

单词 overhang
overhang1 verboverhang2 noun
overhango‧ver‧hang1 /ˌəʊvəˈhæŋ $ ˌoʊvər-/ verb (past tense and past participle overhung /-ˈhʌŋ/) [intransitive, transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyoverhang
he, she, itoverhangs
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyoverhung
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave overhung
he, she, ithas overhung
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad overhung
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill overhang
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have overhung
Continuous Form
PresentIam overhanging
he, she, itis overhanging
you, we, theyare overhanging
PastI, he, she, itwas overhanging
you, we, theywere overhanging
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been overhanging
he, she, ithas been overhanging
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been overhanging
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be overhanging
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been overhanging
  • An ancient vine overhangs the terrace.
  • The bird was sitting on a branch overhanging the water.
  • There's a long sweep of farmland that overhangs the Rappahannock River.
  • He set the traps carefully under mossy logs, under grass overhanging like curtains along steep banks, and in brush piles.
  • Here, another overhanging ledge of dolostone protected visitors, allowing them to walk directly behind the falling water.
  • Perhaps it would be overhung by trees or shaded by nearby buildings.
  • Then there is the still unworkable sum which overhangs all this budgeting: how much health care reform will cost.
  • They select one that overhangs water.
Longman Language Activatora number or amount that is approximately right
· There was a light above the table.· Above his bed is a picture of two old men sitting on a park bench.· During my last year of college, I lived in a little apartment above a grocery store.directly above · We looked up and saw a helicopter hovering directly above us.the floor/apartment above (=above where you are) · We could hear noises in the room above.from above (=seen from above) · The light came from above them and to their right.above sea level (=used when describing how high a place is) · Mexico City is 2400 metres above sea level.
directly above something or moving in the air above it: · The sign over the door said 'Employees Only'.· A thick layer of smoke hung over the city.· About 400 fans jumped over barricades and invaded the playing field.· As the planes flew over, Selim could see the Russian markings on their wings.· Riot police fired over the heads of the demonstrators.
in the sky directly above your head: · A flock of birds passed overhead.· Suddenly, they heard the rumble of thunder overhead.
: up in/on/there etc in a higher position than where you are: · I found some old pictures of my mother up in the attic.· Are you able to see up there or do you need a flashlight?
on a higher floor of a building, above where you are: · The bathroom is upstairs on your left.· Don't you think the woman upstairs is kind of strange?
if something such as a tree or a rock overhangs something, it sticks out over it: · The bird was sitting on a branch overhanging the water.· An ancient vine overhangs the terrace.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounhangerhangingoverhangverbhangoverhangadjectivehanging
to hang over something or stick out above it
overhang1 verboverhang2 noun
overhango‧ver‧hang2 /ˈəʊvəhæŋ $ ˈoʊvər-/ noun [countable, usually singular] Examples
  • The amphitheater's overhang protects most of the seats from bad weather.
  • By any chance can we get a another overhang?
  • It gusted into every overhang of concrete, whistled down the brick funnels on the tall building where she lived.
  • Sapan sailed in beneath the overhang of limestone.
  • She found Wynne-Jones resting in the overhang of a rocky outcrop, exhausted, wretched, starving.
  • The overhang has continued because companies held back shutdowns for fear of helping competitors.
  • The overhang was cleared, enabling the shares to bounce back to 356p, down 2 on balance.
