

单词 newsletter
newsletternews‧let‧ter /ˈnjuːzˌletə $ ˈnuːzˌletər/ ●●○ noun [countable] Examples
  • the church newsletter
  • They publish seven newsletters on investments.
  • Couper publishes the results in the departmental newsletter and sends positive comments along to the officers who receive them.
  • Find enclosed the member's card for the Cool cats club and two newsletters! hope you enjoy reading!
  • Good for letters, memos, reports, proposals, and some newsletter articles.
  • Instead of routinely tossing frequent-flier program newsletters into the trash bin, peruse them for upcoming bargains.
  • The group has proposed the launch of an independent monthly newsletter to address these and other issues.
  • Two newsletters have already gone out to all staff, and these will continue in the months to come.
  • We are rushing out this newsletter in time for the first summer festival, at Kings Heath Park.
word sets
abstract, nounagony aunt, nounagony column, nounannual, nounanthology, nounantiquarian, adjectiveappendix, nounarticle, nounauthor, nounautobiography, nounback, nounbackslash, nounbackspace, nounballoon, nounbanner headline, nounbestiary, nounbest-seller, nounbibliography, nounbibliophile, nounbind, verbbinder, nounbinding, nounbiographer, nounbiography, nounblackout, nounbold, adjectiveboldface, nounbook, nounbookbinding, nounbooklet, nounbookmark, nounbookmobile, nounbookplate, nounbookseller, nounbookshop, nounbookstall, nounbookstore, nounbound, adjectivebox, nounbraille, nounbroadsheet, nounbrochure, nounbubble, nounbulletin, nounby-line, nouncalendar, nouncaption, nouncarry, verbcatalogue, nouncentrefold, nounchain letter, nounchapbook, nounchapter, nounchequebook journalism, nouncircular, nouncirculation, nouncity desk, nouncity editor, nounclassified ad, nounclip, nounclipping, nouncodex, nouncol, collection, nouncolour supplement, nouncolumn, nouncolumnist, nouncomic, nouncomic strip, nouncommentary, nouncommentator, nouncompanion, nouncompendium, nouncomposition, nouncompositor, nouncontribute, verbcontributor, nouncopy, nouncopy editor, nouncopyist, nouncorrespondent, nouncoursebook, nouncover girl, nouncover story, nouncross-refer, verbcross-reference, nouncutting, noundaily, noundesk, noundiarist, noundiary, noundictionary, noundime novel, noundirectory, noundog-eared, adjectivedoorstep, verbdotted line, noundraft, noundraft, verbDTP, noundust jacket, nouned., edit, verbedition, nouneditor, nouneditorial, nouneditorship, nounemend, verbencyclopedia, nounentry, nounerratum, nounet al, adverbet cetera, adverbexclusive, nounexposure, nounexpurgated, adjectivefeature, nounff, figure, nounfiller, nounfinancial supermarket, Fleet Street, fly leaf, nounfolio, nounfollow-up, nounfont, nounfootnote, nounforeword, nounformat, nounformat, verbfrontispiece, nounfull-page, adjectivefull stop, nounfunny papers, noungagging order, galley, noungazette, noungazetteer, nounghost, verbghost writer, noungloss, noungloss, verbglossary, nounglossy, noungonzo journalism, noungossip column, noungraphic design, nounguide, nounguillotine, nounhack, nounhagiography, nounhalftone, nounhandbill, nounhandbook, nounhardback, nounhardcover, nounheading, nounheadline, nounheadline, verbheadword, nounhistory, nounhumorist, nounillustrate, verbillustration, nounimpression, nounimprimatur, nounimprint, nounindent, verbindentation, nounindex, nounindex, verbinsert, nouninset, nouninset, verbinstalment, nouninterpolate, verbISBN, nounissue, nounitalicize, verbitalics, nounjacket, nounjournal, nounjournalese, nounjournalism, nounjournalist, nounjourno, nounl, landscape, nounlayout, nounleader, nounleading article, nounleaf, nounletter-size, adjectivelibrary, nounlimited edition, nounlined, adjectiveLinotype, nounliterature, nounlocal paper, nounlocal rag, nounloose-leaf, adjectivelower case, nounmag, nounmagazine, nounmanuscript, nounmargin, nounmasthead, nounmezzotint, nounmicrofiche, nounmisprint, nounmonograph, nounmonthly, nounmorocco, nounmuckraking, nounN/A, N.B., news, nounnews agency, nounnewshound, nounnewsletter, nounnewspaper, nounnewsprint, nounnews release, nounnon-fiction, nounnote, nounnotebook, nounnotice, nounnumber, nounobituary, nounoffprint, nounoffset, adjectiveomnibus, nounop. cit., open letter, nounorgan, nounoverleaf, adverboverprint, verbp., pagination, nounpamphlet, nounpamphleteer, nounpap, nounpaparazzi, nounpaper, nounpaperback, nounpaperboy, nounpaper girl, nounpaper round, nounpaper shop, nounpara, passage, nounpaste-up, nounperiodical, nounpersonal ad, nounpersonal column, nounphrasebook, nounpicture book, nounpiece, nounplate, nounpocketbook, nounpp., prequel, nounpress, nounpress baron, nounpress box, nounpress conference, nounpress corps, nounpress