

单词 nuisance
nuisancenui‧sance /ˈnjuːsəns $ ˈnuː-/ ●●○ S3 noun Word Origin
1400-1500 Anglo-French nusaunce, from Old French nuisir ‘to harm’
  • Rabbits can be a nuisance to gardeners.
  • The overgrown vacant lot was declared a public nuisance.
  • Compass errors are an awful nuisance and it is well worth finding out a little about them.
  • He says it is a nuisance but he's putting up with it.
  • His battalion commander was becoming a nuisance.
  • Missing are neighborhood and business associations: two groups that pushed hard during the former administration for a crackdown on nuisance crimes.
  • She said he was a nuisance and that the council ought to do something about it.
  • The flies which on the previous day had been a nuisance to them were now a torment.
  • They were a necessary nuisance that provided the rationale for what Bureau men really loved to do: build majestic dams.
  • Wet, moldy basements may be more than a nuisance.
word sets
access, nounacquit, verbacquittal, nounactionable, adjectiveact of God, nounadjourn, verbadminister, verbadmissible, adjectiveADR, nounadversarial, adjectiveadvocate, nounaffidavit, nounage, nounaggrieved, adjectiveagreement, nounannual return, anti-dumping, adjectiveantitrust, adjectiveAppeal Court, nounappear, verbappellate court, nounarraign, verbarticled clerk, articles of association, nounassignee, nounassizes, nounattachment, nounattest, verbattorney, nounattorney-at-law, nounattorney general, nounaverage clause, bailable, adjectivebailee, nounbailiff, nounbailment, nounban, nounbarrister, nounbeneficial owner, beneficiary, nounbequeath, verbbequest, nounbest efforts, adjectivebid-rigging, nounbill, nounbill of rights, nounblue law, nounbody corporate, bond, nounbook, verbbox, nounbreakdown clause, break fee, brief, nounbroker's lien, burden of proof, nounbusiness entity, buyer's risk, bylaw, nouncabotage, nouncadastre, nouncase, nouncase law, nouncash shell, nouncause, nouncause célèbre, nouncause of action, nouncaution, nouncaution, verbcertificate of incorporation, nouncertificate of protest, nouncertificate of search, nounchain of title, nounchallenge, nounchallenge, verbchancery, nounChapter 7, nouncharge, nouncharge, verbcharges register, chief justice, nouncircuit court, nouncite, verbcitizen's arrest, nouncivil, adjectivecivil law, nounclaim, nounclaimant, nounclass action, nounclause, nounclean, adjectivecloud on title, nouncollusion, nouncommerce clause, committal, nouncommon law, nouncommunity property, nounCommunity Reinvestment Act, nouncommutation, nounCompanies House, nouncompanies registry, company limited by guarantee, nouncompany limited by shares, nouncompany officer, competence, nouncompetent, adjectivecomplainant, nouncompletion, nouncompletion date, compliance officer, compulsory purchase, nounconditional discharge, nouncondition precedent, nouncondition subsequent, nounconduct money, confidentiality clause, confirmation hearing, conflict of laws, nounconjugal, adjectiveconsensus ad idem, nounconsent decree, consenting adult, nounconservator, nounconstituted, adjectiveconstitution, nounconstitutional, adjectiveconstitutionality, nouncontempt, nouncontest, verbcontingency fee, contract of insurance, nouncontract of purchase, nouncontract of service, nouncontravene, verbcontravention, nouncontributory negligence, nounconvey, verbconveyance, nounconveyancing, nounconvict, verbconviction, nouncopyright, nounco-respondent, nouncosignatory, nouncounsel, nouncounty court, nouncourthouse, nouncourt-martial, nouncourt-martial, verbCourt of Appeal, nounCourt of Appeals, nouncourt of inquiry, nouncourt of law, nounCourt of Queen's Bench, nouncourt order, nouncourt reporter, nouncourtroom, nouncramdown, nouncriminal, adjectivecriminal injury, criminalize, verbcriminal