

单词 Pharaoh
PharaohPha‧raoh, pharaoh /ˈfeərəʊ $ ˈferoʊ/ noun [countable] Word Origin
800-900 Late Latin pharao, from Greek, from Hebrew, from Egyptian pr-'o
  • Joseph in his much envied coat of many colours, with his brothers, while Pharaoh and the guards look on.
  • Moses' staff changed into a snake when Aaron threw it to the ground before Pharaoh.
  • President Bush often appears in Arab cartoons as Pharaoh.
  • She took down the figure of Pharaoh the ruler and put up the figure of Pharaoh with his hands over his face.
  • The immediate result is a confrontation between an angry and bewildered Pharaoh and Abraham.
  • This is the end of the road for Pharaoh and his people.
word sets
accession, nounaccredited, adjectiveaide, nounambassador, nounapparatchik, nounarchduke, nounassemblyman, nounassemblywoman, nounattaché, nounbadge, nounborough council, nouncaliph, nounchamberlain, nounchancellery, nounchancellor, nounChancellor of the Exchequer, nounchieftain, nouncity fathers, nouncity planning, nouncivil servant, nounclerk, nounclerk of works, nounCllr, commissioner, nouncomptroller, nouncongressman, nouncongresswoman, nounconsul, nounconsulate, nouncoroner, nouncouncillor, nouncouncilman, nouncouncilwoman, nouncourtier, nouncrown, nouncrown, verbcrowned head, nounCrown Prince, nounCrown Princess, nounCustoms and Excise, noun-cy, suffixczar, nounczarina, noundeputy, noundictator, noundignitary, noundiplomat, noundiplomatic, adjectivediplomatic corps, noundiplomatic immunity, noundispatch box, noundispensation, noun-dom, suffixdossier, noundrug czar, nounducal, adjectiveduchess, nounduchy, nounduke, noundukedom, nounelder statesman, nounembassy, nounemirate, nounemissary, nounemperor, nounempress, nounEurocrat, nounfigurehead, nounForeign Office, the, governor, nounGovernor-General, noungovernorship, noungubernatorial, adjectivehack, nounHome Secretary, nounimpeach, verbinaugurate, verbincumbency, nounincumbent, nounkhalif, nounkhan, nounlegate, nounlegation, nounlegislator, nounlocal council, nounlord, nounLord, nounmandarin, nounmarshal, nounmayor, nounmayoralty, nounmayoress, nounmember, nounMember of Parliament, nounMEP, nounMI5, nounMI6, nounminister, nounministerial, adjectiveminister of state, nounmission, nounmole, nounmonarch, nounmonitor, nounmotorcade, nounMP, nounNo. 10, occupy, verb-ocrat, suffixoffice, nounoffice holder, nounofficer, nounofficial, nounofficial, adjectiveofficialdom, nounofficialese, nounoverlord, nounpalace, nounpatriarchal, adjectivepatrician, adjectivePharaoh, nounplenipotentiary, nounPM, nounpost, verbposting, nounpotentate, nounPPS, nounprefect, nounpremier, nounpres., presidency, nounpresident, nounpresident-elect, nounpresidential, adjectivepress secretary, nounpretender, nounPrime Minister, nounprince, nounprince consort, nounprincess, nounproconsul, nounproconsulate, nounProvost, nounpublic servant, nounquango, nounqueen, nounqueenly, adjectiveQueen Mother, nounrajah, nounred tape, nounreeve, nounreign, nounreign, verbreshuffle, nounroyal, adjectiveroyal, nounroyalty, nounruler, nounsecretary, nounsenator, nounShah, nounsheriff, nounshogun, nounsovereign, nounsoviet, nounstatesman, nounsuccession, nounsultan, nounsultana, nountechnocrat, nountown clerk, nountown council, nountribune, nountriumvirate, nountroika, nountsar, nountsarina, nountzar, nountzarina, nounundersecretary, nounvice-president, nounviceroy, nounvizier, nounVP, nounwalkabout, nounwatchdog, nounwhip, nounWhite House, noun
a ruler of ancient Egypt




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