

单词 outnumber
outnumberout‧num‧ber /aʊtˈnʌmbə $ -ər/ verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyoutnumber
he, she, itoutnumbers
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyoutnumbered
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave outnumbered
he, she, ithas outnumbered
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad outnumbered
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill outnumber
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have outnumbered
Continuous Form
PresentIam outnumbering
he, she, itis outnumbering
you, we, theyare outnumbering
PastI, he, she, itwas outnumbering
you, we, theywere outnumbering
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been outnumbering
he, she, ithas been outnumbering
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been outnumbering
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be outnumbering
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been outnumbering
  • a city where bicycles greatly outnumber cars
  • In these mountains the animal population outnumbers the human by three to one.
  • Women teachers outnumber their male colleagues by two to one.
  • A unit of Goblins fears any unit of Elves which it does not outnumber by at least two to one.
  • But those in need of organs or tissue far outnumber donors, according to Karahalios.
  • Chimpanzees are such an unsuccessful species that they are considerably outnumbered by neuroscientists.
  • In 1980, Democrats outnumbered Republicans in the state, 3. 1 million to 1. 4 million.
  • In instances where programs dealt with religion, positive portrayals outnumbered negatives one by 4-to-3, the group said.
  • So does Sedimentary Petrology, whose pages outnumber those of its older competitor by three to one.
  • Their numbers will outnumber us, as do insects.
  • Today, tax-raisers outnumber tax-cutters by nearly seven to one.
Longman Language Activatorto be more than a particular number or amount
· The annual revenue is more than $15 billion.· New Haven's school drop-out rate is more than double the statewide average.much/many more than · a young woman who didn't look to be much more than 20· Many cases still go undetected -- many more than are treated.
formal to be more than a number or amount, especially a fixed number or limit - used especially in official reports or documents: · Legal requirements state that working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week.· In the Far East, home computer ownership is expected to exceed that of the US and Europe combined.exceed something by something: · Births exceeded deaths by a ratio of 3 to 1.far exceed: · Metcalf has achieved 49 touchdowns, far exceeding even those of his famous father.
if one type of person or thing outnumbers another, there are more of the first type than of the second: · Women teachers outnumber their male colleagues by two to one. (=there are twice as many women)greatly/far outnumber: · a city where bicycles greatly outnumber cars
if profits, sales, income etc are up they are larger than at a time in the past: · Most retailers expect sales to be up slightly compared with last year.· The American Stock Exchange was up 0.6% at 551.63.be up by: · Support for the president was up by an astonishing 15% in the South. be 10%/12 points etc up: · Germany's steel output was 3% up at 11.7 million tons.
if a number or total passes an amount, especially one that you have been trying to reach, it is more than that amount and will probably continue to increase: · If he stays injury-free, Stumpel should pass his personal best of 76 points.pass the £100/1million etc mark: · Visits to our website passed the 100,000 mark in April.
 Men in prison vastly outnumber women.
· The unit fears any unit of Elves it does not outnumber by at least two to one.· Porter was outnumbered by some 20, 000 men.
· In sheer bulk of biomass, organisms without brains or even without central nervous systems far outnumber those possessing these desirable features.· Throughout most of human history, the dead far outnumbered the living.· After all, the dead far outnumber the living!· But those in need of organs or tissue far outnumber donors, according to Karahalios.· The table below shows that private and semi-official schools far outnumber state-run schools at secondary level.· The failures, however, far outnumber them.· And the tally of crown successes over its opponents far outnumbers its few failures.· Women who undergo cosmetic surgery still far outnumber their male counterparts.
· They were greatly outnumbered and there was definitely something unnatural about the striding men.· For starters, those ignoring it greatly outnumber those embracing it.· The change of policy hit women especially hard since they had greatly outnumbered men as recipients of out-door relief.· Beatty sighted Scheer's fleet shortly before 16.40 and, being greatly outnumbered, turned north to join Jellicoe.· The indifferent continue to greatly outnumber the inspired when it comes to decentralized management in that important segment of the management population.· The Elves were greatly outnumbered and the situation looked desperate.· The police had acted bravely and justly, although greatly outnumbered.
· The Cavaliers occupied Burghley House, but they were heavily outnumbered, and Cromwell forced them to surrender after a bitter siege.· At first sight this might seem very improbable, because such smooth regions would be heavily outnumbered by chaotic and irregular regions.
· Yet in the long run, diet failures vastly outnumber the successes.· Because school people vastly outnumber business-people in most school-to-work partnerships, the tendency is for educators to take over.· Thinly veiled portraits of actual people in fiction vastly outnumber this type of unlucky strike.· Vastly outnumbered but taking a more defined shape were the black Methodists.
· Although popularly thought of as a female offence, women do not outnumber men among those found guilty.· After that, the women outnumber the men.· In both these areas of higher education women have always outnumbered men.· Aware that women outnumber men on voter lists, politicians from both parties are tailoring their campaigns accordingly.· The women outnumbered them and plotted together.· Of this 20 percent, women outnumbered men more than 2 to 1.· Beyond 75, women outnumber men by almost two to one.· In this latter group, women slightly outnumbered men.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounnumbernumeralnumeracynumeratorinnumeracyadjectiveinnumerablenumericalnumerousnumerateinnumerateverbnumberoutnumberadverbnumerically
to be more in number than another group:  Flats outnumber houses in this area. His troops were hopelessly outnumbered.outnumber somebody/something by something In nursing, women still outnumber men by four to one.vastly/greatly/heavily outnumber Men in prison vastly outnumber women.




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