law, nouncross-examine, verbCrown Court, nouncurfew, nouncustodial, adjectiveD.A., noundata protection, death sentence, noundeath warrant, noundeclaration of association, noundecree, noundecree absolute, noundecree nisi, noundecriminalize, verbdeed, noundeed of conveyance, noundefalcation, noundefend, verbdefendant, noundeficiency judgment, noundeficiency judgment, de jure, adjectivedeposition, noundeputy, nounderivative lease, desertion, noundiminished responsibility, noundiplomatic immunity, noundirectors register, disabled quota, disbar, verbdischarge of contract, noundisclaim, verbdisclaimer, noundiscretionary, adjectivedisinherit, verbdismiss, verbdispense, verbdisposition, noundispossess, verbdissent, noundissolution, noundistrain, verbdistrict attorney, noundistrict court, noundivorce, noundivorce, verbdivorced, adjectivedocket, noundonee, noundouble jeopardy, noundraftsman, noundrink-driving, noundrunk driving, noundue process, nounduress, nouneasement, nounedict, nouneffective, adjectiveeminent domain, nounempower, verbenabling, adjectiveenabling clause, enact, verbendowment, nounenforced, adjectiveenjoin, verbescape clause, escrow, nounescrow agent, estate, nounestoppel, nounevidence, nounexamination, nounexamination-in-chief, nounexamine, verbexculpate, verbexecute, verbexecutor, nounexecutrix, nounexhibit, nounexpectations, nounex post facto law, nounexpropriate, verbextradite, verbextrajudicial, adjectivefair dealing, false representation, nounfee absolute, nounfiduciary, nounfiduciary, adjectivefinding, nounfirm name, nounfixtures and fittings, nounforce majeure, nounforeman, nounforewoman, nounfreeholder, nounfree pardon, nounfrustration of contract, fugitive, nounfugitive, adjectivegagging order, gag order, noungarnishee, verbgarnishee, noungeneral counsel, noungeneral practice, noungive, verbgrand jury, noungrantee, noungrantor, noungreen paper, noungross misconduct, ground rent, nounguarantee, verbguarantor, nounguaranty, nounguillotine, verbguilt, noungun control, nounhabeas corpus, nounHague Rules, nounhear, verbhearing, nounheir, nounheir apparent, nounhereafter, adverbhereditament, nounhereinafter, adverbhereof, adverbhereto, adverbheritable, adjectiveHigh Court, nounHighway Code, nounhirer, nounhuman right, nounimplied term, inadmissible, adjectiveinalienable, adjectiveincriminate, verbindemnify, verbindemnity, nounindict, verbindictable, adjectiveindictment, nounindustrial tribunal, nouninitiative, nouninjunction, nounin loco parentis, adverbinnocence, nouninnocent, adjectiveinoperative, adjectiveinquest, nouninsanity, nouninstruct, verbintellectual property, nounintent, nouninterdict, nouninterlocutory injunction, invoke, verbJane Doe, nounjob quota, joint and several liability, JP, nounjudge, nounjudge, verbjudicial, adjectivejuridical, adjectivejurisdiction, nounjurisprudence, nounjurist, nounjuror, nounjury, nounjury box, nounjury service, nounjustice, nounJustice of the Peace, nounjustifiable homicide, nounjuvenile, adjectivekangaroo court, nounKing's Counsel, nounlaw firm, nounlawyer, nounlease, nounleasehold, adjectiveleaseholder, nounlegatee, nounlegator, nounlessee, nounlessor, nounletters of administration, nounliable, adjectivelicensee, nounlien, nounlienee, nounlienor, nounlimited liability, nounliquidated damages, litigant, nounlitigate, verblitigation, nounlitigator, nounlitigious, adjectiveliving will, nounloophole, nounmagisterial, adjectivemagistracy, nounmagistrate, nounMagistrates' Court, nounmaintenance, nounmajority, nounmalfeasance, nounmalpractice, nounmarriage certificate, nounmarriage licence, nounmarriage lines, nounmaterial, adjectivematerial fact, nounmemorandum, nounmiscarriage of justice, nounmisdirect, verbmisfeasance, nounmisstatement, nounmistrial, nounM'lord, nounM'lud, nounmoiety, nounmonies, nounmoot