

单词 parenthesis
parenthesispa‧ren‧the‧sis /pəˈrenθɪsɪs/ ●○○ noun (plural parentheses /-siːz/) [countable usually plural] Word Origin
WORD ORIGINparenthesis
1500-1600 Late Latin, Greek, from parentithenai ‘to put in’
  • How can you escape all this without some haversack of a parenthesis about the lady's character?
  • In parenthesis I should say that I am passing quickly over the significance of these four levels of understanding.
  • She saw and registered all this in parenthesis.
  • Some of that evidence, it might be said in parenthesis, appears to be adverse to the appellants.
  • The single amino acid change from the rat sequence is indicated in the parenthesis.
  • We must begin with a parenthesis.
word sets
A, nounABC, nounalpha, nounalphabet, nounalphabetical, adjectiveampersand, nounapostrophe, nounasterisk, nounB, nounbeta, nounblock capitals, nounblock letters, nounbrace, nounbracket, nounbracket, verbC, nouncapital, nouncapital, adjectivecapitalize, verbcaps, cedilla, nouncircumflex, nounclause, nouncolon, nouncomma, nounconsonant, nounCyrillic, adjectiveD, noundash, noundelta, noundiacritic, nounditto, nounE, nounexclamation mark, nounF, nounG, noungamma, nounGothic, adjectivegrave, adjectiveH, nounhyphen, nounI, nounIPA, nounJ, nounK, nounL, nounletter, nounlower case, nounM, nounN, nounNHS, the, O, nounoblique, nounomega, nounP, nounparenthesis, nounperiod, nounpunctuate, verbpunctuation, nounpunctuation mark, nounQ, nounquestion mark, nounquestion tag, nounquotation mark, nounR, nounrune, nounS, nounschwa, nounscript, nounsemicolon, nounslash, nounsmall, adjectivespeech marks, nounsquare bracket, nounstar, nounstenography, nounstress mark, nounT, nountilde, nounU, nounumlaut, nounupper case, nounV, nounvowel, nounW, nounX, nounY, nounZ, nounzed, noun
1a round bracketin parentheses The figures in parentheses refer to page numbers.2in parenthesis British English, in parentheses American English if you say something in parenthesis, you say it while you are talking about something else in order to add information or explain something:  In parenthesis, I should add that the results have not yet been proven. punctuation mark




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