneclipse, nouneclipse, verbecliptic, nounequinox, nounescape velocity, nounextraterrestrial, adjectivegalactic, adjectivegalaxy, noungeostationary orbit, nounHubble Space Telescope, the, infinity, nounintergalactic, adjectiveinterplanetary, adjectiveinterstellar, adjectiveJupiter, nounlaunch, verblaunch, nounlight year, nounLittle Bear, lunar, adjectivelunar month, nounmagnitude, nounMars, nounMercury, nounmeteor, nounmeteoric, adjectivemeteorite, nounMilky Way, the, month, nounmoon, nounmorning star, nounNASA, nounnebula, nounNeptune, nounnew moon, nounnova, nounobservatory, nounorbit, verborbit, nounorbiter, nounouter space, nounphase, nounplanet, nounplanetarium, nounplasma, nounPluto, nounquadrant, nounquarter, nounquasar, nounradio telescope, nounring, nounrocket, nounsatellite, nounSaturn, nounsea, nounshooting star, nounsolar, adjectivesolar system, nounspace, nounspace capsule, nounspacecraft, nounspace probe, nounspaceship, nounspace shuttle, nounspace station, nounstar, nounstargazer, nounsteady state theory, nounstellar, adjectivesun, nounsunspot, nounsupernova, nountelescope, nountelescopic, adjectiveterrestrial, adjectiveUranus, nounVenus, nounwane, verbwax, verbwhite dwarf, nounworld, nounzenith, noun
the planet that is sixth in order from the Sun and is surrounded by large rings




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