court, nounmoratorium, nounmovable, nounno-fault, adjectivenolo contendere, nounnonfeasance, nounnon-negotiable, adjectivenotary, nounnuisance, nounnullify, verbnullity, nounoath, nounopen-and-shut case, nounopen verdict, nounoperative mistake, nounordinance, nounoriginating application, originating summons, outlaw, nounout-of-court settlement, nounoyez, interjectionpalimony, nounpanel, nounparalegal, nounpardon, verbpardon, nounparty, nounpass, verbpassage, nounpatent, nounpatent, adjectivepaternity, nounpaternity suit, nounpatrimony, nounpenal code, nounpenalty, nounperformance contract, perjury, nounpersonal injury, personal representative, personalty, nounpetition, nounpetition, verbpetitioner, nounplaintiff, nounplanning permission, nounplea bargaining, nounpleadings, nounpledgee, nounpolice, verbpositive discrimination, nounpower of attorney, nounprecedent, nounprejudice, verbpreservation order, nounpresume, verbprice-fixing, nounprima facie, adjectiveprimary residence, prime tenant, primogeniture, nounprivate law, nounprivileged, adjectiveprivity, nounprobate, nounprobate, verbprobation, nounprobationer, nounprobation officer, nounpro bono, adjectiveprocedural, adjectiveproceeding, nounproceedings, nounprohibit, verbprohibition, nounprohibitive, adjectivepromulgate, verbpronounce, verbproposition, nounproscribe, verbprosecute, verbprosecution, nounprosecutor, nounprotective custody, nounprove, verbprovision, nounprovisional licence, nounproximate cause, nounpublic defender, nounpublic prosecutor, nounpublic service vehicle, punishable, adjectiveQC, nounquarter sessions, nounquash, verbQueen's Counsel, nounreal property, nounrecess, nounrecess, verbrecognition, nounrecognizance, nounrecorder, nounreeve, nounregulation, nounremand, verbremand, nounrepeal, verbrescind, verbrespondent, nounrestoration, nounrestore, verbretainer, nounretrial, nounretroactive, adjectiveretrospective, adjectiveretry, verbreversion, nounrevocation, nounrevoke, verbRex, nounright of appeal, nounroad tax, nounroot of title, royalty payment, rule, verbruling, nounsaid, adjectivesalami slicing, nounSarbanes-Oxley Act, nounscheme of arrangement, nounsentence, nounsentence, verbsequester, verbsession, nounsettlement date, settlement terms, shall, modal verbshell company, sheriff, nounsheriff court, nounshow trial, nounsitting tenant, nounsmall claims court, nounsolicitor, nounsolicitor general, nounSOX, nounspecial licence, nounspecific performance, speed limit, nounstakeholder, nounstate attorney, nounstate court, nounstated case, statute, nounstatute law, nounstatute of limitations, nounstatutory, adjectivestatutory report, stay, nounstay of execution, nounstipendiary magistrate, nounstoppage in transit, nounsub judice, adverbsubmission, nounsuborn, verbsubpoena, nounsubpoena, verbsue, verbsuit, nounsumming up, nounsumming-up, nounsummons, nounsummons, verbSupreme Court, nounsurety, nounsuspended sentence, nounswear, verbtechnicality, nountenant at sufferance, nountenant at will, nountenant for years, nountenant in common, nountenure, nountestament, nountestator, nountest case, nountest certificate, nountestify, verbtestimony, nounthereinafter, adverbthird party, nounthrough, prepositionticket, nounticket, verbtitle, nountitle deed, nountitle holder, nountort, nountradename, nounTrading Standards, treasure trove, nountrespass, verbtrespass, nountrial, nountrust for sale, nounultra vires, adjectiveunderwriting power, undue influence, noununlicensed, adjectiveuphold, verbverdict, nounvindicate, verbvisa, nounvoucher, nounward, nounwarrant, nounwhereas, conjunctionwill, nounwill, verbwinding up, nounwitness, nounwitness, verbwitness box, nounwrit, nounwrongful termination,
 The dogs next door are a real nuisance.
