

单词 monoplane
monoplanemon‧o‧plane /ˈmɒnəʊpleɪn $ ˈmɑːnoʊ-/ noun [countable] Examples
  • During 1909-1910, Charles Fletcher, Works manager, designed and built a monoplane and a biplane.
  • He designed a small single-seat monoplane which could be used for little but fun flying and possibly racing.
  • Leon Levavasseur's Antoinette monoplane of 1910.
  • Of all-metal construction, the Firefly F.I was a cantilever low-wing monoplane with an alclad-covered monocoque fuselage.
  • The monoplane wing comprised a lengthy parallel-chord centre section, with tapered outer panels incorporating Frise-type ailerons.
  • The huge monoplane had to achieve a speed of fifty miles an hour to become airborne.
word sets
aerial, adjectiveaero-, prefixaerobatics, nounaerodrome, nounaeronautics, nounairborne, adjectiveaircraft, nounaircrew, nounairfare, nounairfield, nounairline, nounairliner, nounair pocket, nounairport, nounairship, nounairsick, adjectiveairspace, nounairspeed, nounairstrip, nounair terminal, nounair traffic controller, nounairway, nounairworthy, adjectivealtimeter, nounapron, nounautomatic pilot, nounautopilot, nounaviation, nounaviator, nounballast, nounballoon, nounballooning, nounbank, verbbarrage balloon, nounbiplane, nounblack box, nounblimp, nounboarding card, nounboarding pass, nounbulkhead, nounbusiness class, nounbuzz, verbcabin, nouncaptain, nouncarousel, nounceiling, nouncharter flight, nouncheck-in, nounchock, nounchopper, nounchute, nounclub class, nouncontrail, nouncontrol tower, nounco-pilot, nouncowling, nouncraft, nouncrash landing, noundeparture lounge, noundepartures board, noundirigible, noundisembark, verbdive, verbeconomy class, nouneject, verbejector seat, nounfin, nounflap, nounflier, nounflight, nounflight attendant, nounflight deck, nounflight path, nounflight recorder, nounflight simulator, nounfly, verbflyby, nounflyer, nounflying, nounflypast, nounfree fall, nounfuselage, noungate, nounglider, noungliding, noungondola, nounground, verbground control, nounground crew, nounground staff, nounhangar, nounhang-glider, nounhang-gliding, nounhelicopter, nounhelicopter pad, nounheliport, nounhijacking, nounholding pattern, nounhot-air balloon, nounhydroplane, nouninbound, adjectivein-flight, adjectiveinstrument panel, nounjet, nounjet engine, nounjet-propelled, adjectivejet propulsion, nounjoystick, nounjumbo jet, nounjump jet, nounland, verblanding gear, nounlanding strip, nounlayover, nounlift, nounlight aircraft, nounlounge, nounlow-flying, adjectivemicrolight, nounmonoplane, nounnavigation, nounno-fly zone, nounnose, nounnosedive, nounnosedive, verboverfly, verbparachute, nounparachute, verbparachutist, nounpilot, nounpilot, verbpitch, nounpitch, verbplane, nounplot, verbpod, nounpressurized, adjectiveprop, nounpropeller, nounradio beacon, nounrefuel, verbripcord, nounroll, verbroll, nounrotor, nounrudder, nounrunway, nounseaplane, nounseat belt, nounshort-haul, adjectiveski plane, nounskycap, nounsonic boom, nounspoiler, nounsteward, nounstewardess, nounstrut, nounswept-back, adjectiveswoop, verbtail, nountailspin, nountake-off, nountaxi, verbterminal, nountest pilot, nounthrust, nountouchdown, nountransit lounge, nountransport plane, nounturbojet, nounturboprop, nountwin-engined, adjectiveundercarriage, nounupgrade, verbvapour trail, nounwheel, verbwindsock, nounwind tunnel, nounwing, nounwingspan, nounwingtip, nounzeppelin, noun
a plane with only one wing on each sidebiplane




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