

单词 monarchic
monarchmon‧arch /ˈmɒnək $ ˈmɑːnərk, -ɑːrk/ ●○○ noun [countable] Word Origin
1400-1500 Late Latin monarcha, from Greek, from mono- (MONO-) + -archos (from archein ‘to rule’)
  • After independence in 1968, Sobuza became the ruling monarch of the new country.
  • I would rather starve in a ditch than accept the fortune of a monarch upon such wicked terms.
  • In a court in which obsequious obedience to the monarch was the rule.
  • In defending itself so thoroughly against the monarch, the milkweed became inseparable from the butterfly.
  • Payment could be made to the monarch himself or it could be made to the current holder of the office.
  • Premier John Major and the monarch discussed the historic moves during his weekend stay at Balmoral.
the male ruler of a country, who comes from a royal family: · George III was the king of England at that time.· King Harald V of Norway
a woman who rules a country because she is from a royal family, or the wife of a king: · She became queen when she was only 14 years old.· Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
a king or queen: · The bishops were appointed by the monarch.
a country that is ruled by a king or queen, or this type of political system: · Britain is a constitutional monarchy.· Some people want the monarchy to be abolished.
the son of a king, queen, or prince, or the male ruler of a small country or state: · Prince Rainier of Monaco· The prince will inherit the throne when his father dies.
someone such as a king, who has official power over a country and its people: · the ruler of Babylonia· General Musharraf was the former military ruler of Pakistan.
the ruler of an empire (=group of countries): · the Habsburg emperors of the 19th century· Emperor Hirohito
formal a king or queen: · It was hoped that a meeting of the two sovereigns would ease tensions between the countries.
someone who governs instead of a king or queen, because the king or queen is ill, absent, or still a child: · Edward II left his friend Gaveston as regent.
formal the position of king or queen: · Warwick was a loyal servant of the crown.
accession, nounaccredited, adjectiveaide, nounambassador, nounapparatchik, nounarchduke, nounassemblyman, nounassemblywoman, nounattaché, nounbadge, nounborough council, nouncaliph, nounchamberlain, nounchancellery, nounchancellor, nounChancellor of the Exchequer, nounchieftain, nouncity fathers, nouncity planning, nouncivil servant, nounclerk, nounclerk of works, nounCllr, commissioner, nouncomptroller, nouncongressman, nouncongresswoman, nounconsul, nounconsulate, nouncoroner, nouncouncillor, nouncouncilman, nouncouncilwoman, nouncourtier, nouncrown, nouncrown, verbcrowned head, nounCrown Prince, nounCrown Princess, nounCustoms and Excise, noun-cy, suffixczar, nounczarina, noundeputy, noundictator, noundignitary, noundiplomat, noundiplomatic, adjectivediplomatic corps, noundiplomatic immunity, noundispatch box, noundispensation, noun-dom, suffixdossier, noundrug czar, nounducal, adjectiveduchess, nounduchy, nounduke, noundukedom, nounelder statesman, nounembassy, nounemirate, nounemissary, nounemperor, nounempress, nounEurocrat, nounfigurehead, nounForeign Office, the, governor, nounGovernor-General, noungovernorship, noungubernatorial, adjectivehack, nounHome Secretary, nounimpeach, verbinaugurate, verbincumbency, nounincumbent, nounkhalif, nounkhan, nounlegate, nounlegation, nounlegislator, nounlocal council, nounlord, nounLord, nounmandarin, nounmarshal, nounmayor, nounmayoralty, nounmayoress, nounmember, nounMember of Parliament, nounMEP, nounMI5, nounMI6, nounminister, nounministerial, adjectiveminister of state, nounmission, nounmole, nounmonarch, nounmonitor, nounmotorcade, nounMP, nounNo. 10, occupy, verb-ocrat, suffixoffice, nounoffice holder, nounofficer, nounofficial, nounofficial, adjectiveofficialdom, nounofficialese, nounoverlord, nounpalace, nounpatriarchal, adjectivepatrician, adjectivePharaoh, nounplenipotentiary, nounPM, nounpost, verbposting, nounpotentate, nounPPS, nounprefect, nounpremier, nounpres., presidency, nounpresident, nounpresident-elect, nounpresidential, adjectivepress secretary, nounpretender, nounPrime Minister, nounprince, nounprince consort, nounprincess, nounproconsul, nounproconsulate, nounProvost, nounpublic servant, nounquango, nounqueen, nounqueenly, adjectiveQueen Mother, nounrajah, nounred tape, nounreeve, nounreign, nounreign, verbreshuffle, nounroyal, adjectiveroyal, nounroyalty, nounruler, nounsecretary, nounsenator, nounShah, nounsheriff, nounshogun, nounsovereign, nounsoviet, nounstatesman, nounsuccession, nounsultan, nounsultana, nountechnocrat, nountown clerk, nountown council, nountribune, nountriumvirate, nountroika, nountsar, nountsarina, nountzar, nountzarina, nounundersecretary, nounvice-president, nounviceroy, nounvizier, nounVP, nounwalkabout, nounwatchdog, nounwhip, nounWhite House, noun
· An absolute monarch, the Amir governs through an appointed Cabinet.· Second, it shows how in antiquity an absolute imperial monarch used the arts to bolster his rule.
· Norodom Sihanouk is now king, as a constitutional monarch.
· The child's father is the reigning monarch.· An auspicious day in cutter history as it was the first instance of the reigning monarch travelling by revenue cutter.
· The wings of the monarch butterfly, for example, contain powerful heart-stopping poisons called cardiac glycosides.· The caterpillars of the monarch butterfly, surprisingly, are able to feed on milkweed without taking any of these precautions.· Both the caterpillar and adult of the monarch butterfly are distasteful to their enemies.· For example, the pollen of modified crops had already been shown to be poisonous to monarch butterfly larvae.
  • She was the titular head of our hareem.
  • Some thought it odd to see the retired Frank Kush out there, as titular head of the football program.
a king or queenmonarchic /məˈnɑːkɪk $ -ɑːr-/monarchical adjective:  the old monarchical system




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