

单词 rookie
rookierook‧ie /ˈrʊki/ noun [countable] Word Origin
1800-1900 Perhaps from recruit
  • a rookie cop
  • a rookie radio reporter
  • Don't be too hard on the guy, he's just a rookie.
  • It was rookie coach, Ray Rhodes, who got the most credit for keeping the team in check.
  • Lisa Hackney is the LPGA's Rookie of the Year.
  • Mariucci is the first rookie coach in NFL history to win 11 games in a row.
  • And how do you shout for a rookie called Elvis Grbac?
  • But Mutch and Bull, 300 goals between them, fired blanks all afternoon and rookie Hoult was in sharp form anyway.
  • Faulk and other would-be seniors, meantime, have enjoyed fine rookie seasons.
  • He told the umpires that they were treating him like he was a rookie.
  • He will need to keep his eye on the ball during an opening match against rookie Peter Ebdon.
  • Heath Shuler started the game and rookie Danny Wuerffel finished it.
  • They lost in overtime to a field goal by Pete Stoyanovich, Miami's rookie kicker.
  • Third-place Robbie Buhl, one of four rookie Indy-car drivers to occupy the first four finishing positions, was down 2 laps.
Longman Language Activatornot experienced in a particular job or activity
someone who is inexperienced does not know much about a job or activity, either because they have not done it at all or because they have done it for only a short time: · Inexperienced managers often have problems with their staff.· There are a lot of young, inexperienced players on the team.
to not have enough experience of doing a particular job or activity: · I know Sally lacks experience, but she's tremendously enthusiastic.lack experience of British: · If Glover lacks experience of management, why was he put in charge?lack experience doing something American: · He clearly lacked experience speaking before large groups.
if you are new to a job or activity, you do not have much experience of doing it because you have only just started it: · As you are new to the job, we don't expect you to work as fast as the others.be new to the game (=to have no experience of an activity or a business): · They're new to the software game, so they're spending a lot on advertising.
someone who is untrained is doing a job or activity that they have not yet been officially taught to do: · Untrained nurses are not allowed to treat patients who are seriously ill.untrained in: · The records are confusing to anyone untrained in accounting.
American someone who is still new and inexperienced in an activity or job, especially in a sport, the army, or the police: · Don't be too hard on the guy, he's just a rookie.rookie pitcher/quarterback/agent/coach etc: · Mariucci is the first rookie coach in NFL history to win 11 games in a row.
someone who has just started doing a particular job or activity and has very little or no experience: · The Eiger is a difficult mountain to climb. Novices should not attempt it.novice to: · If you're a novice to working with computer graphics, you should buy this CD-ROM.novice skier/user/driver etc: · Novice drivers are responsible for a large portion of all accidents.
people who have no experience or knowledge of a difficult subject or skill - used in formal or humorous situations: to/for the uninitiated: · To the uninitiated, most computer systems seem complex and difficult to understand.· The classes are designed for the uninitiated, starting with the basics of car mechanics.
someone who has just started a new job, school etc
someone who is new has only recently arrived in a place, started working in a particular job, or joined an organization: · You're new here, aren't you?· All new employees are given training.new to: · Children who are new to the school may need extra help.· We don't expect you to work as fast as everyone else, while you're still new to the job.new recruit: · Our club membership is flourishing - we've had a huge number of new recruits this year.
someone who has only recently arrived in a place or only recently started a job, sport, or other activity: · The inhabitants of these remote mountain villages tend to be very suspicious of newcomers.· Our team will include some familiar faces as well as a few newcomers.newcomer to: · Although she's a newcomer to the sport, she's already very successful.comparative/relative newcomer (=someone who has arrived or started doing something recently, compared to other people): · I was fifty and a comparative newcomer to computers.
someone who has just arrived in a place, especially in order to live or work there: · Jim, this is our new arrival, Lyndsay. She'll be taking over from Bob.· 1200 new arrivals, including small children and babies, were left sitting on the pavement outside the embassy.the new arrival (=a newly-born baby): · Gwyn's children, Craig and Laura, are thrilled with the new arrival.
someone who has just arrived in a place which they have never been to before, and which they do not know much about: · The people I stayed with were very kind, so I didn't feel like a stranger for long.· Many of the farming families have lived here for hundreds of years, and tend to treat everyone else as strangers.
someone who is fresh from a place of education has only just finished training and is not experienced when they arrive at a new job: fresh from: · You can't expect teachers fresh from college to deal with large classes of difficult children.fresh out of: · We were under the command of a young lieutenant who was fresh out of officer training school.