  • They have 2-foot interior overhangs to discourage climbing over, and 4-foot aprons at the bottom to prevent digging under the enclosure.
word sets
adjoin, verbalcove, nounantechamber, nounanteroom, nounapartment block, nounapse, nounarcade, nounart gallery, nounatrium, nounattic, nounauditorium, nounawning, nounback door, nounback-to-back, nounbailey, nounbalcony, nounbalustrade, nounbanister, nounbarn, nounbasilica, nounbastion, nounbay window, nounblock, nounbrownstone, nounbungalow, nounbunkhouse, nounbyre, nouncabin, nouncampanile, nouncanteen, nouncarport, nouncasement, nouncastle, nounceiling, nouncellar, nouncentre, nounchalet, nounchamber, nounchancel, nounchanging room, nounchateau, nounchimney, nounchimney breast, nounchimney pot, nounchimney stack, nouncladding, nounclerk of works, nouncloakroom, nouncloister, nounclubhouse, nouncoatroom, nouncocktail lounge, nouncolonnade, nouncolumn, nouncommon room, nouncomplex, nouncompound, nounconcourse, nouncondominium, nounconservatory, nounconvent, nouncoping, nouncornerstone, nouncorn exchange, nouncorridor, nouncottage, nouncountry house, nouncountry seat, nouncourthouse, nouncowshed, noundado, noundance hall, noundetached, adjectivedoor, noundoorpost, noundormer, nounedifice, nounentry, nounentryway, nounestate, nounestate agent, nounextension, nouneyrie, nounfacade, nounfallout shelter, nounfamily room, nounfarmhouse, nounfire door, nounfire escape, nounfire station, nounfitment, nounfixture, nounflatlet, nounflight, nounfloor, nounfolly, nounforecourt, nounfort, nounfortress, nounfoyer, nounfrontage, nounfront room, nounfuneral home, noungable, noungabled, adjectivegargoyle, noungrandstand, noungrange, noungranny flat, noungrille, nounground floor, nounguardhouse, nounguesthouse, nounguildhall, noungutter, nounguttering, noungym, noungymnasium, nounhabitation, nounhall, nounhallway, nounhatch, nounhatchway, nounhayloft, nounhealth centre, nounhigh-rise, adjectivehospice, nounhospital, nounlaboratory, nounlanding, nounleaded lights, nounlean-to, nounledge, nounlightning conductor, nounlintel, nounlobby, nounlodge, nounloft, nounlog cabin, nounlounge, nounlouvre, nounmaisonette, nounmezzanine, nounmilking parlour, nounmoving staircase, nounmullion, nounnave, nounniche, nounoast house, nounobelisk, nounoffice building, nounoratory, nounoutbuilding, nounouthouse, nounoverhang, nounparapet, nounparty wall, nounpediment, nounpenthouse, nounperistyle, nounpicture window, nounpilaster, nounpillar, nounpinnacle, nounplatform, nounplumber, nounplumbing, nounpodium, nounpoint, verbPortakabin, nounpotting shed, nounpresbytery, nounpress gallery, nounprivy, nounpublic convenience, nounpyramid, nounrafter, nounrail, nounrampart, nounribbon development, nounrotunda, nounsanctuary, nounschoolhouse, nounscience park, nounsepulchre, nounservice charge, nounshack, nounshed, nounshop front, nounskylight, nounskyscraper, nounsliding door, nounsmokestack, nounsmoking room, nounspiral staircase, nounspire, nounsports centre, nounstack, nounstadium, nounstair, nounstaircase, nounstairway, nounstairwell, nounstall, nounstately home, nounstateroom, nounstation, nounsteeple, nounstep, nounstonework, nounstoop, nounstoreroom, nounstorm cellar, nounstory, nounstudio, nountenement, nountepee, nounterrace, nountheatre, nountoilet, nountool shed, nountower block, nountown hall, nountownhouse, nountransept, nountransom, nountrapdoor, nountreasury, nounturret, nounvault, nounvaulted, adjectivevaulting, nounventilator, nounvestibule, nounvilla, nounwalkway, nounwall, nounwatchtower, nounwater tower, nounweatherboard, nounwedding chapel, nounwing, nounwoodshed, nounworkhouse, nounworkroom, nounworkshop, noun
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounhangerhangingoverhangverbhangoverhangadjectivehanging
1a rock, roof etc that hangs over something else:  We stood under the overhang while it rained.2the amount by which something hangs over something else:  a five-foot overhang




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