

单词 meter
meter1 nounmeter2 verb
meterme‧ter1 /ˈmiːtə $ -ər/ ●○○ noun [countable] Word Origin
1-3 1800-1900 -METER
  • a gas meter
  • the taxi meter
  • Each time Joe Consumer retrieves a file from a commercial server, the payment meter is ticking.
  • Heating is normally charged separately, often by coin meter.
  • The City has installed 300 of the meters in West Portal to test their reliability.
  • The four Brent and two Ninian meters measure the incoming oil from offshore.
  • Their invention was an electricity meter controlled by signals from the power company.
  • Token meters are also available from most gas regions.
word sets
AC, accessory, nounadapter, nounaerosol, nounalarm, nounarm, nounash, nounattaché case, nounbag, nounbar, nounbarrel, nounbeep, verbbeeswax, nounbell, nounbelly, nounbelt, nounbench, nounbenzine, nounbinding, nounbiro, nounbolt, nounbooth, nounbox, nounbox, verbbrad, nounbriefcase, nounbristle, nounbrolly, nounbrush, nounbucket, nounbuckle, nounbuffer, nounbulb, nounBulldog clip, nounbulletin board, nounbullhorn, nounbung, nounbunting, nounbusiness card, nounbutt, nounbutton, nounbuzzer, nouncable, nouncalling card, nouncan, nouncandle, nouncane, nouncarbon, nouncarbon copy, nouncarbon paper, nouncard, nouncardboard, nouncardboard, adjectivecardboard cut-out, nouncard catalog, nouncarrier, nouncarrier bag, nouncarryall, nouncart, nouncarton, nouncartridge, nouncase, nouncaster, nouncatch, nounCellophane, nouncesspit, nounchain, nounchalice, nounchannel, nounchart, nounchute, nouncitronella, nounclamp, nouncleat, nounclip, nounclipboard, nouncomb, nouncombination lock, nouncompartment, nouncord, nouncrank, nouncrate, nouncrepe paper, nouncycle, noundetector, noundial, noundigital, adjectivedisposable, adjectivedrape, verbdrawing pin, noundryer, noundurable goods, nounDurex, nounearplug, nounelastic band, nouneraser, nouneyelet, nounfabric, nounfelt-tip pen, nounfemale, adjectivefence, nounfiberglass, nounfibreglass, nounfigurine, nounfilament, nounfile, verbFilofax, nounfire extinguisher, nounfirewood, nounfitness, nounflag, nounflagon, nounflagstaff, nounflashlight, nounflat, adjectivefloodlight, nounfoam, nounfoam, verbfog, verbfolder, nounfoolscap, nounforecourt, nounfountain, nounfountain pen, nounframe, nounfunnel, nounfuse, noungadget, noungadgetry, noungargle, verbgas, nounglue, noungoggles, noungold card, noungranny knot, noungravel, noungravelled, adjectivegravelly, adjectivegrease, noungreetings card, noungrommet, noungum, noungun, noungunnysack, noungut, nounhand-held, adjectivehandle, nounhandloom, nounharness, nounhasp, nounhealth, nounhessian, nounhinge, nounhip, nounhoarding, nounhoist, nounholder, nounhook, nounhoop, nounhooter, nounhose, nounhosepipe, nounhub, nounhygiene, nounhygienic, adjectiveillness, nounindented, adjectiveinflatable, adjectiveingrained, adjectiveink, nouninn, nouninnkeeper, nouninsoluble, adjectiveivory, nounjacket, nounjack-knife, nounjoss stick, nounjuggle, verbkey, nounkeypad, nounkey ring, nounKleenex, nounknife, nounknob, nounlabel, nounladder, nounlantern, nounlatch, nounlatchkey, nounlather, nounlather, verbLCD, nounlead, nounlectern, nounlegal pad, nounlens, nounletterbox, nounlever, nounlibrary, nounlid, nounlidded, adjectivelift, nounlight, nounlight bulb, nounlink, nounlinseed oil, nounlitter bin, nounlock, nounlodestone, nounlog, nounloop, verblost property, nounmagnet, nounmagnetic, adjectivemagnifying glass, nounmale, adjectivemantle, nounmanual, adjectivemarker, nounmarker pen, nounmarket day, nounmast, nounmastic, nounmatchstick, nounmaterial, nounmeter, nounmeths, nounmode, nounmortar, nounmortise