British English What a nuisance! I’ve forgotten my ticket.
 I hate to be a nuisance, but could you move your car to the other side of the street?
 Stop making a nuisance of yourself (=annoying other people with your behaviour)!
 It’s a nuisance having to get up that early on a Sunday morning.
 The nightclub has been declared a public nuisance.
· And it was a bloody nuisance having all those people clomping through the field on Sundays!· She was glad he liked Middy despite his being a bloody nuisance at times.· They must have been a bloody nuisance.
· We have considered the tort of private nuisance; public nuisance should also be mentioned.· The civil law, mainly through the torts of trespass and private nuisance, also had a role to play.
· The aim of the law of public nuisance is to prevent interference with the rights of the public at large.· Those who reside or work where zoning laws prohibit public nuisances need not apply.· We have considered the tort of private nuisance; public nuisance should also be mentioned.· The children targeted were a public eyesore, nuisance, or perceived threat.· Are there no controls over the extent to which a demented public servant can make a public nuisance of himself?· Tell that woman she is a public nuisance.· I therefore reject the submission that a public nuisance requires an unlawful act.· She should be declared a public nuisance and paved over for a parking lot.
· He must therefore satisfy himself on a regular basis that it does not constitute a statutory nuisance.
· Fighting factory pollution and noise nuisance problems.· Nuisances: A streamlining of local authority procedures to make the tackling of noise nuisances simpler is proposed.· I wonder how many motorcyclists are made aware of the noise nuisance that they produce?· We learnt later that they had also advised her neighbours to take out a summons against her for noise nuisance.
· Defences Two defences are available to a defendant in proceedings for a nuisance order.· If the complaint is proved, a nuisance order is made requiring the defendant to get the necessary work done.
· They must first order the respondent to abate the nuisance.
· Consequently, odours may amount to a public nuisance if they substantially inconvenience a sufficient number of people.· The odour may be objectionable to him but is it sufficiently so to amount to a nuisance at law?
· And yet it is no wonder that Lear, with all his knights, is becoming a nuisance.· His battalion commander was becoming a nuisance.· I fear that from becoming perhaps a local nuisance he will become a pest.· I tried to discourage him, but in the end he became a little bit of a nuisance, you know?· That my being alive and changing and having a separate mind and having moods and all that was becoming a nuisance.· Peckham Fair, south London fair and menagerie of ancient origin, abolished in 1827 after becoming a nuisance.· When food is short, the balance changes and the spinsters become a nuisance.· Further into the middle of the site and positive iron became a nuisance.
· The foxes cause little nuisance, whereas domestic pets befoul the streets, parks and gardens.· It led to the famous judgement of Sir James Stephen, that cremation is legal provided it causes no nuisance to others.· It is First Alert that has targeted low concentrations and caused most of the nuisance alarms, he said.
· Some, as you know, seek revenge - they riot, they take drugs and generally make damned nuisances of themselves.· Dropouts from drama school who had learned just enough about theatricality to make a nuisance of themselves.· I've got some one from the village coming in every day to check that no one tries making a nuisance of themselves.· Once he went up there and ran around making a nuisance.· He said he was not satisfied that a case had been made that a nuisance was being caused.· What was so fascinating about him that they had to make themselves a nuisance around him?· I was instructed not to be too early - to wait quietly outside the entrance and not make a nuisance of myself.· It's just I don't relish any of Jahsaxa's colleagues making a nuisance of themselves here.
1[countable usually singular] a person, thing, or situation that annoys you or causes problemsa real/awful/terrible etc nuisance The dogs next door are a real nuisance.What a nuisance! British English What a nuisance! I’ve forgotten my ticket.I hate to be a nuisance .../Sorry to be a nuisance ... I hate to be a nuisance, but could you move your car to the other side of the street? Stop making a nuisance of yourself (=annoying other people with your behaviour)! It’s a nuisance having to get up that early on a Sunday morning.2[countable, uncountable] law the use of a place or property in a way that causes public annoyance:  The nightclub has been declared a public nuisance.




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