

单词 minimalism
minimalismmin‧i‧mal‧is‧m /ˈmɪnəməlɪzəm/ noun [uncountable] Examples
  • And after a long dry season of neutrals and minimalism, perhaps fantasy fashion is a good thing.
  • Herbert Ypma is talking about the merits of minimalism in interior design.
  • His linguistic minimalism can also be effective-his low-key description of a hanging is quite the most harrowing I've read.
  • That was the 1920s: a fairly depressing sort of minimalism.
  • The overbearing sophistication of conceptualism and minimalism did not guarantee success in art for anyone.
  • The patriarchal principle surrendered class solidarity to myopia and minimalism.
  • The roots of this new fascination can be traced back to the heart of minimalism.
  • Very trendy new hotel run by Christina Ong, the Met adheres to the current fad for minimalism.
word sets
aesthete, nounagitprop, nounart gallery, nounartist, nounartwork, nounavant-garde, adjectivebaroque, adjectivecapture, verbceramics, nouncharacter, nounclassical, adjectiveclassicism, nouncompere, nouncontemporary, adjectiveconvention, nouncreative, adjectivecritical, adjectivecrossover, nouncubism, nouncultural, adjectiveculturally, adverbculture, nouncurator, nouncycle, noundrama, nouneisteddfod, nounepic, nouneponymous, adjectiveerotic, adjectiveerotica, nouneroticism, nounexhibit, verbexhibit, nounexhibition, nounexpress, verbexpression, nounexpressionism, nounextract, nounfictionalize, verbfigurine, nounfin de siècle, adjectiveflashback, nounformalism, nounfuturism, nounglaze, verbglaze, nounGothic, adjectivehandcrafted, adjectivehandicraft, nounhandmade, adjectivehigh priest, nounhistorical, adjectiveinterpretation, nounItalianate, adjectivelowbrow, adjectivemagnum opus, nounmarquetry, nounmasterpiece, nounmasterwork, nounmature, adjectivemedium, nounMFA, nounmiddlebrow, adjectiveminimalism, nounmotif, nounmuse, nounnarrator, nounnaturalism, nounneoclassical, adjectivenotice, nounoeuvre, nounoffering, nounopening, adjectiveopus, nounpan, verbparody, nounpastiche, nounpattern, nounpiece, nounpop art, nounportfolio, nounpostmodernism, nounprequel, nounpreview, nounproduce, verbproduction, nounrealism, nounrealistic, adjectiverehash, verbreview, nounreview, verbromantic, nounromanticism, nounroyalty, nounrubbish, nounsalon, nounscenario, nounscene, nounsensuous, adjectivesentimental, adjectivesequel, nounsequence, nounset piece, nounsetting, nounShakespearean, adjectiveshowing, nounskit, nounstory, nounstudio, nounstylistic, adjectivesurrealism, nounswansong, nounsynopsis, nountitle, nountrilogy, nountwo-dimensional, adjectiveuncut, adjectiveunexpurgated, adjectivevillain, nounwork, nounwork of art, noun
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounminimumminimalismminimalistadjectiveminimalminimumminimalistadverbminimallyminimumverbminimize
a style of art, design, music etc that uses only a very few simple ideas or patternsminimalist adjective:  minimalist Christmas decorationsminimalist noun [countable]




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