to have sex with a lot of people► sleep around informal to have sex with many different people over a period of time, usually without having a serious relationship with any of them: · I don't sleep around any more, not since I met Jack.· If you sleep around, you increase your risk of getting AIDS.
► casual sex when someone has sex with someone without intending to have a serious relationship with them, especially when they do this many times: · I've only known you a few days Luke, and I don't go in for casual sex.· It wasn't difficult to pick up people for casual sex, but it was difficult to form any sort of relationship with someone.
► promiscuous someone who is promiscuous has sex with many different people, usually without having a serious relationship with any of them: · Promiscuous men are rarely criticized as severely as promiscuous women.· The survey found that single men aged 18--35 were more promiscuous than any other social group.
► orgy a wild party where people have sex with a lot of different people: · a wild drunken orgy· What do you think's going to happen? I'm not going to an orgy or anything.
► slut also slag informal an insulting word for a woman who has sex with a lot of different men over a period of time - used to show strong disapproval: · He made me take off the red lipstick, saying it made me look like a slut.· That little slag slept with my husband.
► stud informal a man who has sex with a lot of different women over a period of time - use this especially when the man is proud of his sexual activities: · Josh had a reputation of being the college stud.· A woman who behaves promiscuously is called a slut, but a man who behaves the same way is admiringly called a stud.
► nymphomaniac a woman who always wants to have sex or has sex with a lot of people, and is therefore considered morally bad: · Even these days, a woman who has a lot of boyfriends is labelled a "nymphomaniac'.