

单词 overeat
overeato‧ver‧eat /ˌəʊvərˈiːt $ ˌoʊ-/ verb (past tense overate /-ˈet,-ˈeɪt $ -ˈeɪt/, past participle overeaten /-ˈiːtn/) [intransitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyovereat
he, she, itovereats
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyoverated
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave overate, overeaten
he, she, ithas overate, overeaten
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad overate, overeaten
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill overeat
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have overate, overeaten
Continuous Form
PresentIam overeating
he, she, itis overeating
you, we, theyare overeating
PastI, he, she, itwas overeating
you, we, theywere overeating
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been overeating
he, she, ithas been overeating
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been overeating
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be overeating
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been overeating
  • A woman who overeats during pregnancy can cause health problems for her child.
  • Some people can overeat without putting on much weight.
  • You need to watch your weight - have you been overeating?
  • And if we overate on any one of them then any surplus energy would end up by making us fat.
  • And one night, as we groan from overeating, she offers to teach me the pleasures of a fast.
  • Apart from over-sleepiness, symptoms include: lethargy, overeating, depression, social problems and loss of libido.
  • For others, it might mean therapy to root out the underlying causes of overeating.
  • He looked at Angelina and overate, the right side of his. face ballooned like a heavyweight squirrel.
  • Most other Western countries are overeating, and the developing countries are fast catching up.
  • What made people overeat, she said, was insecurity and immaturity.
  • You overeat, smoke, drink, bite your nails etc.
Longman Language Activatorto eat a lot or too much
to eat so much food that you cannot eat anything else: stuff/gorge yourself with: · Having stuffed himself with burgers, Terry was unable to finish his dessert.stuff/gorge yourself on: · The Romans would gorge themselves on grapes and plums.
informal to eat a lot of food -- used humorously: · Last night we pigged out and ate three pizzas.pig out on: · When he's depressed he always pigs out on ice cream.
informal to eat too much food -- used especially humorously, and used to say that someone has behaved in an embarrassing way when eating with other people: · I had four pieces of cake and made a real pig of myself.· Don't make such a pig of yourself; you've eaten enough.
to regularly eat too much in a way that is bad for your health: · You need to watch your weight - have you been overeating?· A woman who overeats during pregnancy can cause health problems for her child.
antioxidant, nouncalorie, nouncalorific, adjectivecarbohydrate, nouncholesterol, nouncrash diet, noundextrose, noundiet, noundiet, verbdietary, adjectivedietetics, noundietician, noundigestion, noundigestive, adjectiveE, emulsifier, nounE number, nounfat, nounfat farm, nounfat-free, adjectivefatty, adjectivefatty acid, nounfibre, nounfructose, nounglucose, noungluten, nounlactic acid, nounlactose, nounlo-cal, adjectivelo-carb, adjectivelow-fat, adjectivemacrobiotic, adjectivemalnourished, adjectivemalnutrition, nounmetabolism, nounmetabolize, verbmineral, nounnourishing, adjectivenutrient, nounnutriment, nounnutrition, nounnutritious, adjectivenutritive, adjectiveovereat, verboverweight, adjectivepolyunsaturated, adjectiveprocess, verbprocessed, adjectiveprotein, nounRDA, nounreduce, verbriboflavin, nounroughage, nounsaturated fat, nounsell-by date, nounstarch, nounstarchy, adjectivestone-ground, adjectivesustenance, nounthiamin, nounvitamin, nounwell-balanced, adjectivewheatgerm, nounwheatmeal, noun
 Compulsive overspending in these days of credit cards has become more common.
to eat too much, or eat more than is healthy




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