lock, nounmould, nounmounting, nounmovement, nounnail, nounnameplate, nounnet, nounnib, nounnipple, nounnon-standard, adjectivenoose, nounnotebook, nounnotepad, nounnoticeboard, nounnozzle, nounnut, nounoil, verboilcan, nounoily, adjectiveorb, nounoutfit, nounoutlet, nounovernight, adverbpack, verbpackage, nounpad, nounpad, verbpadlock, nounpaintwork, nounpantyliner, nounpaper, nounpaperclip, nounpasserby, nounpaste, verbpasteboard, nounpatron, nounpatronage, nounpatronize, verbpattern, nounpaving, nounpearl, nounpen, nounpenknife, nounpicket fence, nounpillbox, nounpince-nez, nounpinhead, nounpipe, nounpix, nounpizza parlor, nounplug, nounpocket, nounpocketbook, nounpocket calculator, nounpocket knife, nounpointer, nounpoison, nounpole, nounportfolio, nounPost-it, nounpowder, nounpowdered, adjectivepropellant, nounpropelling pencil, nounpump-action, adjectivePX, nounquarter, verbrack, nounreceptionist, nounreel, nounrefill, nounreflector, nounrefrigerate, verbregimen, nounreservation, nounreserve, verbsachet, nounsack, nounscratchpad, nounscratch paper, nounscreen, nounsealant, nounsealer, nounsearchlight, nounseason ticket, nounseat, nounself-assembly, adjectiveseptic tank, nounservice, nounservice, verbsetting, nounshade, nounsharpener, nounshovel, nounshovel, verbshovelful, nounsilver paper, nounsiphon, nounslat, nounslice, verbslot machine, nounslug, nounsmoke, nounsoot, nounsort, nounspare part, nounspigot, nounsponge, nounspool, nounspout, nounspray, nounspray can, nounspray paint, nounspring, nounstaff, nounstake, nounstalk, nounstandard, nounstaple, nounstapler, nounstationery, nounsteam, nounsteam clean, verbsteel, nounsteel wool, nounstepladder, nounstick, verbstick, nounsticker, nounstilt, nounstopper, nounstorm lantern, nounstrap, nounstreamer, nounstring, nounstub, nounsucker, nounSuperglue, nounswipe, verbswitch, nounswivel, nountab, nountack, nountag, nountag, verbtank, nountap, nountape, nountassel, nountattle, verbtea break, nounthong, nounthread, nountime-saving, adjectivetinder, nountinderbox, nountissue, nountop, nountote bag, nountowel, verbtray, nountrolley, nountube, nountubing, nountwine, nountwo-way mirror, nounumbrella, nounvent, nounvial, nounwaiting room, nounwasher, nounwaste paper, nounwatch, nounwaterspout, nounwheeled, adjectivewhistle, verbwooden, adjectivewriting paper, noun
 A man came to read the electricity meter. The taxi driver left the meter running while I ran in to pick up my bags.
 Shelton fed the electricity meter.
· If conservation measures were adopted, the report said, the forests could cope with 9.2 million cubic meters a year.· They put an upper limit of 4.6 million cubic meters on annual timber extraction.
· The former building firm supervisor has been tending the 200 square meter allotment near his Newton home for the past eight years.· He added the group is now trying to select the site for the 660, 000 square meter plant.· Here are more varieties of living creatures crammed into a square meter than anywhere else on the planet.· That translates into about 2, 800 square meters of arabie land for each person on earth.
· He admitted stealing £85 from the electricity meter and burglary involving £10.· Consumers complained about unaffordable debt repayment settings on both gas and electricity meters.· Hugh was busy telling the assembled how best to fiddle your electricity meter.· Their invention was an electricity meter controlled by signals from the power company.· Mr Pat Roberts for installation of a coin operated electricity meter.· Read in studio A faulty electricity meter is being blamed for starting a house fire which left six people in hospital.· The electricity meter caught my eye as I came up.· You need a special electricity meter for this.
· The gas meter and pipes were only inches away.· He says that if the fire had melted the gas meter, there would have been an explosion.