American someone who has just started doing a job or playing a professional sport, and has little experience: · It was rookie coach, Ray Rhodes, who got the most credit for keeping the team in check.· a rookie cop
British /freshman American a student who has just started at a university or college: · I was eighteen years old and a freshman at Harvard.· a freshers' party· freshers' week
informal someone who is a new user of a technology, especially the Internet: · The program is simple to use, even for newbies.
someone who starts a new job or joins an organization and is likely to make improvements, for example by introducing more modern ideas and methods: · They seem to be expecting everyone over 50 to step aside and make way for new blood.· After its membership halved in the past year, leaving mainly diehard right-wingers behind, the party now desperately needs new blood.
accountant, nounactuary, nounadministrator, nounadviser, nounadvocate, nounamanuensis, nounarchivist, nounarmourer, nounauctioneer, nounaudiotypist, nounbackroom boy, nounbailiff, nounbaker, nounbanker, nounbarber, nounbargee, nounbarkeeper, nounbarker, nounbarmaid, nounbarman, nounbartender, nounbeachcomber, nounbeadle, nounbellboy, nounbellhop, nounbiographer, nounblacksmith, nounboatman, nounboatswain, nounbodyguard, nounboffin, nounbombardier, nounbookseller, nounboss, nounbotanist, nounbouncer, nounbreeder, nounbricklayer, nounbuckaroo, nounbuilder, nounbureaucrat, nounbutcher, nounbutler, nounbuyer, nouncabin boy, nouncabinet-maker, nouncareer counselor, nouncareers officer, nouncaretaker, nouncarpenter, nouncarter, nouncashier, nouncaterer, nounCEO, nouncertified public accountant, nounchairman, nounchambermaid, nounchandler, nounchar, nouncharlady, nouncharwoman, nounchef, nounchief executive officer, nounchief of staff, nounchildminder, nounchimney sweep, nouncleaner, nounclerk, nounclothier, nounclown, nouncoastguard, nouncobbler, nouncocktail waitress, nouncollier, nouncomedian, nouncomedienne, nouncomic, nouncommercial traveller, nouncommissionaire, nouncompositor, nounconcierge, nounconfectioner, nounconsultant, nouncook, nouncooper, nouncopy editor, nouncopywriter, nouncorrespondent, nouncostermonger, nouncounsellor, nouncourier, nouncowboy, nouncowgirl, nouncowhand, nouncowpoke, nounCPA, nouncraftsman, nouncrew, nouncrewman, nouncrofter, nouncroupier, nouncurator, nouncustodian, noundaily, noundairymaid, noundairyman, noundelivery man, noundesigner, noundesk clerk, noundetective, noundick, noundietician, noundinner lady, noundisc jockey, noundispatch rider, noundistrict nurse, noundiver, nounDJ, noundocent, noundocker, noundogcatcher, noundog warden, noundomestic, noundomestic service, noundoorkeeper, noundoorman, noundowser, noundramatist, noundraper, noundraughtsman, noundressmaker, noundriver, noundrover, noundruggist, noundustbin man, noundustman, nouneducationalist, nouneducator, nounelectrician, nounengineer, nounescort, nounessayist, nounestate agent, nounexecutive, nounfarmer, nounfarmhand, nounfarrier, nounfire chief, nounfirefighter, nounfireman, nounfirst mate, nounfirst officer, nounfishmonger, nounfitter, nounflorist, nounflower girl, nounforeman, nounforewoman, nounfrogman, nounfruiterer, nounfunctionary, nounfuneral director, nounfurrier, noungaffer, noungamekeeper, noungarbage collector, noungarbage man, noungardener, noungatekeeper, noungaucho, noungendarme, nounghost writer, nounglazier, noungoatherd, noungoldsmith, noungondolier, noungoverness, noungovernor, noungravedigger, noungreengrocer, noungrip, noungrocer, noungroom, noungroundsman, nounground staff, nounguard, nounguest worker, nounguide, noungunner, noungunsmith, nounhack, nounhandler, nounhandmaiden, nounhandyman, nounhangman, nounharvester, nounhatter, nounhawker, nounheadhunter, nounhead teacher, nounhelper, nounherald, nounherbalist, nounherdsman, nounhired hand, nounhireling, nounhistorian, nounhomemaker, nounhomeworker, nounhouse husband, nounhousewife, nouniceman, nounillustrator, nounimpersonator, nounimpresario, nounindustrialist, nouninnkeeper, nouninspector, nouninterior decorator, nouninterpreter, nouninvestigator, nounjanitor, nounjester, nounjeweller, nounjoiner, nounjourno, nounJP, nounjudge, nounkeeper, nounlamplighter, nounlandlady, nounlandlord, nounlibrarian, nounlocksmith, nounlongshoreman, nounmagician, nounmaid, nounmaid of honour, nounmaidservant, nounmail carrier, nounmailman, nounmaitre d', nounmajordomo, nounman, nounmanagement consultant, nounmanservant, nounmason, nounmasseur, nounmasseuse, nounmatador, nounmathematician, nounmechanic, nounmedic, nounmenial, adjectivemenial, nounmerchant seaman, nounmidwife, nounmilkmaid, nounmilkman, nounmilliner, nounminder, nounminer, nounminiaturist, nounminister, nounmodel, nounmortician, nounmover, nounmovie