cutting, nounpress gallery, nounpressman, nounpress office, nounpress release, nounprint, verbprint, nounprinted matter, nounprinter, nounprinting, nounprinting ink, nounprinting press, nounproblem page, nounproof, nounproofread, verbpublication, nounpublish, verbpublisher, nounpublishing, nounpull-out, nounquarterly, adjectivequarterly, nounquarto, nounquire, nounquotation, nounquote, verbrag, nounreader, nounreadership, nounreading, nounream, nounred ink, nounreference, nounreference book, nounreference library, nounrelease, verbreprint, verbreproduce, verbreproduction, nounreproductive, adjectivereview, nounreview, verbreviewer, nounrevise, verbrevision, nounrider, nounroman, nounsans serif, nounsaturation, nounscare story, nounscoop, nounscoop, verbsection, nounserif, nounset, verbsilk screen, adjectivesketch, nounslipcase, nounsmall ad, nounsoft porn, nounsource, nounspace, nounspine, nounsplash, verbspoiler, nounstay of execution, nounstop press, nounstory, nounstorybook, nounstringer, nounstrip, nounstrip cartoon, nounsub, nounsub, verbsubedit, verbsub-editor, nounsubheading, nounsubscribe, verbsubscriber, nounsubscription, nounsuperscript, adjectivesupplement, nounsymposium, nounsyndicate, verbtable, nountabloid, nountext, nounthumb index, nountitle page, nountome, nountract, nountreatise, nountrot, nountype, nountypeface, nountypescript, nountypesetting, nountypographer, nountypography, nounvanity press, nounvellum, nounvignette, nounvol., volume, nounweekly, nounwell-thumbed, adjectivewoodblock, nounwrite-up, noun
· The group has proposed the launch of an independent monthly newsletter to address these and other issues.· He concluded by thanking vice-chairman Tony Rudgard who has produced the useful monthly newsletter for parish councillors.· Cuttings that should come to everybody's attention quickly can be pinned to the library noticeboard or contained in a monthly newsletter.· Many also issue a monthly newsletter giving investment advice.
· Clients who buy through this service will receive a quarterly newsletter.
· Others could be informed by the circulation of a regular newsletter.· Other duties will include writing a regular newsletter.· Benefits of membership include: A regular newsletter giving early personal notification of events.· Clients also receive a regular newsletter and benefit from a securities management service.· A regular newsletter keeps people in touch and a whole series of social events are undertaken.· Both schemes include an annual awards event and regular newsletters.· Updates in our regular newsletter on national and international developments and activities.
· The partnership hopes to receive more than $ 160 million, according to industry newsletter Thrift Liquidation Alert.
· He concluded by thanking vice-chairman Tony Rudgard who has produced the useful monthly newsletter for parish councillors.· They produce a newsletter about their internships.· The school may also produce a newsletter for parents and governors which might contain short accounts of Compact activities.· The Compact itself may produce a newsletter which will be circulated to governors, teachers, parents and employers.· He also produces the village newsletter which is funded by the parish council.· It's also flexible; anyone who wants to produce a newsletter, brochure or advertisement will find it meets their needs.· In addition, some of the larger Group companies produce individual newsletters to inform employees on events specific to their own companies.· Branches produce newsletters, local beer and pubs guides and run beer festivals.
· Elefriends, the elephant protection charity, publishes adult and junior newsletters.· They have been allowed, however, to publish their own newsletters and bulletins, but their circulation has been strictly limited.· It develops and distributes appropriate educational aids and publishes several newsletters and journals.· It will publish a bi-monthly newsletter.
· Clients who buy through this service will receive a quarterly newsletter.· As a member of a local group you can receive a newsletter and attend regular social meetings.· Do all the Governors automatically receive copies of newsletters?· Clients also receive a regular newsletter and benefit from a securities management service.· I enjoy receiving the newsletter and I read it with great nostalgia.· Once reassured, he often consented to receive the newsletter, perhaps to get his caller off the line.
· Other duties will include writing a regular newsletter.
a short written report of news about a club, organization etc that is sent regularly to people who are interested:  The society publishes a newsletter twice a year.




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