

单词 osprey
ospreyos‧prey /ˈɒspreɪ $ ˈɑːspri, -preɪ/ noun [countable] Word Origin
1400-1500 Probably from an unrecorded Old French osfraie, from Latin ossifraga ‘sea eagle’, from os ‘bone’ + frangere ‘to break’
  • I once watched an osprey fishing in the loch.
  • In May thieves returned to take osprey eggs.
  • Marsh harriers pass through and have recently bred, and even a passing osprey is a possibility.
  • There is wildlife here in abundance; deer, wild cats, red squirrels, golden eagles, ospreys and reindeer.
  • We saw a great white pine with a huge stick nest on top, probably that of an osprey.
word sets
auk, nounbald eagle, nounbeak, nounbill, nounbird, nounbirdie, nounbird of paradise, nounbird of passage, nounbird of prey, nounbirdsong, nounblackbird, nounbluebird, nounbluejay, nounbobwhite, nounbreast, nounbuzzard, nouncackle, verbchick, nounclaw, nouncob, nouncock, nouncockerel, nouncockscomb, nouncolouring, nouncondor, nouncoo, verbcoot, nouncormorant, nouncorncrake, nouncrane, nouncrest, nouncrested, adjectivecrop, nouncrow, nouncrow, verbcuckoo, nouncurlew, nouncygnet, noundickybird, noundipper, noundive, verbdodo, noundove, noundown, nounduck, nounduckling, nouneagle, nouneaglet, nounegret, nounemu, nounfeather, nounflamingo, nounfledgling, nounflight, nounfly, verbflycatcher, nounfowl, noungander, noungannet, noungizzard, noungobble, verbgobbler, noungolden eagle, noungoldfinch, noungoose, noungrebe, noungrouse, nounguillemot, nounguinea fowl, nounhackles, nounhatch, verbhawk, nounheron, nounhonk, nounhonk, verbhoot, nounhoot, verbhornbill, nounhouse martin, nounhumming bird, nounincubate, verbjackdaw, nounjay, nounkestrel, nounkingfisher, nounkite, nounkiwi, nounlark, nounlay, verblinnet, nounloon, nounlovebird, nounmacaw, nounmagpie, nounmallard, nounmarabou, nounmartin, nounmeadowlark, nounmigrant, nounmockingbird, nounmoorhen, nounmoult, verbmynah bird, nounnest, nounnest, verbnestling, nounnightingale, nounoriole, nounornithologist, nounornithology, nounosprey, nounostrich, nounowl, nounowlet, nounparakeet, nounparrot, nounpartridge, nounpeacock, nounpeafowl, nounpeahen, nounpeck, verbpeck, nounpeewit, nounpelican, nounpenguin, nounperch, nounperch, verbperegrine falcon, nounpetrel, nounpipit, nounplover, nounplumage, nounplume, verbpullet, nounquail, nounquill, nounraven, nounroadrunner, nounrobin, nounrook, nounroost, nounroost, verbrooster, nounruff, nounsandpiper, nounseabird, nounseagull, nounshag, nounsing, verbskylark, nounsnipe, nounsong, nounsongbird, nounsongster, nounsparrow, nounstarling, nounswallow, nounswan, nounswift, nounswoop, verbtalon, nounteal, nountern, nounthrush, nountit, nountoucan, nountrill, nounturkey, nounturtledove, nountwitter, verbvulture, nounwader, nounwagtail, nounwarble, verbwarbler, nounwater bird, nounwaterfowl, nounwebbed, adjectiveweb-footed, adjectivewhistle, verbwing, nounwinged, adjectivewingspan, nounwingtip, nounwishbone, nounwren, nounyellowhammer, noun
a type of large bird that kills and eats fish




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