star, nounnanny, nounnavvy, nounnewscaster, nounnewsreader, nounnight porter, nounnight watchman, nounnovelist, nounnumber cruncher, nounnurse, nounnursemaid, nounnurseryman, nounnursery nurse, nounnursing, nounobstetrician, nounoccupation, nounodd-job man, nounoilman, nounold salt, nounoptician, nounostler, nounpacker, nounpaediatrician, nounpaediatrics, nounpageboy, nounpainter, nounpalmist, nounpaperboy, nounpaper girl, nounpaper-pusher, nounparachutist, nounparalegal, nounparamedic, nounpark keeper, nounparliamentarian, nounpathology, nounpawnbroker, nounpeasant, nounpedlar, nounpen pusher, nounpensioner, nounperformer, nounpersonal assistant, nounpharmacist, nounphotographer, nounpipe fitter, nounplanter, nounplasterer, nounplaywright, nounploughman, nounplumber, nounpoet, nounpolice, nounporter, nounpostman, nounpotter, nounpractitioner, nounprinter, nounprivate detective, nounprivate eye, nounprivate investigator, nounprivate practice, nounprivate secretary, nounpro, nounpro, adjectiveprobation officer, nounprofession, nounprofessional, adjectiveprofessional, nounprofessionally, adverbprogrammer, nounproperty developer, nounprostitute, nounpsychiatrist, nounpsychiatry, nounpsychoanalyst, nounpublican, nounpublic defender, nounpublicist, nounpublic prosecutor, nounpublic relations, nounpublisher, nounpurser, nounquantity surveyor, nounquestion master, nounrabbi, nounradiographer, nounradiologist, nounrag-and-bone-man, nounrancher, nounranger, nounreal estate agent, nounreceptionist, nounrecruit, nounrector, nounregistrar, nounrepo man, nounreporter, nounrestaurateur, nounretailer, nounreviewer, nounroadie, nounroad manager, nounrookie, nounroughneck, nounroustabout, nounsailor, nounsalesclerk, nounsalesgirl, nounsalesman, nounsalesperson, nounsales representative, nounsaleswoman, nounsanitation worker, nounscalper, nounschoolmaster, nounschoolmistress, nounschoolteacher, nounscout, nounscout, verbscrew, nounscribe, nounscrubber, nounsea captain, nounseaman, nounseamstress, nounsecretary, nounsecurity guard, nounsemi-professional, adjectiveservant, nounshepherd, nounshepherdess, nounship's chandler, nounshipwright, nounshoemaker, nounshopkeeper, nounsilversmith, nounsmith, nounsoldier, nounsoldier of fortune, nounspaceman, nounspiv, nounstallholder, nounstationer, nounsteeplejack, nounsteersman, nounsteno, nounstenographer, nounstevedore, nounstockbroker, nounstoker, nounstorekeeper, nounstraight man, nounstringer, nounstructural engineer, nounstylist, nounsubmariner, nounsuperintendent, nounsurveyor, nounsweep, nounswineherd, nountailor, nountanner, nountaster, nountattooist, nountaxidermist, nounteamster, nountelecommuter, nounteller, nountemp, nountemp, verbtinker, nountobacconist, nountown crier, nountrade, nountradesman, nountraffic warden, nountranslator, nountrapper, nountravel agent, nountravelling salesman, nountreasurer, nountroubleshooter, nountrucker, nounturner, nountypist, nountypographer, nounundertaker, noununderwriter, nounusher, nounusherette, nounusurer, nounvalet, nounvaluer, nounvice-president, nounvideo jockey, nounvillein, nounvintner, nounvocation, nounvocational, adjectivewaiter, nounwaitress, nounwallah, nounwarden, nounwarder, nounwasherwoman, nounwatchmaker, nounwatchman, nounweaver, nounwelder, nounwhaler, nounwheelwright, nounwindow cleaner, nounwindow dresser, nounwoodcutter, nounwoodsman, nounworkman, nounWPC, nounwrangler, nounwriter, nounyeoman, nounzoo-keeper, noun
· The oldest rookie is still punching to the line.· Robinson was hired about the same time 59-year-old rookie Edward Olivares was turning in his badge.· Olivares was the oldest rookie to graduate from the academy.
· McElroy has the breakaway speed that seems to have eluded Hearst since knee surgery during his rookie season.· Faulk and other would-be seniors, meantime, have enjoyed fine rookie seasons.· In his rookie season as a broadcaster, Simms compared his current job to being a quarterback in the big game.· He spent his rookie season on injured reserve and was released by the Dolphins in July.· A sprained right ankle caused Eric Williams to limp into the half way point of his rookie season with the Celtics.
· Thomas, who declined an interview request, was reluctant to play the rookie, instead going with journeyman James Willis.· I played rookie ball and Class-A.
· Heath Shuler started the game and rookie Danny Wuerffel finished it.
1especially American English someone who has just started doing a job and has little experience:  rookie cops2American English someone who is in their first year of playing a professional sport




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