

单词 outflow
outflowout‧flow /ˈaʊtfləʊ $ -floʊ/ noun [countable] Examples
  • outflow pipes
  • chemical outflow into the bay
  • A fall in interest rates will lead to an outflow of short-term capital from the country.
  • All the outflow is destined to enter the Niagara River and plunge over the Falls.
  • In the case of early outflows and late inflows, the fifteenth of the month may be the most appropriate date.
  • Radiographs of the chest showed enlargement of the right heart with prominence of the pulmonary outflow tract.
  • The problem with a high-tech start-up is that you have a net cash outflow.
  • This cash outflow occurred in the first half of the year.
  • Total inflows minus total outflows results in the predicted net cash gain or loss during the month.
word sets
absolute advantage, active population, additionality, nounadjustable peg, nounannual earnings, anti-dumping, adjectiveanti-inflation, adjectiveausterity, nounbad debt, nounbalance of payments, nounbalance of trade, nounbalance sheet, nounbank money, bank rate, nounbankrupt, adjectivebankrupt, verbbankrupt, nounbarrier to trade, nounbilateralism, nounblack market, nounboom, nounbroad money, brown goods, nounbudget, nounCACM, capital accumulation, nouncapital formation, nouncapitalism, nouncapitalist, adjectivecapital surplus, cartel, nouncentral government borrowing requirement, CGBR, Chicago School, nounclosed economy, nouncommerce clause, commodity, nouncommodity product, comparative advantage, consumer, nounconsumer confidence, nounconsumer durables, nounconsumer goods, nounconsumer price index, nounconsumer surplus, consumption, nounconsumption function, nounCost of Production Theory of Value, nouncreditor turnover rate, nouncredit rationing, noundebt ratio, deflate, verbdemand, noundemand and supply, noundemand price, demonstration effect, deregulate, verbdeveloped, adjectivedirigisme, noundiscretionary spending, dishoarding, noundisinflation, noundisposable income, noundis-saving, noundisutility, noundiversify, verbdivision of labour, noundole queue, dollars-and-cents, adjectivedowntick, noundownturn, noundrawdown, nouneconomic, adjectiveeconomic goods, economic paradigm, economist, nouneconomy, nounefficient market, elasticity of demand, nounelasticity of substitution, nounembargo, verbemployment theory, euro-zone, exchange, nounExchange equalization account, exchange rate mechanism, nounexpectations, nounexpenditure, nounexternal account, external competitiveness, externality, nounfactor cost, factor of production, nounFederal funds, fiscal, adjectivefloor, nounflow of funds, nounforced saving, for-profit, adjectivefree enterprise, nounfree marketeer, nounfree movement, nounfree trade, nounGDP, nounGNP, nounGoldilocks economy, goods, noungoods and services, noungross domestic product, noungross national product, noungross product, nounguaranteed price, hyperinflation, nounIMF, the, IMF quota, imperfect competition, imperfect market, import, nounimport, verbimportation, nounimporter, nounincome effect, industrial output index, Industrial Sentiment index, inelastic, adjectiveinflate, verbinflation, nouninflationary, adjectiveintermediate goods, International Monetary Fund, nouninvestment goods, J-curve, nounknowledge economy, labour-intensive, adjectivelabour market, nounLaffer curve, nounlaissez-faire, nounliving standard, nounMaastricht Treaty, nounmacroeconomics, nounmarginal revenue, market-driven, adjectivemarket economy, nounmarket failure, market forces, nounmarket-led, adjectivemarket-oriented, adjectivemarket value, nounmixed economy, nounmonetarism, nounmonetary, adjectivemoney income, monopsony, nounmultilateralism, nounNAIRU, nounnational debt, nounnational income, nationalize, verbnational wealth, neocolonialism, nounnet output, NIC, nounnominal price, non-durable goods, open-market, adjectiveoutflow, nounoverheated, adjectivepass-along, nounpass-through, nounpeg, verbper-capita income, perfect competition, perfect market, personal saving, political economy, nounpost-industrial, adjectivePPI, price control, nounprice effect, price fixing, nounprice-fixing, nounprice index, nounprice-insensitive, adjectiveprice-sensitive, adjectiveprice support, nounprice theory, primary production, private enterprise, nounprivately-owned, adjectiveprivatization, nounprivatize, verbproducer price index, production control, protect, verbprotectionism, nounprotective, adjectivepublic enterprise, public ownership, nounpublic sector borrowing requirement, public service, nounPurchasing Managers' index, real, adjectivereal income, recession, nounreflation, nounrefund, nounRetail Price Index, scarcity value, nounshakeout, nounSingle European Market, slump, nounsocial accounting, socioeconomic, adjectivesqueeze, verbsqueeze, nounstagflation, nounstandard of living, nounstandard spending assessment, staple, nounstringent, adjectivesubsidy, nounsubstitution effect, surplus, nounsystematic risk, trade deficit, nountrade dispute, trade gap, nountrade surplus, nountrade-weighted index, trickle-down effect, nountrough, nountrust, noununder-investment, noununit of account, noununsystematic risk, uptick, nounvoodoo economics, noun
· The problem with a high-tech start-up is that you have a net cash outflow.· Balance of payments disequilibrium A balance of payments deficit involves a net outflow of currency.· In the half it used up £21m of this provision, and the net cash outflow of the group was £40m.
· This cash outflow occurred in the first half of the year.· After two years of strong cash inflow, there was a cash outflow of £9.5 million.· This year there has been a cash outflow in respect of the amounts provided.· The problem with a high-tech start-up is that you have a net cash outflow.· The cash outflow covers the cost of borrowed funds at the money market interest rate.· The net interest charge increased significantly in the second half of the year, reflecting the year's cash outflow.· In the half it used up £21m of this provision, and the net cash outflow of the group was £40m.
1when money, goods etc leave a bank, country etcoutflow of the outflow of capital from the developed countries2the flow of water or air from somethingoutflow of an outflow of gas escaping from the main duct the outflow valve




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