

单词 nominate
nominatenom‧i‧nate /ˈnɒməneɪt $ ˈnɑː-/ ●○○ verb [transitive] Word Origin
1500-1600 Latin past participle of nominare, from nomen; NOMINAL
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theynominate
he, she, itnominates
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theynominated
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave nominated
he, she, ithas nominated
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad nominated
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill nominate
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have nominated
Continuous Form
PresentIam nominating
he, she, itis nominating
you, we, theyare nominating
PastI, he, she, itwas nominating
you, we, theywere nominating
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been nominating
he, she, ithas been nominating
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been nominating
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be nominating
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been nominating
  • By now it was clear that Bush was going to be nominated for President.
  • I was nominated as chairman.
  • It was expected that he would nominate Bramwell as his successor.
  • Jane Campion was one of the people nominated for the 'Best Director' award.
  • Lee was the first Chinese American nominated to head the Civil Rights Division.
  • Mills is expected to be formally nominated to the board next month.
  • The President has power to nominate people to certain key offices, including judge of the Supreme Court.
  • The series has never won an Emmy, though it has been nominated repeatedly.
  • They nominated her as the British spokesperson at the International Arms Conference.
  • We need a treasurer. Does anyone want to nominate somebody?
  • Whoever is nominated today will go forward to the leadership elections.
  • Although he had been nominated as a conservative by Protestant Unionists within the constituency, he had quickly become an O'Neill supporter.
  • It was then that the Democrats met in Baltimore to nominate Andrew Jackson for a second term.
  • Perrier invited consumers to nominate the restaurant they believed deserved the title of Best Restaurant of the Year in late 1990.
  • The advisers would be overseen by an investment board nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.
  • The only black nominated was director Diane Houston for a live-action short film.
  • Then another six are chosen whom anybody can nominate.
to tell someone your ideas about what they should do: · 'Why don’t you come with us?', Alan suggested.· It was a sunny afternoon and so I suggested going to the beach.
to suggest that someone goes somewhere, tries something etc because you know that it is good and you think they will like it: · Can you recommend a good restaurant near here?· It’s a brilliant book - I’d recommend it to anyone.
formal to formally suggest a plan or course of action, especially at a meeting: · The government has proposed building a new town just north of the city.· I propose that we send a delegation to London to discuss our concerns.
to suggest an idea, plan, reason etc: · The party has put forward new proposals to reduce the number of cars in the town centre.· The idea was first put forward by Aristotle.· A number of reasons have been put forward to explain these negative results.
to officially suggest someone for an important job or position, or a person, film etc for a prize, especially when people will vote to make a decision: · He’s been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature several times.· Three candidates have been nominated for the position of chairman.
Longman Language Activatorto choose someone for a job or team
to decide who is the best person for a job, team, prize etc: · Companies are now using computers to help them choose new workers.choose somebody as something: · The board has unanimously chosen Cole as Gray's temporary replacement.choose somebody to do something: · Eventually, Jane was chosen to deliver the message.
formal to choose someone for a particular job, team, place at school etc, after considering a lot of different people who might be suitable: · The college selects only twelve students a year from the thousands who apply.select somebody for something: · We selected four applicants for interview.select somebody to do something: · Ernst had been selected to play in the game against Belgium.
to officially choose someone to do an important job: · The company has appointed a new sales director.appoint somebody to something: · Simpson has been appointed to the Memphis Branch board for a three-year term.appoint somebody as something: · They have appointed Jane Staller as their new East Coast manager.appoint somebody to do something: · A committee was appointed to consider changes to the Prison Service.
to choose someone for a sports team or an important job: · The class was divided into four teams, and each group was asked to pick a leader.pick somebody to do something: · Joe picked Steve and Terry to be on his team.pick somebody for something: · Do you think he might pick another woman for the Supreme Court?
to publicly say who has been chosen for an important job in an organization: · The editor of "The Times" has resigned amid a political storm. His successor has not yet been named.name somebody to something: · McCarthy was recently named to the Small Business Committee.name somebody as something: · The magazine has named Bonnie Fuller as deputy editor.name somebody something: · We are naming Dr Bob McClure head of the IRC in China.
if someone, especially a group of people, nominates someone, they officially choose that person to be considered for a particular job: nominate somebody to something: · Mills is expected to be formally nominated to the board next month.nominate somebody to do something: · Lee was the first Chinese American nominated to head the Civil Rights Division.nominate somebody as something: · They nominated her as the British spokesperson at the International Arms Conference.
British /be on the short list if you are shortlisted or on the short list for a job or a position, you are one of a small group of people who have been chosen from other people who want the job, and from that small group one person will be chosen: · Three applicants have been shortlisted and will be invited for interview next week.be shortlisted for: · He's been on the President's short list for the job twice.
American to officially choose someone for an important job: tap somebody for something: · Reinhardt was tapped for the federal bench in 1980 by former President Carter.
to suggest someone as a suitable person for a job or official position
· All members are invited to suggest names.suggest somebody for something · Robert suggested his son for the vacant directorship.
to suggest someone you know personally as suitable for a job or position, because you think they would do a good job: · Ask friends to recommend babysitters. That's the safest way.· The first applicant was recommended by a friend of the boss.recommend somebody for something: · Who would you recommend for this job, Stuart?
to formally suggest someone, usually in writing, to be elected to an official or political position: · The local Democratic party has put several names forward.put sb's name forward for: · The opposition leader announced that he would not be putting his name forward for re-election at the party's annual conference.
to suggest someone for an important job or prize, especially when people will vote to make a decision: · We need a treasurer. Does anyone want to nominate somebody?nominate somebody for something: · Jane Campion was one of the people nominated for the 'Best Director' award.nominate somebody as something: · It was expected that he would nominate Bramwell as his successor.nominate somebody to something: · The President has power to nominate people to certain key offices, including judge of the Supreme Court.