· Capital expenditure was switched to current accounts, and parking meters and town halls leased to private companies.· I took his parking meter space in part-payment for my woman.
· In any event, they are adjusted one way or the other at the next meter reading.· It may prove useful for load management, but it does not solve the meter reading problem.· Take a meter reading off an area of grassland and lock in.· Or it may contain data such as an electricity meter reading.· The changes for domestic customers with quarterly accounts are effective from the first meter reading after April.
· The watchdog sees more purpose in changing demand with domestic water meters.· As only about 1 percent of households have water meters, there's still little information on how metering works in practice.· Many customers will have to foot the bill for water meters, which most companies will eventually install.· The system allows gas, electricity and water meters to be read.· This period can be reduced if you are allowed to install the water meter yourself.· Friends of the Earth say water meters are the only answer.· Friends of the Earth agree; they're calling for the introduction of water meters.
· While feeding the meter I had a sudden blank on whether my meter was in front or behind my car.· Only when the user has fed coins into the meter does the electricity flow.
· Terrassa-based Telecom Valles, which provided 50% of the cash for the project, developed and installed the meter system.· The City has installed 300 of the meters in West Portal to test their reliability.· This period can be reduced if you are allowed to install the water meter yourself.· The customer would need to install a meter capable of recording usage by the hour.
· The problem of destruction of, and theft from, parking meters is City wide and costs this authority a great deal.· The double white stripe is for show, as are the two parking meters.· BOutside, the valet parkers lean against the parking meters.
· Is Big Brother reading your meter?· Electricity, gas and water companies have sought many years for a way to read meters without visiting the customer's premises.· That way, when you had a fire mission, you would read this 400-meter change on your plastic cursor.· Understand and use simple rates; e.g. £ per hour, miles per gallon. Read meters and dials of various types.· The utilities also have announced they will read meters every other month and use an estimate between readings.· Electricity: read meter on arrival and departure - cost is ten pence per unit to cover standing charge as well as unit cost.· Manville glanced over the driver's shoulder, reading the meter.
· Diesel smoke Vehicles with diesel engines will be checked for smoke emission, using smoke meters.· We never used the meter monitors as the eyes and ears of the police force.· The company also saw nearly a halving of complaints against it and is hoping to widen the number of people using meters.· A security officer from a nearby building appeared with a piece of metal which possibly had been used to attack the meter.
1a machine that measures and shows the amount of something you have used or the amount of money that you must paywater/gas/electricity meter A man came to read the electricity meter. The taxi driver left the meter running while I ran in to pick up my bags.2a machine that measures the level of somethingsound-level/light etc meter3 (also parking meter) a machine which you put money into when you park your car next to it4the American spelling of metre
meter1 nounmeter2 verb
metermeter2 verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theymeter
he, she, itmeters
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theymetered
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave metered
he, she, ithas metered
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad metered
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill meter
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have metered
Continuous Form
PresentIam metering
he, she, itis metering
you, we, theyare metering
PastI, he, she, itwas metering
you, we, theywere metering
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been metering
he, she, ithas been metering
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been metering
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be metering
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been metering
  • The gas is metered and they send you a bill every three months.
  • They've introduced a system of metering the amount of water used in a household.
  • Water use is metered in most Sacramento homes.
Longman Language Activatorto measure something
to find out the size or amount of something, by using a special tool, machine, or system: · Can you measure the desk to see if it'll fit into that corner?· The GNP figures measure the rate of growth in the economy.· Electrodes were attached to his chest in order to measure his heart rate.measure something at something: · Seismologists in Japan measured the earthquake at 7.7 on the Richter scale.· Some species of python have been measured at over 28 feet long.
to find out how heavy something is by measuring its weight with special equipment: · Weigh all the ingredients carefully before mixing them together.weigh yourself: · Every time I weigh myself I seem to have got heavier!
to measure how long it takes for someone to do something or for something to happen: · We timed how long it took us to get there.· The swimming teacher always times us over 100 metres.be timed at 20 miles per hour/3 minutes etc: · The fastest big cat, the cheetah, has been timed at over 60 mph.
to measure how hot someone is, how fast their heart is beating etc, as part of a medical examination: take somebody's pulse/temperature/blood pressure: · My mother took my temperature and sent me back to bed.· The doctor will take your blood pressure and check your weight.
