

单词 patriotic
patrioticpat‧ri‧ot‧ic /ˌpætriˈɒtɪk◂, ˌpeɪ- $ ˌpeɪtriˈɑːtɪk◂/ ●○○ adjective Examples
  • At Llewellyn's funeral service, she was remembered as a patriotic American who had served her country well.
  • Relatives remembered him as a deeply patriotic man.
  • Voting is part of your patriotic duty.
  • He also would like to see a little change in the curriculum to allow music and patriotic activities in the classroom.
  • He can also wax as patriotic as the most conservative defense-industry executive.
  • Most of the productions shown here were patriotic spectacles requiring little dancing ability.
  • Only Diana's deep sense of patriotic duty made her agree to the arrangement, it told its readers.
  • The last apprehension may have been as much influenced by professional considerations as patriotic ones.
  • This is true of patriotic and political as well as religious blind faith.
  • Though a fictional character, Cu Chulainn came to stand for a very real sense of patriotic courage and self-sacrifice.
  • Under these circumstances, his intervention could not possibly be perceived as an unambiguously patriotic and non-partisan gesture.
continuing to support a person, party, belief etc for a long time: · his long and faithful service to the party· his faithful servant· He remained faithful to his fatherland right to the end.· She was one of the party’s most faithful and hard-working members.
supporting a particular person, party, set of beliefs, etc – used especially about someone you can can trust and depend on to support you: · a loyal friend· loyal party members· The women have remained loyal to the goals of the Communist Party.· I am not blindly loyal. If I see something that I think is a mistake which could be handled better, I will say so.
strongly supporting someone or something because you admire them, love them, or enjoy what they do: · the author’s devoted fans· her devoted husband
[only before noun] a staunch supporter, defender, or allyis very loyal, in spite of problems or difficulties: · He is a staunch supporter of the president.· a staunch defender of civil liberties· the US’s staunchest ally
[usually before noun] a steadfast friend or supporter is very loyal. Also used about someone’s support or service: · Lewis was a generous and steadfast friend.· the steadfast support of America's allies· The Queen has set a shining example of steadfast service to her country.
faithful and loyal to someone, or to your beliefs, principles etc, even if there are problems: · In times like these you find out who your true friends are.· He remained true to his socialist principles.· She promised that she would always be true to him.
feeling a lot of love and respect for your country: · Americans are very patriotic.· His speech was full of patriotic rhetoric.
Longman Language Activatorhaving a great love of your country
· At Llewellyn's funeral service, she was remembered as a patriotic American who had served her country well.patriotic duty (=something you must do if you love your country) · Voting is part of your patriotic duty.
someone who is nationalistic is very proud of their own country, but often has no respect for people from other countries because they believe that their own country is much better: · The senator's strong nationalistic views are frightening to many liberals.· As nationalistic feelings grew, life became increasingly difficult for immigrants.
· A man had his arm around her, rocking her from side to side as the singers swayed with their patriotic song.· Harriet Cantelow taught us all the old patriotic songs.· On days of national holiday we had a parade, marching up and down and singing patriotic songs.· Nothing expresses that better than joining together to sing traditional and patriotic songs.· Imagine there are homes for all Who truly do belong Imagine that we're proud to sing A patriotic song.
having or expressing a great love of your countrynationalistic:  patriotic songs I’m not very patriotic.patriotism /ˈpætriətɪzəm, ˈpeɪ- $ ˈpeɪ-/ noun [uncountable]




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