to formally suggest someone for an official position: · At the last meeting, Mrs Williams was proposed by several members.propose for: · I would like to propose Mr Harrison for the position of Party Treasurer.
to choose a government, leader, or representative by voting
to choose a government, leader, or representative by voting: · I think we should start by electing a new chairman.elect somebody leader/chariman/president etc: · Ken Livingstone was elected mayor of London in May 2000.
give someone a position of political power by voting for them: vote somebody/something in: · They always seem to vote in these corrupt, incompetent governments.vote somebody into power/office: · The conservatives have promised to cut taxes if they are voted into office.
to elect someone to a position that they have had since the previous election: · The chairman and treasurer have both been re-elected for another year.re-elect somebody as something: · Simon Mungford has been re-elected as party leader.
British to elect a politician as a member of parliament - used especially in news reports: · Only 96 Conservative MPs were returned at the last election.
to formally suggest that someone should become one of the people who will be voted for in an election: · Whoever is nominated today will go forward to the leadership elections.nominate somebody for something: · By now it was clear that Bush was going to be nominated for President.nominate somebody as something: · I was nominated as chairman.
(also be up for an award informal) (=to be chosen as one of the people, films etc that could receive an award)· Four films have been nominated for the award.· The book is up for an award.
(=put forward a candidate)· Any member may nominate a candidate.
· Those independent films' directors were also nominated, and they combined for a total of 31 nominations.· He is also nominated for an Academy Award.· They also nominated reliable people to take over prefectures and senior posts in the central ministries in Paris.
· He is also nominated for an Academy Award.
· Nearly 500 families were nominated for the award and the Williams were selected from a shortlist of 12.· The recording was nominated for a Grammy Award for best classical album.· An avid Everton supporter, Christopher was nominated for the award by a teacher.· Mary Cormack was nominated for the award by her daughter.· He is also nominated for an Academy Award.
· On Aug. 19 Bush was formally nominated as presidential candidate by the 2,210 delegates.· Their national nominating conventions no longer nominate presidential candidates.· White House press secretary Michael McCurry said Clinton does not intend to nominate another candidate for surgeon general.· Both Major and Hurd were then immediately nominated as candidates for the second round, while Heseltine was also renominated.· It was the last national convention that required more than a single ballot to nominate a presidential candidate.· Parliament asked Shahroudi to nominate other candidates and he submitted four names, including two men already rejected by parliament.· Any corporate member of a branch may nominate a candidate.
· Steven Soderbergh, nominated as best director for both Traffic and Erin Brockovich, won for the former.· The only black nominated was director Diane Houston for a live-action short film.· Chosen Heritage nominates a local funeral director.· The retired Joseph N.. Cassese, who had been the president of Mediplex, is nominated as a director.
· If fewer than three nominations are received, Council will nominate sufficient members to fill the vacancies in accordance with Bylaw 41. 6.· Nevertheless, we support the creation of the body, provided that it is guaranteed that member states can nominate members.
· Lukanov had yet to nominate ministers for three portfolios.
· He was nominated for an Oscar eight times - not many actors have achieved that.· Current release Howard's End, in which he plays an evil father, also has been nominated for an Oscar.· Mr Depardieu had been nominated for an Oscar.
· I was drawn to Laurie at first meeting, when the local Co-operative Party nominated him as candidate for the 1959 general election.· For a leading Democrat to chastise his own party at its own nominating convention was a remarkable political feat.· Perot claims he is serving as a stand-in for whomever the Reform Party nominates at its Labor Day convention.· In 1960, young Democrats had taken over the party by nominating John E Kennedy for the presidency.· The Reform Party began the nominating process by mailing a candidate-preference survey to its members in the past several weeks.
· Beauty and the Beast was the first animated film ever nominated for a Best Picture Oscar.
· The Assembly nominates the President who is confirmed by popular referendum for a six-year term.· Looks like the Democrats nominated their president yesterday, Frankhn D.. Roosevelt.· The federal judiciary in the United States is nominated by the President and appointed with the consent of the Senate.· The advisers would be overseen by an investment board nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.· In addition to the 400 elected members of the Dewan, 100 members were nominated by the President.· It was Cecil who wrote columns for community newspapers nominating Bombeck for president.· The secretary was therefore directed to write to the Duke of Northumberland, asking permission to nominate him as president.· Members of the cabinet are nominated by the president, but their appointments have to be confirmed by the Senate.
· Clinton has yet to nominate a successor for Fed Gov.· The president has not nominated a successor to Kessler.
· Huggins periodically asks store managers to nominate 10 chocolates for oblivion to make room for new products.· In the true spirit of empowerment, the company is asking its employees to nominate the recipients.· The secretary was therefore directed to write to the Duke of Northumberland, asking permission to nominate him as president.· The commission has contacted the Ramsar Bureau asking it to nominate hydrologists to carry out an independent survey of the scheme.· Last week, I asked readers to nominate which character they would vote out of the soaps.· In early 1966 Hayes was asked to nominate any prisoners he felt should be transferred to these new secure prisons.· Since centres would be the best judged to make this kind of judgement, colleges were asked to nominate potential prizewinners.
1to officially suggest someone or something for an important position, duty, or prizenominate somebody/something for something Ferraro was the first woman to be nominated for the job of vice president.nominate somebody/something as something She has been nominated as Best Actress for her part in the film ‘Forever Together’.nominate somebody to do something I nominate John to represent us at the meeting. see thesaurus at suggest2to give someone a particular jobnominate somebody as something Next year Mr Jenks will retire and Mr Broadbent will be nominated as his replacement.nominate somebody to something She was nominated to the legislative council.




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