to look at the number or result that a piece of equipment is showing when you are using it to measure something: · Someone came to read the electricity meter this morning.· The nurse read the thermometer and told me that my temperature was normal.
use this when a number or result often changes: · Scientists took readings over several weeks and found that there was no unusual volcanic activity.
to measure how much of something such as gas, water, or electricity is used, so that the companies supplying the gas etc know how much their customers should pay: · The gas is metered and they send you a bill every three months.· They've introduced a system of metering the amount of water used in a household.
to guess or judge in advance how much something will measure, use, cost etc, according to all the things that affect it: · Recent polls have gauged the president's support at 85% or more.gauge how many/how much etc: · When all the figures are available, it should be possible to gauge how much we'll need to spend.
to measure the size, speed etc of something and keep the information so that it can be used later: · Police recorded his speed at 99.04 miles per hour.· Last year the company recorded a profit of £1.4 million.
formal to measure something and express it as a number or amount, so that it can be counted and compared to other amounts: · Just quantifying your financial goals will make you feel more in control of your future.· In the UK, the operation will not be performed until the risks are better understood and quantified.difficult/hard/impossible etc to quantify: · It's difficult to quantify how long it will take to finish the project.
acre, nounacreage, nounavoirdupois, nounbaker's dozen, nounbalance, nounbarometer, nounbaseline, nounbasin, nounbaud rate, nounbearing, nounbecquerel, nounblack box, nounboiling point, nounbottle, nounbox, nouncalculator, nouncalibrate, verbcalibration, nouncc, centi-, prefixcentimetre, nouncircumference, nouncl, clock, verbcm, cu, cubic, adjectivecubit, nouncup, nouncupful, nouncwt, daylight saving time, noundeci-, prefixdecibel, noundecimalization, noundeflection, noundegree, noundensity, noundepth, noundimension, noundipstick, noundisplacement, noundoz., noundozen, numberelevation, nounfactor, nounfathom, nounfl oz, fluid ounce, nounfoot, nounft, g, gage, noungal, gallon, noungauge, noungauge, verbGB, Geiger counter, noungigabyte, noungill, noungirth, noungm, graduated, adjectivegraduation, noungrain, noungram, noungramme, noungrid, noungross, adjectivehandful, nounhectare, nounhertz, nounhigh, adjectivehundredweight, nounimpedance, nounimperial, adjectiveinch, nounindicator, nouninstrument, nounjoule, nounkarat, nounkg, kilo, nounkilo-, prefixkilogram, nounkilometre, nounkm, knot, nounl, latitude, nounlb, league, nounlength, nounlight year, nounliter, nounlitre, nounlow water mark, nounmax, nounmaximum, adjectivemean, adjectivemeasure, verbmeasure, nounmedian, nounmedium, adjectivemegaton, nounmelting point, nounmental age, nounmeter, nounmeter, verb-meter, suffixmetre, noun-metre, suffixmetric, adjectivemetrication, nounmetric ton, nounmg, MHz, microsecond, nounmile, nounmillennium, nounmilli-, prefixmillibar, nounmilligram, nounmillilitre, nounmillimetre, nounminus, adjectiveminute, nounml, mpg, mph, nano-, prefixnanosecond, nounnautical mile, nounounce, nounoverweight, adjectiveoz, pace, verbpart, nounpedometer, nounpint, nounplus, adjectivepoint, nounpound, nounpunnet, nounqt, quantify, verbquart, nounradioactive dating, nounradius, nounrain gauge, nounread, verbreading, nounrecord, verbreset, verbrev, nounrotation, nounrpm, rule, nounruler, nounscale, nounsea level, nounsea mile, nounseismograph, nounsensor, nounset square, nounsextant, nounsnowfall, nounsoundings, nounsq., subsonic, adjectivesundial, nountherm, nountimberline, nountog, nounton, nountonnage, nountonne, nountroy weight, noununit, nounvoltmeter, nounvolume, nounwatch, nounwatt, nounwattage, nounweighbridge, nounweight, nounwidth, nounwt., yard, nounyardage, nounyardstick, nounyd, zero, number
 Shelton fed the electricity meter.
to measure how much of something is used, and how much you must pay for it, by using a meter:  All our water is metered now.




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