

单词 money supply
money supplyˈmoney supˌply noun [singular] Examples
  • A policy of targeting money supply is also criticized by Keynesians for similar reasons.
  • Council member Helmut Hesse said the Bundesbank is likely to cut interest rates again if money supply growth fails to pick up.
  • Here, the recorded money supply falls while spending increases.
  • In other words, the realized change in the money supply is fully anticipated and hence.
  • The authorities should adopt a rule for the rate of growth of the money supply and should stick by it.
  • The system would probably need strict control of money supply too, keeping its growth in line with national wealth.
  • Tomorrow, revised November industrial production and December money supply figures are released.
word sets
bob, nounbureau de change, nouncent, nouncentime, nounchange, verbC-note, nouncoin, verbcoinage, nounconvertible, adjectivecrown, nouncurrency, nouncurrency peg, nound., decimalization, noundenomination, nounDeutschmark, noundevalue, verbdime, noundinar, noundollar, noundoubloon, noundough, noundrachma, nounducat, nounexchange rate, nounfarthing, nounfifty, numberfirm, adjectivefiver, nounfive-spot, nounfloat, verbforeign exchange, nounFr, franc, noungold, noungold card, noungroat, nounguilder, nounguinea, nounhalf crown, nounhalf dollar, nounhalfpenny, nounha'penny, nounhard currency, nounkrona, nounkrone, nounKrugerrand, nounlegal tender, nounlira, nounmark, nounmill, nounmint, nounmint, verbmoney, nounmoney supply, nounnickel, nounnote, nounp., paper money, nounparity, nounpence, nounpennies, penny, nounpennyworth, nounpetrodollars, nounpiece, nounquarter, nounquid, nounrand, nounrate of exchange, nounrevalue, verbriyal, nounrouble, nounruble, nounrupee, nounsawbuck, nounshekel, nounshilling, nounsilver, nounsilver dollar, nounsingle, nounsingle currency, nounsixpence, nounsoft currency, nounsovereign, nounsterling, nounstrong, adjectivetenner, nounthreepence, nounthreepenny bit, nountraveller's cheque, nountuppence, nountuppeny, adjectivetwopenny, adjectiveweaken, verbyen, nounyuan, noun
technical all the money that exists in a country’s economic system at a particular time:  his policy of controlling the money supply and cutting public spending




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